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It has been two quiet weeks since the night Alex came to your house and jade leapt through your open window. You had been going to school as normal everyday, nothing out of the ordinary unless you count Alex provoking Jade and Jade cursing him out ordinary. There was something about the dynamic they had that led you to believe there was more to them than what they led on and best believe you knew you were going to find that out sooner or later. One thing about you was that you are really patient. You believe you get it from your mom mostly. Your dad had told you he had a temper yet it never showed, I guess he had a temper with everyone else. You were willing to wait until you had a chance to find out the truth. You were at school walking with Jade when you saw a lot of the 'nosy mouth breathers' staring at you. Whispering, giving you looks. You turned to Jade to ask her if she sees what you see. The multitude of teens just murmuring about you, mumbling to their friends and peers. But she was on her phone oblivious to her surroundings. 'ugh she's not even that pretty', 'she's just the weirdo that sits behind me in class', 'how did she even become friends with THE Jade', 'apparently they're childhood friends but I'm not sure, it's probably just a rumour', 'I heard she's busy with Alex, I saw them flirting in the hallways the other day', 'oh please she's not even Alex's type'. The whispers sounding louder with each step you took. Every whisper was either a rumor, exaggerated truth or a full blown lie. You felt significantly uncomfortable and Jade noticed you tense next to her. "Hey what's wrong", she asks turning to face you and putting her phone away. One thing about Jade was if she sensed something was bothering you, she would always give you her utmost full attention, she would always drop everything to figure out why you seemed upset. You loved that about her because although it may seem so sweet sometimes, it can be really annoying when you are trying to sulk in peace. So both a blessing and a curse you suppose. "I feel like everyone is talking about me", you say insecurely, you always were the type of person who couldn't stand being in the middle of rumors and drama. You loved hearing about it but preferred to be in the shadows, listening in just in case your name was being thrown around without your knowledge. "what makes you say that", she asks as you both head down to your last class of the day. You couldn't wait to go home, you've been hearing people whispering about you since this morning but paid no mind. It was as if your lack of being bothered, bothered some people into being a little louder in their conversation of you. 'she's so ugly, look at her outfit what even is that'. You knew that voice, since the start of you going to school here, she has been the voice you have been hearing everytime you walk down any hall, you'd swear she was stalking you, not even being subtle about it. She always had something nasty to say and her clique had been hanging around you close by, watching your every move, expecting you to fail so they have something new to talk about. "I'm sorry, I didn't quite get that, what did you say? " Jade suddenly spoke. I guess she heard them. She glared at them clearly annoyed. When jade was angry, irritated or annoyed, her aura changed as if you switched the fairy lights in your room all cute and pretty to a deeper, darker colour, maybe black or red. It gives off daunting and intimidating and thats definite-. "I didn't say anything", the girl replied. She was a plain brunette, nothing necessarily exquisite about her features but her make up was a little loud, not too much to make you think she looks like a McDonald's clown but enough for her to stand out in a group of people who wear light makeup or no makeup at all. She had a slim body, a body every girl would want, and every guy would desire from a girl. She was confident that's one thing for sure and she seems like the leader of her clique, well good for her. "I'm pretty sure I heard something coming out of your mouth about my best friend Giselle", she said lowly, glaring straight into her eyes not even batting an eyelash. Giselle, that's her name, well her name definitely suits her, it's confident and it stands out, just like her. "I would never say anything about her, she seems like an amazing person", she strains a smile as she batts her eyelashes at us causing Jade to frown. "it better be my ears Jezebel", Jade says as she walks away from the group of girls with me trailing behind her. "It's Giselle not Jezebel", she tells over the crowd of students starting to head to their last class. "I know", Jade yells back as she doesn't even give her a second glance. "How'd you do that", I ask moving past the crowd of students hurrying to their classes on the other side of the school. "Howd I do what?" she asks raising an eyebrow to my question. I deadpanned as I knew she knew what I meant. "you know what I mean, how do you walk around like nobody could break your confidence", I ask her stepping in front of the door to her Physics lecture. "Because I believe nobody could break my confidence even if they tried, they can't touch this", as she raises and lowers her hands emphasizing herself as the main character. We both laugh  as I look at the time. "Wow, okay girl I'll see you after school I have to get to my IT class", I say as I give her a hug. "Yeah, but what have I told you for the past 2 and a half weeks", she asks raising her brow at me in a playful manner, knowing real well I know what she means. "Stay away from Alex, he is no good", I say smiling innocently knowingly leaving out her favourite part of the mantra. "And", she says crossing her arms over her chest and tapping her foot on the ground. "And Alex is a bitch" I yell running to my next class. "That's my girl" she yells smirking while I laugh dashing through the corridors although I wasn't late. "Language Miss Hathaway", "Sorry Mr Daniels", you yelled apologizing, embarassed that your teacher heard you curse, you try to avoid these certain things because you want them to be on your side, not as a teacher's pet but more like the good, respectful student you know. It just gets tricky with Alex around. You arrive to your class and go straight in, not planning on knocking since you realize you are a few minutes early. You shortened your break because you weren't quite sure how far your class was from Jade's class since she asked you to walk her. You turn around after closing the door and freeze in place. Standing in the middle of the class hunched over, tapping onto his laptop keyboard is Jason Osbourne in all his glory. His tie completely removed and a few of his shirt buttons have been unbottoned showing a glance of his muscled chest. His sleeves rolled up, showcasing his magnificent tattoos. His hair slightly disheveled letting you know his hand has ran through it multiple times today. His gaze lifted from his laptop to you as you had closed the door alerting him of your presence. His dark eyes staring at you, but lighting up as his eyes meet yours. "Am I in the wrong class", you say confidently, trying to break the ice as your eyes find interest in the floor. "Well this class is for IT students" he says, as your mouth goes in shape of the letter "O" in realization that you are indeed in the right class. "I'm guessing by the excited gleam in your eyes, you are in the right class", you refused to look up as you could feel his eyes burning into your skull. Embarassed you nodded your head and moved towards the seat at the back and made yourself somewhat comfortable. Taking out your phone, you quickly sent a message to Jade.

