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There's a difference between friends and best friends. Being friends is a lose term. You basically call everyone your friend, but to be best friends is like meeting your soulmate, the one person that will always be in your life. The one person in the whole world who would never hurt you, never lie to you, never break your heart.

I used to believe that too.

I met my best friend when we were six, we did everything together until he moved away when we were ten.

We never admitted that we were best friends mainly because we would have been teased because "a boy and a girl can't be friends". That sentence drives me crazy. People say we are in the twenty first century but they only say that figuratively, no one ever means it, it's just a figure of speech.

I was too young to understand what I was losing at the time. I assumed that a best friend was the person you spent the most time with, but how wrong I was. Different time, different people, maybe it will be different when I start my new high school next week. I hate change never mind moving to a completely new country. But my mam says "no work no food" whenever we complain, so Chicago here I come.

I don't know anyone in the states. I come from a little town in the north east of Ireland nobody would have ever even heard of if they weren't from there. But there are lots of things i can look forward to I have basketball and music to keep me company so i should be fine with all the new kids here, this school is the only one my parents could find that is close to a GAA club so at least I have a bit of home with me.

I can't wait to hear everyone tell me how they have Irish blood (dramatic eye roll).

I always wanted to explore the world, the only thing I'm not looking forward to is not having Ireland to come back to. However this place hasn't had the warm feeling since my best friend moved away. I just hope that I can make new friends here.

Ones that don't know my past.

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