Chapter 21.

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Chapter 21.

"I'm bored," Jude groaned. "And hungry."

"We'll get something to eat in the cafeteria if we don't find out anything soon," Sharon promised him. "Just be patient for a little while longer."

Callie yawned. It was getting late. Her arm was draped around Mariana, who was half-asleep, her head resting on her shoulder. Then, as if Jude's complaining had signaled it to happen, Lena finally emerged from the double doors. Callie sat up straight, regardless of her sister. "What's going on?"

Lena looked exhausted. She came to the circle where her family sat, and sunk into a chair. "So, guys, it looks like mommy has an upper-respiratory infection. She's stable, and they're giving her antibiotics intravenously to make her better. But since an infection like this could become serious, they're going to keep here here."

"For how long?" Mariana asked, her face sagging as if she might cry. Callie quickly pulled her closer, and she laid her hand over hers.

"At least overnight," Lena told her. "But it really depends on how well she responds to the antibiotics. Now, I'm going to stay here with her tonight. But Grandma will take you all home and get some dinner into you. It's going to be okay."

"Can we see mom?" Brandon asked.

"Yes," Lena nodded. "But you have to be quiet, because she's in ICU, and people are resting."

The kids and Sharon stood up, and followed Lena back through the double doors. On the way down the stark white hall, Callie remembered when Stef had been shot, and was also in the ICU. Callie didn't get to see her then; she wasn't immediate family. This time, she was, and she didn't feel so much like she was just on the outside looking in.

Stef looked small in her hospital bed, and when she saw her, Callie's eyes stung. Her tough, beautiful mother looked so defeated.

"Hi, babies," Stef managed, raising her head a few inches.

Brandon was the first to step forward. "Hi, mom." Tears glistened in the corners of his eyes as he leaned down to kiss her cheek.

As it was, Callie ended up being last in line to see her mom. There was no particular pecking order in the family; she was just too polite to crowd in front of anyone else. She stepped up to Stef cautiously. "Hi, mommy," she said quietly.

"Hi, love," said Stef. She reached out to touch her daughter's hand. "Can I have a kiss?"

Callie nodded, and bent down. She was surprised to feel her mother's arms delicately encircle her. "You look out for everyone while I'm in here," Stef whispered to her. "Okay?"

"Okay," she breathed.

Stef pressed her papery lips to Callie's forehead. "You're the strong one, whether you think you are or not. You're a survivor."

Callie looked down at the pink rubber bracelet that Stef wore; the one she'd given her. It seemed so long ago now. "So are you."

"I love you, slug-a-bug," Stef winked, her eyes glassy.

"I love you too," Callie told her. Then, Sharon motioned for her to hurry along. It was time to go home.

"I don't feel like cooking tonight," Sharon told the kids, once they were piled in Lena's car. "I know your moms don't like you to have junk food, but what do you say we go to McDonald's?"

Everyone agreed, so they pulled up at the first restaurant they saw, and ordered. Then, they found a large table, where everyone could sit to eat.

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