Guess what????


Jason is in my class right now!!!!

No way!!!!!

I'm serious!!!!!
He makes me so nervous!!!!

What do you mean, you're hot own it!!!
He certainly knows that!!!!

Stop!!!! But thank you☺️
Ugh he's tattoos are out, why did he have to be so hot😩


Not you crushing on someone that's older, didn't you say you only want someone your age😂

Ewww have you met people my age, I'd rather be single😑

I totally feel you, well atleast you have eye candy, I don't and this class is so boring, and I'm so bored😩

Sucks to be you, like I'm looking respectfully and disrespectfully if that makes sense😶👀
OH my, is he wearing a chain👀👀
I'm simping so hard right now

Girl you are distracting me, someone hot just walked in👀
OH my gosh I know him!!!! 👀
I just called him hot!!!! 😶
Girl I gotta go, class Is getting interesting, BYE BITCH love ya♥️

But who is it!!!!!
Fine love ya bitch♥️

You turned off your phone just as it got snatched away from you. "Hey! What are you doing with my phone", you yell as you stand up immediately to Jason dangling your phone from above. "You know phone's aren't allowed to be used in class", he slyly says as he slightly tosses your phone up and down letting you watch. "It's you're not allowed to use your phone DURING class and class hasn't started", you try to grab it but he quickly uses his height advantage to hold the phone higher. "I swear Jason if you drop my phone I will skin you alive then rip out your spine and use it as a belt", you say glaring deep into his eyes as he smirks playfully at your threat. "That's a pretty big threat coming from a pretty small person", he says, seeing your shock. Did he just call you short? "First of all there's nothing wrong with being short, Second of all, I'm like 5'5 if not 5'6 and Thirdly, give me back my phone!" You yell as you leap onto a chair then a table and jumping onto his back as you grab your phone in victory. One thing was crowding your mind and that was 'I can't let him see my messages, I haven't locked my phone'. Upon retrieving your phone, you suddenly realized you were on top of Jason with his hand on your thighs, keeping you safely latched onto him. Your legs wrapped around his torso, your arms wrapped around his neck, you hadn't realized you swiveled on him on your approach to retrieve your phone. You immediately loosen your legs that were tightly wrapped around him to secure your balance as you try to jump off him. He started moving not giving you a chance to let go as he moves toward your desk and slightly lowers himself so that you can latch off and sit on your desk. After doing so he turns around as he gazes at you seemingly trying to remember your current position on the table. "Well remind me to not take your phone from you again", he chuckles as he moves towards his seat earlier but packing his stuff up. You sit still as you watch him fix his shirt, fixing his sleeves by bringing them down and connecting the buttons, buttoning up his earlier unbottoned bottons on his Shirt, tying his tie and fixing it properly as he winks at you while leaving the classroom. Still stunned to what you did, you open your now 'manhandled by Jason Osbourne' cellphone and text out a message to Jade.

I think I felt Jason Osbourne's abs!!!!!! 😶

BITCH What!!!!!! 👀

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