ARC 2 - Chapter 5: The Adventure.

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Narrator's POV:

After packing up, our friends went on a journey. They walked far away from home. Headed towards the Library in Town of Lacota.

They went through many different biomes, each one had their own unique enviroment. They climbed a small mountain. Going far from home.

3 hours passed by...

Cupa: *huff puff* *gasp* W-Were here...!

Rick: God that was a tiring trip...

Andr: Why are you guys tired?

Cupa: S-Shut up, Andr...! *huff* You can teleport!

Andr: *giggles*

Our friends then walked into town and start finding the library.

They then went around and asked the people for where the Library is.

Rick: Hmm?

Rick: *whispers* Oi! You two! Keep your hood on!

Andr & Cupa: *whispers* Sorry!

2 hours ago... (before the group arrived at the town)

Rick: Actually... What are we going to do about you two?

Rick: The people there would freak out.

Cupa: About that...

Rick: Imma go get some stuff for you guys to hide yourself.

Rick then brought back 2 robes w/ hoods to hide Cupa & Andr's face.

Present time

Our friend then found the library. It's a big library. Theres a huge sign that says "Library of Lacota" on wall outside the library.

Cupa: *whispers* Alright! Lets find information about Rick!

Our friends then opened the door and walked inside the library. Inside the library was hundred thousands of books. Place on many shelfs that goes almost all the way up to the ceiling.

Cupa: Woah! This place is so big!

The People: SSSSHHHH!

Cupa: *whispers* S-Sorry...

They then searched many books...

Cupa: "How to build a good house"... No thats not it.
"Cooking with Lacota"... No thats not it either.
"The Chosen One" Hmm? This seems familiar... I've seen this line somewhere before...
Oh! It was from the strange rock i found... What a coincidence...
Might aswell read it...

"From a long time ago, the world was in utter chaos... Ruled over by the most terrifying creature, the Ender Dragon. Everyone... Everything was destroyed... There seemed to be no hope. But a Hero appreared out of the sky and fought the Dragon. He defeated it and sealed him away from this World. He then disappeared just as sudden as when he arrived. From there on, the world was in peace once again. As for the Hero who defeated the Ender Dragon, people call him by The Chosen One."

Cupa: Hmm... What a weird story... The Chosen One...? I don't know but it just reminds me of something...

Rick: Cupa! Are you there?

Cupa: Oh? Y-Yes i'm coming!

Cupa thought: "The Chosen One... The Chosen One... Maybe... I should just stop thinking about it and focus on finding info about Rick..."

————END OF CHAPTER 5————

Viet2581: Hey guys is me here. Uh. How do i say this? I currently have a test going on in about the length of 2 weeks so my daily chapter uploads might decrease a little bit due to me having to study and stuff. Hope you guys understand. Chapter 6 being worked on right now, so stick around.

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