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"Jade, what are you doing here"? You ask Jade sitting up letting her eyes meet yours.
"Oh! Lyla! There you are, I've been wondering where you've been?" She exclaimed smiling but the smile not fully reaching her eyes. Her heightened tone, her hand gently and subtly massaging her arm, her awkward stance. She seems uncomfortable? She's lying. These are things you have noticed are the habits she has when she lies, she usually doesn't lie to you but when she does these habits stand out to you because they are there only when she lies. "You didn't know where I was?" You ask her seeing her switch legs as she puts more weight on the other one. "Of course I knew where you were, why the sudden questions I'm here to take you home", she says nervously running a hand through her hair and looking anywhere else than your eyes. Oh this isn't a white lie, when she does all these extra habits, the lie is usually bigger but the distress on her face shows that this is probably tied into a bigger lie, bigger than any you have heard before because you have never seen her this nervous. It almost makes you uncomfortable yourself. "But you just said-" you tried to speak but she cut you off. "Anybody hungry?" It was unlike her for her to deviate from topics with meaningless conversation, she hated small talk but right now as her face fills with relief, you nod at her and she smiles. A sound you weren't familiar with went off and as you saw Jade open the door you chalked it up to the doorbell. "Oh you guys ordered pizza"? She asked as she took the pizza boxes and placed them on the island in the kitchen. "Yeah about 30 minutes ago" you said as you stood from the couch and stalked towards her, feeling your stomach growl in hunger. Jason seemed to stare at you in surprise and that when you realized he heard it. Absolutely embarassing. You all gathered your plates and sat on the couch munching on the pizza slices as Rush Hour played on the flat screen TV hogging a big part of the wall it's built into. After a couple hours you were passed out on the couch, all dishes in the sink with an unknown movie playing in the background. You know this because the same voices have been talking for about an hour now, you're a light sleeper. A documentary maybe?
"I just got out of the shower Jason can't we continue this tomorrow like normal human beings" you heard as you slowly started to open your eyes. It was soft almost inaudible but you still heard it. "you know well why we can't continue this conversation tomorrow and the reason is sleeping on the couch". That's definitely Jason. Why are they whispering? You thought to yourself as you sat up and lowered the volume on the TV, unnoticeable but still enough to hear better. "I know but there's nothing more I can tell you Jason, that's all I fucking know okay!" Jade whisper-yelled, her tone coming out irritated and exasperated. "Something doesn't feel right Jade, you know my instincts are never wrong", Jason growls as you stand up and walk to the room you've been in earlier. Jason's room?
You lean your head slightly onto the door and allow yourself to hear more. "Look, I get the fact you don't know her and your obvious trust issues are probably trembling with her here but she's harmless, there's nothing I haven't told you about her, she has nothing to hide, I would know. Plus she's my best friend, I know everything about her", Jade continues as her volume increases and Decreases with her annoyance levels as her conversation with Jason continues. "It's because of my trust issues and instincts I've survived this long Jade, something's off and my gut is yelling at me that we don't know enough". Who are they talking about? Who doesn't he trust? You thought to yourself while you listened on. "Well tell your gut to simmer down, it's being a drama queen, now if you don't mind I have an appointment with my hair brush, hair tie and mattress and I'm looking forward to only one of those so if you'll excuse me", she said, her feet moving closer to the door. In a panic you moved a few steps back and watched as the door opened and out walked Jade in a towel and annoyance plastered onto her face but her face softened when she saw you. "Hey you're up, how'd you sleep", she asked you holding on tightly to her towel as her full attention was on you and not on the scowling man behind her. "I slept well, but I wanted to ask where I could sleep in the meantime, but I didn't want to disturb... Whatever you guys have going on so", Jade's eyes widened as a light blush coated her cheeks until her surprise faltered and her faced twisted into one of disgust. "First of all it's definitely not what you're thinking. Second of all, EW!" She shivered as she fake gagged leading you to giggle quietly to yourself. "I'll lead you to the guest room and don't be afraid to make yourself comfortable", she said tugging on my arm and leading me upstairs. "Um, last time I checked this is my house Jade"! Jason yelled following quickly behind us as jade continued on. "Last time I checked you can kiss my ass Jace" she said as she stopped in front a door opposite what I assume is the bathroom considering the steam leaving the slightly creaked door of the room. "I'd rather choke on shit than kiss your ass", he said standing in front of the room's door with his arms crossed irritation clear on his face. "Well that can be arranged since you choke on your own bullshit occasionally", you slightly giggle to yourself as a word left your mouth before your brain could catch it. "Damn", The anger on Jason's face intensified as he looked towards you, his face tense. "What's so funny, I must have missed the joke", he said eyeing you as his hands dropped to his sides and his stance firm against the door. "Look I don't know what's going on but I haven't done anything", you held your hands up in surrender. "That's what I'm concerned about", his eyes drifted immediately to Jade who scoffed in return. "Okay Jason, we'll continue this