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Summary: Joy, Patricia and Eddie's Summer Road Trip.

Evie's Notes: Happy Thursday! I hope you all had a wonderful week . Thank you again for your continued support, it truly means the world to me 💜! I hope that you all continue to love this story and enjoy this update 🌺.


"Dying is easy, it's the coming back that is tricky"

"Joy are you angstily monologging to our audience again" called Eddie, sticking his head into the tiny home's office.

"Eddie get out, I'm on a live"

"What up world! Eddie Miller, drummer of the Second Hand Heroes hollering at ya!"

"You are such a weirdo"

"Takes one to know one little J"

"Oh my gods, go hang with Patty."

"Sounds good. See you later little Sis."

"I'm older than you"

"Doesn't matter I'm taller"

"Not how that works... sorry everyone. Back to our weekly updates, our single 'Key of Life' has been blowing up the charts thanks to all of you".

Joy spent a couple more minutes answering fan questions before wrapping up the live session. Opening the door of the makeshift office, Joy stepped out into the tiny home's living space to hang out with her best friends.

*Winds of Change - Winds of Change - Winds of Change*

When Joy's 11th year had wrapped up, she had been worried about going home for the summer holidays. She normally would have stayed with Patricia, but the girl planned to travel with Piper for most of the summer. While she had been invited to join the pair, Joy felt weird about encroaching on the sibling's special time and had resigned herself to spending the summer trying to awkwardly avoid her father.

Luckily Eddie, in true superhero fashion, had swooped in and offered her the opportunity to spend the summer with him in America. Apparently, given his mother's work schedule Eddie would just be sulking around the house waiting for the new semester to start, so he was thrilled to have her stay with him. The pair had a ton of fun planning their summer adventure. They had spent a good portion of the holiday with Eddie's mom when she wasn't working at the hospital. Eddie introduced her to all of his friends and showed her around his hometown. Joy was kept busy with prepping University application essays, writing new songs and going on late night/early morning adventures with her best friend.

Things only got better when they reached the final month of the holidays. Patricia flew in to join them in Georgia after traveling Europe with Piper on the classical music circuit. Joy was over the moon to have both her best friends here with her, plus it seriously cut down on Eddie's facetiming. The trio borrowed a friend's recently renovated school bus and set off on a crazy cross country trip to see all of the sights that Patricia and Joy had only dreamed of with Eddie as their unofficial and unconventional tour guide.

*Winds of Change - Winds of Change - Winds of Change*

The trio were currently in the Rocky Mountain National Park and Patricia had the bright idea that they should go hiking.

"This is my life now. I have climbed this hill and now I will die upon it" whined Joy dropping down onto a nearby log. She had officially had enough.

"Shut up Joy," laughed Patricia. "We've only been hiking for thirty minutes".

"But it feels like an eternity" whined Eddie.

Winds of Change: House of AnubisHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin