Chapter 15.

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Chapter 15.

"Lena," said Stef, sitting up in bed. "I don't feel well." Her heart thudded in her chest from panic, and her forehead was beaded with sweat.

"What is it?" Lena asked, switching on the light. "Are you in pain anywhere?"

"I feel dizzy," she breathed. "And nauseous." She put her hand over her mouth, as it filled with saliva.

"I'll get you to the bathroom, sweetheart," said Lena, crawling out of bed. She went to Stef's side, and let her wife lean on her for support. Holding her at her side, she felt Stef's ribs through her pajamas; she had lost so much weight. "Almost there, baby," she whispered.

The room was spinning, and Stef struggled to keep her balance. The bathroom seemed so far away. She knew she wouldn't make it that far. She tried to fight it just a little longer, but bitter bile had risen in her throat. She tried to choke it back, but it came up anyway.

"Oh, Honey," Lena breathed, looking down at the puddle of vomit on the hall floor, her wife bent over, choking as more came up.

"I'm sorry," Stef sobbed, her body heaving. The raw sores in her mouth burned.

"No, Love," Lena sighed, holding onto her. "You don't have to apologize. It's okay. We'll clean it up." She was wondering how she could support Stef, who was so weak, and clean up the mess at the same time, when the girls' bedroom door opened, and Callie looked out.

"What happened?" she asked. "I heard some noise. It woke me up." She looked down at the vomit on the floor, then up at Stef.

"Mom just had an accident, Honey," Lena explained. "We didn't mean to wake you. We could really use your help, though."

"What can I do?" Her eyes betrayed her fear, even though her face and body language said otherwise. She was trying so hard to be brave.

"Maybe you could help Mom back to bed while I clean this up?" Lena asked. "Can you do that, Baby?"

Callie nodded. "Of course."

"Thank you," said Lena, as she let the young girl step in for her. Then, she went to the bathroom to find cleaning supplies.

Callie held onto Stef, her arm around her shoulders. Stef leaned against her, taking small steps. Soon, her daughter was was tucking her into bed. The pillows felt felt cool against her hot skin.

"Are you okay?" Callie asked, holding her hand.

"I thinks so, now," Stef told her, pulling her sheet up to her chin. "I just woke up not feeling well. It's that damn chemo. I keep telling myself it's making me better, but that's not making it any easier." She closed her eyes as they filled with tears.

"Don't cry," Callie soothed, rubbing her arm. "It's okay, Mom. I'm right here. I won't leave you."

Stef exhaled slowly, her breathing becoming regular. The room had finally stilled, and her lightheadedness was easing. She squeezed her daughter's hand as firmly as she could. "My brave girl," she sighed. "You always make me feel better. You have the magic touch."

Callie gave her a sad smile, the tears that refused to fall shining in the corners of her eyes. "Mommy, even if it gets hard, don't leave us, okay? Don't die. I need you so much. We all do."

"I won't leave you, Lovey," Stef promised her. "I love you guys too much."

"We love you too," said Callie, laying down beside her. She leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead.

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