Encanto OC #1

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Name; Bella Madrigal

Age: 16

Sexuality: Bisexual, doesn't have a preference

Family: Bruno (Father), Maria (Mother/Deceased), Abuela Alma (grandmother), Abuelo Pedro (grandfather/deceased), Julieta (Aunt), Augustine (uncle), Pepa (aunt), Felix (uncle), Dolores (cousin), Camilo (cousin), Antonio (cousin), Isabela (cousin), Luisa (cousin), and Mirabel (cousin).

Friends: Doesn't really have any, but considers Mirabel and Camilo friends.

Pets: Have two mice named Jesus and Mary

Have Gift?: Yes

Type of Gift: Telekinesis. She doesn't use it much in the village unless Abuela specifically tells her to. She'll use her powers when she does many things at once or helps Mirabel in Casita.

Looks: Lightly pigmented skin, jade-colored eyes that glow when her powers are active, long dark brown curly hair (got the length and color from Maria and curls from Bruno), light freckles littered across her nose and cheekbones. She normally wears a green dress with green shoes and the sleeves stop at her elbows. The dress also has pockets for her mice to hide in. She normally wears her hair in a half up half down braid and green ribbon, some loose curls framing her face.

Personality: She's usually withdrawn when in town, considering no one really appreciates her power. She's also withdrawn from most of the family except for Camilo, Mirabel, Julieta, Augustine, and of course her father. When with them, she's shown as funny, smart, witty, and kind. 

Likes: Her mice, Mirabel, the mornings outside, her tios and tias, and her father

Dislikes: Abuela, Isabela, spiders, people who talk badly about her father and don't even bring up her mother.

Backstory: Bruno met Maria when he was giving her family a vision. Eventually, the two fell in love and got married, and before long had Bella. The three of them spent much time together. In fact, Bruno and Maria would sneak Bella out of the nursery, and bring her to Bruno's room to spend time together. But this happy family didn't last long though. When Bella was two, Maria was helping some of the villagers leave the side of a mountain that was notorious for rock falls. The earth began to shake and rock was about to crush a kid. Maria quickly pushed the kid out of the way but was crushed by the weight of it, leaving a heartbroken Bruno with their child. Thankfully, instead of trying to block out his daughter, Bruno took great care of her and loved her to bits. He'd tell her stories about her mother and how much the two loved each other. There was a catch. Alma was just as saddened as the family when Maria died so suddenly. But she needed to preserve the family's legacy. Thinking it was best, she forbade anyone to utter Maria's name or even have pictures of her. A small locket Bruno had that he was going to give his wife before she died was the last known picture in Casita of Maria. When Bella was 5, it was her gifting ceremony, which was an exciting and emotional day for the family. She was so scared to go up to her door alone, so Bruno walked with her to her door and celebrated more than the rest of the family. One year later, after Bruno had the vision of Mirabel, he was ready to withdraw from the family, but he remembered. Bella. He promised himself that he wouldn't leave her alone. He came into her room and said a see you later to her before he began making his hideout in the walls. A year later, Bella found where he was and wanted to tell the family, but he said he couldn't return yet. Even at 7 years old, Bella understood and promised she'd visit as much as possible. From that day on, Bella has known that Bruno has lived in the walls. Some nights, when everyone has fallen asleep, he'll sneak into Bella's room just to tuck her in and promise her one day he'd come home. However, when Bella turned 11, she started coming by less to the point where she visited once a month. It wasn't that she didn't love her dad anymore, but she still hurt that he wouldn't come home. 

Movie Role: In the movie, while trying to help Mirabel, she's also finding out more about her month, up to how she died after Casita collapsed. And before Bruno runs in to defend Mirabel, he finds his daughter and apologizes so much. Bella was just happy to have her dad back and finally know her mother, who she was, and how she died.

Other: She likes to bake and cook with Julieta when they aren't serving the community

Voice Claim: Hayden Panettiere

Theme Song: There's Always Tomorrow----Rudolph The Rednose Reindeer (her mother sang this song to her when she was a baby, so she'll hum it occasionally).

Password: We Don't Talk About Bruno

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