Chapter 2: The Future King

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A/N: Here's a kind of funny photo above which I attached for your amusement. Just look at Zazu's petrified face, hehe. Anyway, I do hope you enjoy this chapter and accept my sincere apologies for the delay and intense wait. Don't forget to vote and comment if you found it just as enjoyable as I did in the process of writing this. Have a jolly day, dear reader!

The scenery changed as dark clouds rolled in the sky, providing a coat of shade over the dry savanna. A luscious green acacia tree stood alone, waiting for the first sprinkle of rain. At last, the atmosphere turned wet and damp, the starting of water-drops began from the deep blue sky.

Drenching downpours of refreshing rain showered over the whole place, restoring the natural green of trees and grass and permitting the rivers to flow with deserved water for animals. As this continues, a tremendous storm roiled on, joining the scenery with rumbling thunder and streaking lightning. Amongst of all these, a large baobab tree stood alone on the vast savanna. It was known to be inhabited by a well-distinguished old mandrill who was appointed by the Great Kings to hold the place of the Royal Mjuzi. Rafiki.

He was working on a painting while muttering inaudible words at the moment. As lightning provided some form of illumination in the dim tree, the painting of a lion cub became visible.

"Ah." He took another half of a gourd after using up the first one for more paint. He observed his mostly finished work before laughing to himself. He dipped his right thumb into the liquid and smeared it across the painted cub's forehead as a mark.



A young lion cub appeared on the very peak of Pride Rock, looking ahead at the sun slowly rising as the new dawn lightened the deep blue sky. He raised his tail up and smiled at the radiant sight, only to race away into the cozy den where a large pride of lionesses, together with one dominant lion with his partner on a high rock, was having a well-deserved slumber.

"Dad! Dad!" The cub called out to his father, the King. "Come on, dad, we gotta go! Wake up!" On his way to the Rulers' Rock, (Author: let's put it that way) Simba clumsily jostled around between the crowd of sleeping lionesses.

"Oof!" One of them exclaimed.



He made his way to his parents, "Dad!" He was only responded with Mufasa's continuous snoring. His expression turned sour. "Dad." Mufasa didn't even stir from his sleep. At this stage, Simba became impatient, "Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad--"

"Your son is awake," Sarabi mumbled to Mufasa.

The lion replied, still his eyes were closed, "Before sunrise, he's your son."

"Dad!" Simba continued, "Come on, dad." He tugged at his father's ear as a way to wake him up, but lost his grip and skidded away out of view. "Whoa!" He emerged again for another try, this time, headbutting right into Mufasa's face. At last, Mufasa was awoken. He opened one of his eyes, sleep still pulling at them.

"You promised!" Simba glared at him.

Seeing that the cub wouldn't budge, he gave in, "Okay, okay. I'm up, I'm up."

"Yeah!" Simba grinned at his accomplishment, scatting excitedly towards the exit while Mufasa let out a loud yawn which woke Sarabi.

The two lions retreated out the den to see Simba already outside. The energetic lion cub bounced up to his loving mother and rubbed against her leg affectionately before she gave him an encouraging nudge to his rump. She watched the father-son duo ascend Pride Rock with a warm smile.

The Lion King (Written Version) │By Manha Zaman (WriterManha08)Where stories live. Discover now