Chapter 2: plane

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Just a reminder of how to pronounce the names -
Fiadh: fee-a
Eithne: en-ya
Sadbh: sigh-v
"Anything huh?"

I think I might pass out. Did I just agree to do anything for a stranger. Someone I have literally just met a minute ago.

I must have looked as though I was about to lose my mind because the stranger interrupted my thoughts suddenly.

"Relax I'm not going to ask anything of you, it was just a favour nothing major, anyone would have done the same," he smiled down at me laughing at my probably ashen white face.

"Yeah, yeah...for sure yeah." Oh my god why can't I speak. "At least let me buy you a coffee or something, its the least I can do." Why do I keep offering to buy him stuff. I sound desperate.

He smiled at me again. God that smile. His gleaming white teeth showing this time. "Tell you what princess."

Sorry what?!

"How about you stop panicking and calm down, I don't want you to buy me anything, it was just a favour, but I'll tell you what. How about you give me your number and I'll let you venmo me the amount that satisfies how much you think you owe me." The nerve of this guy. "Sound good?"

Now it's my turn to smile "jackass," I mutter under my breath as he hands me his phone.

"Now, now princess that's no way to treat your saviour." This guy.

I type in my number to his by the looks of it brand new iPhone 13, as he smugly looks down at me. I don't like being shorter than him. I'm usually taller than all the guys in my school, one of the reasons I never had a boyfriend, I use to complain about it but now I feel vulnerable.

I don't like it.

"What do you want me to put the contact as?" I ask slightly pissed off by how cocky this guy is.

"Oh no I'll think about that on the plane."

I roll my eyes at him. "See you what did you say your name was?"

"I didn't."

He didn't seem to want to tell me. Weird. "Well I'm Fiadh, see ya!" I smile and turn and walk away leaving him standing there. I get about twenty yards before I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. I get to escalators before I feel a presence beside me. Please tell me it's not him. I turn around slowly.

"Who was that?," Sadbh said as she pumped her eyebrows up and down so hard I thought they'd come off her face.

"Who was who?" I shrugged.

Her jaw dropped. "Who was that piece of art that you were just talking to?!"

"Jesus Sadbh he's not that good looking." I lied he was that good looking.

"I'm gonna pretend you didn't just say that and then I'm going to take you to get your eyes checked because you must be blind," she stated profoundly in her usual sassy way.

Sadbh is my little sister, she and Eithne are twins but Sadbh is the most like me. She loves music and is a magician on the court. But she never really like sport as much as music whereas I am torn between the two. Sadbh is the sassiest of us all. I feel like anyone who has sisters knows that there are three main personalities; the mom, the bitch and the crazy one. Sadbh is definitely the bitch not in the way that she will bully someone but she's always the one who has to get the last word in. Thats where we clash the most. We're both like that. Always have to be right. It's just our way. She's also the one with the snarky remark at the ready. No one is safe around her she will catch you out in a split second you won't know what hit you.

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