Chapter 4

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Friday, 3:41pm.

Today, no sun was shining on his face. No bright lights blinding him. Just darkness and a disgusting smell coming from near by.
Will coughed and coughed, his eyes very heavy. Everything was hurting, so much. Moving any limb seemed almost impossible. He tried his best to move very slowly, but god it hurt so much. Moving away from whatever that disgusting smell was.

'It smells so bad... my god..' he thought.
'Why is it so dark here...? Where am i ...?'

He slowly rolls more and more away from that smell and the thing that gave him darkness was slowly going away.
Until he bumps into something hard.

"Ouch.. what.."

Will tried to get the darkness away from him and when he did, all the bright light just suddenly came shinning on him. Somewhat.


He was just under his big jacket, bumped on the side if his bed and the smell? That's the vomit from a many hours ago. Unluckily for him it was also all over him, he probably tossed and turned at times. But he couldn't lay on the ground like this forever, the people would give him a warning for making a big mess and what not.

'This is the only place i have, the only one... i have to get up and clean everything.   .. . but everything hurts... i can't bring myself to do this. This requires so much... so much energy.
... .. . that i don't even have.' he thought.

Will desperately tried to get up.

'Either you get up now and clean all of your mess or things will end badly for you.'



Will tried to get up, slowly. Getting up to quickly and he would just get dizzy and fall down again. He supported himself on the bed, his jacket falling off his back and on the ground. Even if it's hard as hell, he managed to sit on bed and looking down at his mess.

'Why though...'
'Just do it!'

He sat on the bed for a few minutes, before wobbly going to the kitchen and getting a wet towel, a dry one and a small bucket. All of this is just awfully exhausting, but he had to do it.
Tears were rolling down his blank, but definitely in pain face. They wouldn't stop pouring down.
Will slowly cleaned up everything, his jacket that he later sloppily threw in the hallway and after all of the hard work of cleaning, he placed the towels and bucket in the bathroom sink. Towels actually on the side on the sink, since he needed to empty the bucket first.
There was no way he was going to the kitchen again to clean that shit. Bathroom was closer anyway.
He sighed, blinked slowly and putting no real effort in actually cleaning those towels and that bucket.

'That waterfall is awfully strong today aswell. Sorry, i shouldn't cry.'

".. looks alright, i guess.." Will mumbled and sloppily walked back to his room, while taking off his sweater and pants.
The boy kicked his jacket, feeling something hard.
".. oh yea, my phone." he murmured,  picked it up and continued on his short way, picking up his pillow and blanket aswell.
He layed down on his bed immediately.
Placing his phone under his pillow, he also slowly searched for something from under his bed.
"Where is that stupid bottle..." he whispered and then finally felt and grabbed it. Also whining a little, while he lifted it up.
'Fuck man...'
Will finally got the bottle up to his face and slowly sitting a bit up.
'Only a little bit of water...' he thought as he opened the bottlecap and took a few sips.


He placed the bottle back under his bed and layed back again. Under his comfy blanket and hugging shark plushie.
'What a great day...' he mouthed as he whipped his tears on his shark buddy.
It can't do anything. No talking, no judging, no nothing. It's just a plushie afterall.

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