Chapter 8.

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Chapter 8.



Stef rolled over and propped herself up on her elbow, looking down at her wife. "Can I tell you a secret?"

Lena reached out to stroke her hip lovingly. "What is it?"

"Callie was sucking her thumb tonight," she confided. She knew she'd promised not to tell, but she couldn't help herself; she needed to discuss it with someone, and Lena knew kids. They were what she went to school for.

"She was sucking her thumb?" Lena thoughtfully repeated. "Poor baby... what did you do about it?"

"Well," she replied. "I told her that if it makes her feel better, it's okay. And then I snuggled her for a little while. Do you think I handled it right?"

Lena rolled over to face Stef, and nodded. "I think you did the right thing, honey," she assured her. "Things like this are actually more common than you'd think. Thumb-sucking is a form of self-soothing, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, as long as it doesn't replace talking out her emotions."

"So, we shouldn't worry?" she asked.

"Nah," Lena said, shaking her head. "As long as she doesn't do it at school. I wouldn't want her to get bullied over it. It's probably just a phase; it will pass."

Stef breathed a sigh of relief. "You should really write a book on raising teens."

Lena laughed, reaching out for her, and planted a kiss at her hairline. Their eyes met, and their lips touched. When they parted, Stef continued to hold Lena's gaze, her eyes becoming wet.

"Sweetheart," Lena crooned. "What's the matter?"

"Everything changes tomorrow," Stef told her with a shiver. "In a few days, my body will never be the same."

"I know," her wife replied, her own dark eyes shiny with tears.

"Will you still be attracted to me?" Stef asked, her eyes pleading for reassurance.

Lena gazed at her, with dark, watery eyes. "Stef, baby... I think you're the most beautiful woman in the world. And nothing could ever change my mind."

Stef tangled her fingers in her wife's beautiful curls and pressed another kiss to her lips. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, honey," Lena whispered back, caressing her cheek. "More than anything."

"Make love to me," Stef pleaded through tears, desperate for contact, to be held. "Please?"

Lena nodded, and gave her another hard kiss. Then, she grabbed the hem of Stef's pajama top and pulled it over her head.

"What's the matter, buddy?" Stef asked Jude the next morning, as the kids readied for school. He had woken up cranky and weepy, so unlike his usual cheerful self.

"I don't want to go to school today," he told her. "I'm scared."

"Can you tell me about it?" Stef asked. "Maybe I can help you feel less scared."

With his thumb, he wiped away his tears. "You're going to the doctor today, and something might happen."

"Jude," Stef sighed, giving him a hug. "My sweet little boy. You don't have to worry about me today. I'm just going to talk to the doctor, so I know what to expect when I have my surgery. It's just a meeting. That's all." She planted a loud kiss on his cheek. "Mama will be there to take you home from school, and I'll be right here waiting for you guys. I promise."

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