Nina 2

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Summary: Part Two of Nina and Fabian's Summer Adventure

Evie's Notes: Happy Friday! I hope you all had a wonderful week . Thank you again for your continued support, it truly means the world to me 💜! I hope that you all continue to love this story and enjoy this update 🌺.


Nina slowly awoke to a killer headache. As the last few moments came back to her, she tried to keep her breathing even and steady and screwed her eyes shut tight. Hopefully her attacker wouldn't notice that she had woken. If the past two years with The Society and Rufus had taught Nina and her friends anything, it was how to survive a kidnapping.

Her body pitched forward as the vehicle she was in lurched to a stop. She forced herself to remain limp as her body was thrown around roughly.

"Yeah, yeah I got the girl, boss, no clue who it is" translated Nina.

Cracking her eyes open, Nina peered around her surroundings to the best of her abilities without giving herself away.

Sensing that her attacker was focused on his call, Nina began to build her escape plan. The car she was in was an older model with the locks on each individual door handle. She hoped that if she timed it just right, she could flick the lock with her foot without catching his attention. Achingly slow, Nina flipped the lock switch. The quiet flick led to her freezing in fear, but her captor continued on, seemingly unaware.

"Yeah I'm bringing her back to the apartment, we're almost there. I'd rather find out what she knows before we do her in... of course I'll do it Boss! Look, I need to focus on the road so I'll buzz you back later... Bloody harpy".

As the car began to slow down, Nina told herself that it was now or never. In a flash, Nina put her Sibuna skill of 'Not Thinking - Just Acting' into practice as she pushed open the door and braced herself for impact as she hurtled towards the ground.

As soon as her back hit the pavement, a jolt of pain raced through Nina. The screech of tires and the slamming of a car door signaled that her escape had not gone unnoticed.

Pushing herself up, Nina forced herself to keep moving, she knew if she stopped for even a moment her attacker would overtake her.

Her head pounded as her feet slapped against the pavement. Whatever had been on that cloth was clearly not doing her any favors. Curving sharply, Nina hurried down a dark alley, hoping to throw off her pursuer.

Unfortunately the alley was a dead end. Feeling the walls closing in on her, Nina searched desperately for an escape route. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted a door mostly concealed by debris. Knowing that she wouldn't get another shot at escape if she didn't move now, Nina ran to the door.

Tossing aside the broken beams, Nina hurried to clear away the debris while praying that the door would be unlocked. Shockingly after she cleared the final piece of rotted wood, the knob turned easily, though when she went to push it open the door was stuck.

"Come on... Come on" begged Nina. "Please don't do this!"

What would Patricia do in this situation? And unfortunately, Nina knew exactly what the girl would do.

So rolling up her sleeves, Nina took several steps back before running at top speed into the door. Luckily her half-cocked plan worked and she found herself tumbling through the now splintered wooden door and splattered onto the floor.

She didn't have long to celebrate her success as the sound of pounding footsteps reminded her of the imminent danger she was facing. Pushing herself up off the floor she tightened her hair scarf before taking off down this next alley hoping to lose her attacker.

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