Chapter 1.

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Chapter 1.

Stef stood in front of the bathroom mirror; it was clouded with steam from the shower. She wiped away a circle with the sleeve of her robe, and studied her reflection. She looked okay. Maybe a little tired. Felt okay too, not at all like she had an 'abnormality.'

She opened her robe and ran her fingers over her breast, pressing into it, trying to find the lump she'd felt before. She couldn't find it now, and she told herself that maybe she had just imagined it, or that it had gone away on it's own. But she couldn't shake the feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach that told her something was wrong.

She put on her pajamas and shut off the bathroom light, lonely, craving affection; she needed to see her babies. She hadn't said goodnight to them yet, though she was sure Lena already had. Lena was good about things like that.

She went to Brandon's room first. He was stretched out on his bed with his earphones in his ears, and his eyes closed.

"B.?" she called, trying to get her son's attention. He didn't answer, and finally, she went over and tugged one of his earbuds from his ear.

He jumped, startled. "Mooom," he groaned. "What the heck?"

"You're going to go deaf with your music up that loud," she told him. "Take it down a notch, yes?"

With a sigh, Brandon set his iPod aside. "Did you need something?"

She shrugged. "Just wanted to say goodnight to my little man." She sat down on the edge of his bed and ruffled his hair.

"Goodnight mom," said Brandon, his lips turned up in a smile. "I love you."

"I love you too," she nodded, bending down to kiss him.

She went to check on the younger boys next. Jude was sitting up in bed doing homework, and Jesus was at the computer, playing a game. "Hi, sweetie," she said, crossing the room to Jude. "What are you working on?"

Jude looked up from his book and smiled. "History."

"Well, don't stay up to late, buddy. You have school in the morning." She knew that Jude worked twice as hard as other kids just to pass, and she admired that in him, but she hated to see the young boy drive himself crazy over his schoolwork. He was a bright kid, but he'd come to Anchor Beach already so behind. Callie too. They were both smart, and so very wise beyond their years, but being shuffled around throughout their childhood had lead to gaps in their knowledge. Callie was making strides, but Jude still lagged behind.

She held out her arms, and Jude gave her a hug. She held him a little longer, planting a kiss on top of his head. "I love you, sweets. Goodnight."

"I love you too," said Jude. He gave her a quick, shy kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight, mom."

Going to Jesus's desk, she put her hand on his back. "When you're finished slaying zombies, get yourself to bed young man."

"Will do," Jesus replied, without tearing his eyes from the screen.

Stef cringed as an animated zombie was beheaded on the computer screen. Quickly, she kissed her middle son's forehead. "Goodnight, kiddo. Love you."

"Love you too," he nodded.

Last of all, she went to the girls' room and stood in the doorway. "Hi there, ladies."

"Hi, mom," said Mariana.

"Hey," said Callie.

Stef went to Mariana's bedside and gave her a hug and kiss. "Goodnight, Ms. Thing. I love you."

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