"we have to talk"

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Cody's pov 

after the "accident" me and Noah haven't talked.I'm still totally embarrassed just by looking at him but still I don't want us to just keep ignoring each other, so there is only one solution ,we have to talk ! 

He probably won't want  to but I can't just give up like that, I can't let an accident ruin our friendship,well I guess I call it that.To be honest I think he just sees me as a rock in his shoes but whatever, maybe he just needs to know me better to notice how awesome I am!

Trent: Cody..codyy...CODY!

Cody: hey don't need to yell like that,I'm listening!

Trent: you clearly weren't listening ,what going up dude you're acting strange, I'm getting worried 

Cody: oh,that.....

Trent: keep on 

Cody: ok so you remember THAT thing that happened with me and Noah

Trent: oh,the ear kiss ?

Cody: shhhh someone will hear you

Trent: so I'm right ?

Cody: yeah 

Trent: umm what about it? like it was just an accident 

Cody: I know but ever since that Noah has been ignoring me !

Trent: well I kinda understand him,he must be super embarrassed

Cody: I'm also embarrassed! But still I don't want to just be ignored

Trent: I get what you're saying,maybe you just have to give him some time,no?

Cody: to me it has already been enough time 

Trent: it has just been a day

Cody: as I said enough time 

Trent: ok then,so why don't you try talking to him?

Cody: you see that's kinda of the issue, I don't know what to say

Trent: you could just approach him as if nothing happened and if he still keeps ignoring you tell him you want to talk and that you think that the way he is dealing with what happened isn't correct

Cody: seems like a good idea,thanks Trent 

Trent: no problem,just remember to tell me how it went 

Cody: don't worry you will be the first to know,have to go now bye

Trent: bye and be careful

ok this is it! fist I have to find Noah and then put my plan on work 

Noah's pov 

this is awful I can't even concentrate enough to read my book, I just want to shove my head in a hole and never come out 

Cody: heyy Noah what you reading?

seriously?! even tho I keep ignoring him,he keeps coming back as if nothing happened  

Cody: helloooo Noah,are you listening?

you know what I'm going back to the cabin,if I can't read I could at least get some sleep and avoid Cody

Cody: wait up! where are you going ??

I swear if he follows me I'm gonna cry, aaaa I can't with this anymore please someone get me out of here!

Cody: Noah! stop ignoring me! we can talk this out 

Noah: there is no talking,just leave me alone

Cody: hey you talked ! this is already a start,couldn't we just talk for a little bit alone?

Noah: no 

Cody: pleaseeee I promise I won't bother you anymore after it 

Noah: you know what, ok, I will give you five minutes and done

Cody: deal! but I think this is not the best place for the conversation follow me 

Noah: fine 

five minutes??! I have to be insane

*short time skip*

Noah:  so what do you wanna talk about so badly?

Cody: well i think you already know,the same reason you ignoring me 

Cody's pov 

wow I didn't think he would be this embarrassed he's turning red!

Noah: so what there's nothing to it 

Cody: of course there is! or you would't be ignoring me!

Noah: ok then, tell me but be quick time is going 

Cody: I just think we could still be friends,you seem like a pretty cool dude and ending it like this would be a waste,so please could we just pretend it never happened ?

Noah: fine,honestly all I want is forget about it 

he seems calmer now, that's good, thanks Trent

Cody: sooo friends?

Noah: yeah fine 

Cody : yay!

Noah: stop it ! I said we could be friend not that you could hug me !

Cody: aww don't be such a party popper Noah, a hug sometimes is good!

Noah: whatever 

Cody: just admit you like my hug 

Noah : shut up I'm already letting you hug me 

Cody: finee

*some time later* 

Trent's pov 

Cody: Trentt!!

Trent: oh hey there seem like someone is happy,so I assume it all went well

Cody: yep you're right were back to being friends, he even let me hug him,technically 

Trent: good for you you dude 

friend huh you seem a little to happy,fool yourself Cody but you're not fooling me 

Cody: hey why you're laughing 

Trent: oh it's nothing don't worry

~focused a little on Trent's and Cody's friendship cause I miss them but hope you like it <3

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