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Summary: Alfie's 18th birthday, summer jobs, beach shenanigans, Missy and Amber make an appearance, heart to hearts and so much more this week on Winds of Change 💗.

Evie's Notes: Happy Saturday! I hope you all had a wonderful week . Thank you again for your continued support, it truly means the world to me 💜! I hope that you all enjoy the final update of this story 🌺. Scent of Lavender will go live next week, but in the mean time, enjoy this final piece of summer vacation!


"Alfie, I love you from the bottom of my heart" began Lili. "But I certainly don't trust your cooking. Stay out of my kitchen".

"But Lili!"

"No buts! If you step a single toe over that door frame I will end you".

While it was certainly nice to have time away from school, summer break always brought its own variety of challenges.

Given Alfie, Lili and the Clarke siblings' difficult relationships with their parents, the group of four had decided to pool their resources and book a rental for the summer. Lili contributed a section of her Glitz and Glam sales to their summer fund. Jerome had started saving part of his paycheck from the Frobisher library after he successfully paid back the sketchy private investigator he had hired. Alfie worked a handful of odd jobs throughout the year including running magic shows and classes for the younger years. Given that the Exhibit had moved on and they were no longer at school, the boys had searched out jobs around their flat. Alfie had taken a temporary job at a record shop. Jerome had used his previous experience working on the Treasures of Ancient Egypt Exhibit and had snagged a job running the social media platforms for the local museum.

"Go bother Jerome, and let me finish up this cake" ordered Lili.

"I can't, he's still at work" pouted the boy. "Please just let me help"

"No way! You deserve an edible birthday cake, Alfie. Why don't you go ask Poppy to play cards?"

"Fine..." sulked the boy, heading out of the room in search of the younger girl.

Pulling out her cell, Lili flipped through her contacts to click on Jerome's name. Humming to herself as she waited for her phone to connect.

"Hello?" answered Jerome's voice.

"Hey, Roe. How's work going?" she asked

"I want to stab everyone here"

"Hmmm. Well don't get blood on your suit. Remember we have reservations for Alfie's birthday dinner tonight at six"

"Sounds good. Thank you for enabling me" teased Jerome.

"Love you too" laughed Lili. Hanging up the call, she turned her focus back to finishing her best friend's birthday cake.

*Winds of Change - Winds of Change - Winds of Change*

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Alfie, Happy Birthday to you!" sang Lili, Jerome and Poppy as the group sat around their dining room table.

"Aww! Thank you guys!" replied Alfie, before taking a deep breath and blowing out his eighteen candles.

"Woohoo! Let's cut the cake" cheered Poppy, snagging the large knife and excitedly carving up the carrot cake Lili had baked.

"This looks so good Lils"

"Thanks Alfie. I hope it tastes good too!"

"What did you wish for?" asked Poppy.

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