The misunderstanding

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~thanks for the idea :) 

Cody's pov

Today I was going to do a surprise visit to noah because I had traveled for almost two weeks and I missed him

I got ready and went to his house, arriving there the door was unlocked, but Noah never leaved the door unlocked when he is alone, I started to enter the house worried and saw him in his bedroom...kissing EMMA!?  I couldn't understand but all I could do was run out of Noah's house crying, I slammed the door and ran to the park 

I really didn't understand he told me he loved me! All he said were lies? And why would he go back to Emma? I know they dated and had a good relationship but then they broke up because Noah figured he was gay, so why?

I stopped running once I got to the park now walking with tears running down my cheeks,I went to a tree where I used to go every time I got sad, the tree had a beautiful view to the lake and the it had my and Noah's initials carved inside a heart 

I remember when Noah and Izzy carved it, that the day Noah asked me to be his boyfriend, recalling that made me cry even more, I sat by the tree and slept for about 10 minutes.

 I was woken up by why cellphone was Noah calling probably to know how my day was

I answered the phone but all I said was

Cody: you're a liar Noah 

Noah: what do you mean?!

then I ended the call and didn't answer his other calls I tuned my cellphone off and slept again

Noah's pov

This past days have being really boring without Cody, I went out with Izzy, Eva and sometimes with Owen too but it wasn't the same without him here, today I got a call from Emma, she is my ex but we ended in good terms and now we're friends, she asked me if I could help her with her make up for a date

Since I didn't have nothing to do I accepted,  anyways we are friends now, and I like to do make up on people so I think it's a win win 

Emma arrived and we went to my bedroom so I could organize her make up on my desk, I asked her to sit on my chair and started to do her make up

I was almost finishing I just needed to do the eyeliner so I held on of her cheeks to be easier and did it normally but as I finished I heard my door being slammed, I got scared and ran to the living room but there was nothing I got confused I went back to the bedroom trying to forget that and Emma thanked me an told me she had to go or she would be late for her date so I said goodbye and laid on my bed tired 

I got my cellphone to check the time and saw it was almost the time I called Cody to check if everything was ok 

I called him and he answered me normally but then he told me I was a liar and ended the call, and by the short sentenced he said I could notice he was crying I tried to call him again but he didn't answer so I decided to go to his house and see if he had arrived

as soon as I got to Cody's house I entered with my spare key and saw his bags were there but he wasn't, I was getting really worried so I got out the house and closed it.

now knowing that he is in town there was only one place he could be, I ran to the park with my heart in my hands, as I got to the tree where Cody went when he was sad, I saw him sleeping next to the tree so I went there and hugged him,I got so scared that something may had happened to him 

Noah: you scared me to death Cody!

I saw him slowly wake up and then look at me with a disgusted and shocked face while pushing me away

Cody: go away! I don't want to see you!

Noah: tell me what is happening I don't understand

Cody: stop playing dumb

Noah: I'm not playing dumb! just tell me what happened and I'll leave you alone!

Cody: I saw you fuking kiss Emma!

I got shocked and looked him in the eyes 

Noah: so you were the one who slammed my makes sense..

I couldn't think straight, it scared me the fact that Cody had cursed like that, he never does that not even when we end up fighting. I looked at him noticing he clearly was not ok, he was breathing heavily and his eyes were shinning while he held back his tears 

Cody: please just go away..

Noah: no I won't go away, not until I tell you what actually happened 

Cody: I saw it Noah! stop it!

I got my cellphone and tuned it on opening instagram, Cody looked at me confused, I opened Emmas instagram where she posted a story thanking me for the make up and another story on her date 

Noah: see all I did was her make up I would never cheat on you Cody, you understood it all wrong, yes I was close to her while doing the make up but as I said I don't fell attraction for Emma 

Cody looked at me with is blue eyes full of tears, I hugged him and he hugged me back 

Cody: I'm sorry...

Noah: shh, it's ok

we stayed in like that for sometime but then we got up and went to my house where we watched some movies with a lot candy just like Cody loves, and I got to enjoy my boyfriend's presence again after all the time he was gone.

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