tomorrow now could you please step away from the door, or else I'mma tell mother dearest how you've been treating Lyla and you know how she is about guests", Lyla looked at him victoriously as he moved out of our way reluctantly. He mumbled a couple words before heading downstairs to cool off for the night. "Good boy!" Jade yelled as he flipped her off and continued downstairs. "Fuck you!" he said as we both entered the room, jade cackling to herself while your face filled with amazement. The room she took you into had a softer aesthetic. The walls were a bright white while the windows stood tall in their glory. A grey carpet covered the white porcelain tiles that covered the room's floor with a grey table situated near the window with a lamp occupying the space. The bed looked queen-sized as it occupied a big space of the room, the headboard a bright light purple matching the purple and white pillows situated on the bed. It was simple yet looked absolutely stunning. It was a normal bedroom yet elegance had never felt so perfect. "Wow" you exclaimed as your eyes took it in. The portraits of abstruct black and white art hung on either side of the wall where your bed was centered giving this room an extra modern feel. You couldn't help but drop onto the bed and indulge in the softness of the duvet and the luscious feel of the mattress below it. "You like it"? Jade asked as she watched you find comfort in the plumpness of the pillows. "I feel like I'm floating", you said as Jade giggled at your reaction to the pillows. "Okay spill, what's up his ass"? You turned your head towards your best friend as she slipped a oversized t-shirt over her head and looked at you cackling. "oh please he's always like this, you'll learn to get used to it" she said combing through her hair as she tossed you an extra t-shirt to wear to bed. "His change in moods almost gave me whiplash, I woke up this morning to his flirting and I woke up this evening to his temper and now you're telling me this is a daily occurrence" you giggled as you took off your clothes and grabbed the oversized tee and pulled it over your head. "Flirting? When the man wakes up his angrier than this, the only 'flirting' I can truly say I've seen him do is aggressive complimenting" she laughed as she put her hair in a low ponytail and sat on the edge of the bed. "I'm not even kidding, he was shooting his shot, most probably to rile me up but it was a welcome morning compared to the ones I'm used to", you laughed tieing your hair up into a bun and opened up the covers. You looked up to see Jade's face deep in thought but before you could ask her what's wrong, you heard a knock on the door. Speak of the devil, you thought the minute Jason poked his head into the room after you muttered a soft 'come in'. "Hey I just wanted to apologize for my actions earlier, my argument was with Jade and not with you, I shouldn't have been rude to you and I'm sorry", he said sincerely, his eyes focused on you as he apologized. For some odd reason your heart leapt, it's not like you cared about his snappy remarks but the way he looked at you made your heart skip a beat. "What about me, I think I deserve an honest apology", Jade said snapping you out of the trance he put you in. You turned your head towards him as he replied. "No, you're a bitch and you know it". The offense reflected on Jade's face was priceless as she fired back. "A bad bitch you mean", she said confidently as you chuckled quietly giving her a silent high-five. "A stupid bitch is what you are", he retorted causing you to throw your head back and laugh harder than before. "If I wasn't so tired, I would rip out your vocal chords and use them as floss", she said starting to stand up and head towards his direction. "If you weren't so short, maybe you could", A playful rage made its appearance onto Jade's face as she tried to grip him in a headlock but instead he grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back and looked at you expectantly. "You accept my apology and I let her go", he playfully said, his eyes staring intently on yours awaiting your answer. After a couple seconds of fake-thinking and a grunt and quick 'hurry the fuck up' glare from Jade, you replied. "I accept your apology", he let her go and muttered a haste 'thank you' before bolting down the hall to his room. "I will have your head hanging on a pike Jason!" she screamed as she bolted after him, you laughed and then sighed. Just as you were about to close your eyes, your bedroom door burst open and in walked in Jade with a wide smile on her face. "I almost forgot" she said walking towards you and giving you a hug with a forehead kiss, "Goodnight and I hope your dreams of Jason make you wet" she whispered into your ears as a look of horror coated your face. Before you could grab her, she was out the door laughing loudly as you sunk back into your bed, telling yourself you will get her back tomorrow. You felt safe and comfortable as you lied back down and looked up at the ceiling. You had felt safer here than you have for the past couple of years. Could it be because Jade was there? But you were comfortable this morning with Jason alone so was it possibly the house, the comfort feeling of the house? The comfortable silence of this room maybe? All you knew was that Jason and Jade were a welcomed distraction from what life awaited you out of these walls and the scariest part is you didn't know what awaited you but you knew something did as you shivered slightly feeling the hairs at the back of your neck rise just slightly as you turned to stare out of the window. Nothing out of place as you merely saw the darkness that coated the night. The moonlight shining brightly through the window of your room, allowing it to be the only light flooding your room. You were certain of one thing though, his coffee brown eyes would hog your thoughts...

And haunt your dreams as you closed your eyes and fell into a comfortable slumber.

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