Chapter 3

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Thursday, 7:57am.

The shine of the morning sun bursted through the still slightly open window. Blinding him. He groaned and put his face into his pillow.

"...." he said nothing and stayed like that for awhile, before realising that he forgot to close his window.
"Ugh fuck... i forgot..." he stood up, walking very wobbly, closed the window, closing the blinds a bit and looked down.
"Oh. I am still holding you." Wilbur said as he lifted up his shark to his face. He sighed, letting his arm fall down again and looking outside.
"Just another stupid day."

Everyday is stupid.

He threw his shark plush on the bed and went to the kitchen for breakfast.
Wilbur sat down, eating some cerial, but he still felt tired.

"Why am i still tired... i slept for so long... what gives.."


Something didn't add up right. Has he actually slept that night or what was up with his memory?


'Just keep eating Wilbur. You can't be that tried, ... can you? No..  no no. That would dumb. Right?' he thought.


"I'm.. i'm tired..." he said. He didn't know why he felt so tired and it certainly was getting to him.
"I don't want to fall asleep... please.. no." he quietly mumbled.
He got up, leaving his food behind and wobbled back to his bed, but right as he entered it, Will fell face first on the ground, which made a loud thud and quickly passed out because of it.
He breathed in and out very long and slowly, almost looking like a dying person.

. . .

1 hour

. . .

4 hours

. . .

What time is it?

. . .

Wilbur groaned and woke up.
"Ow.. ow ow.." what was this sudden pain? he thought.
"Why am i- ... huh?" he was still laying on the ground, almost like a corpse, he tilted his head to the side. Will slowly pushed himself up, but his arms left weak. Luckily he did manage to at least sit up, he then brought his hands up to his face to touch it.
"Ow! What the hell..." there was only a little dryed blood, that came from his nose. Where his head layed was also a bit of that blood, but it was barely noticeable. He could feel the crusty blood on his upper lip.
"..ew .." Wilbur stood up, with the support of his bed and trying to make his way to the bathroom.
It took a little while to get there, but when he did he cleaned himself up.
Atleast it wasn't that far away.
He looked at himself in the mirror, noticing how horrible he looked.


"... oh god..." he mumbled and tried to go back to his room as quickly as he could.
"No way i look like that. Pfff- no way no." Will told himself and didn't even bother to clean the small part of blood on the floor. He just took his phone and looked at the time.
"Almost 4pm already?? Jeez... what the hell.."


"Oh yea. I wanted to go to the bar today later." he smacked his forehead, smiling awkwardly.
"How could i fucking forget! Hahaha!"
his laugh slowly faded away.




"But what do i do now? I don't have to stream, since i just did that a day or two ago? I think, i forgot." he kept talking to himself in his room, on his bed. He could've taken a shower, but that's alot of effort. So no. Already ate. What was there to do. He took his phone again and was surprised by missed calls from Phil, from many hours ago.
"Phil? ... Whatever." Wilbur ignored it and listened to some music, while staring around his room.
"I just have to wait now. ... Great."

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