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The rest of the week went by just the same as the first day. Jade didn't speak to anyone, showed up on her bike with her baggy clothes that didn't allow anyone to see the outline of her body, and sat at the same table during lunch. The only difference is that another boy joined them. Well, he joined his buddy that already sat there before she showed up...

It wasn't hard to grasp the social hierarchy of this place. There's the popular table with a few athletes, the gossiping squad who doesn't seem too judgy - they just like talking about everything that's happening -, the rest of the basket team who aren't on the popular table but are known, and the two boys on her table - they were a little harder to define.

The one she met first is the black-haired - and, honestly, gorgeous - bAD bOy, and the brunette one is very social and friendly, everyone smiles at him, shares those fratboy handshakes, or exchanges a couple of words. How that particular friendship came to be still naggers Jade's curiosity. They also have two classes together, in which the brunette tries to hit on her every day but she can see it is just for his entertainment since he keeps doing it after she rejected him the first time.

But tonight is Friday and race night, finally!

That's her environment - her place - where she feels comfortable being herself.

Chase, Rick's friend, was pretty easy to spot. Probably due to the very outplaced baby blue family car he leaned against.

"Holy shit!" He looked her up and down with wide eyes before going to her face again. "Oh, shit, sorry. I mean, can we pretend I didn't just do that and start over? Hi, I'm glad you found the place. Nice to see you again." He reached his hand out and she


"Hi, Chase. Yeah, nice to see you too. And I don't give third chances, just so you know." She shook his hand.

"Great! They won't be necessary!" He sighed in relief. "That your bike?" He pointed with his head and received a nod with a smile. "It is beautiful!"

"Thanks, she's my baby." And just like that, Jade started talking to him for almost half an hour about how people know Harley Davidson because of the shirts and stuff instead of the actual bikes until it was time for the race.

Unlike Amber, Jade doesn't know much about cars and all that. She just knows that some are pretty and some are just flashy to overcompensate something if you know what I mean.

And when I tell you that the black sportscar racing against the burnt orange Dodge is beautiful, it's because I mean breathtaking.

The burnt orange is pretty impressive too.

But the black one? Damn, Jade was in love with it.

"So, who are we rooting for? Because I gotta tell you, that black car is hot as hell." She asked Chase, having to get close to his ear so he could hear her above all the loud noise around them.

"Yeah, the other one actually. It's my cousin's, his friend must be around here somewhere. I'll introduce you later if you want."

"Sure." And then they got back to facing the track.

Needless to say the black car won, and when the drivers got out of their cars her eyes were so wide they could barely fit her face. From all the possible options, she did NOT expect familiar faces.

One of them just...He looks like a poor excuse for space use or something like that to her. She thought all he could do was throw cheesy pick-up lines and try to sleep with every pretty girl he sees.

Chase did as he said and took Jade towards the driver by the hand so she wouldn't get lost in the growing crowd.

"Nice one Carter, you almost got him." They did that famous bro hug where they bump shoulders and stuff before Carter noticed her.

"What are you doing here babe? Finally, reconsidered my offer? You just witnessed how very talented I am at the things I do." Carter winked, making Chase very confused.

"You lost the race, babe." Jade rolled her eyes, although she was pretty impressed but come on, Carter doesn't need his ego boosted.

"Usually I would feel offended but you look too hot right now. You should show up to school dressed like that, don't you think Kyle?" The brooding bad boy just shrugged.

Honestly, boys are just disgusting most of the time.

"Shit, bro, he's coming over. Why is he coming over?" Carter immediately asked turning to Kyle who was too focused on flirting with the pettit strawberry blond by his side to notice his best friend freaking out.

"You look like you're desperately trying to impress someone," Jade mentioned with furrowed brows.

After taking a glimpse over the crowd in the same way as Carter, Chase nodded his head at Jade, who wasn't tall enough to see whoever they were looking at. "That's because he is."

"Act natural, he's almost here."

Jade rolled her eyes at Carter, she was about to reply when a voice from behind her made her smile.

"Baby Jay? Is that you?"

All the attention went to her, even from Kyle and the blond flirting with him but Jade was too happy to care.

"Aren't you a little too old for racing? We can't have your old-man-sight causing an accident." She turned with a smug smile.

Carter gasped. How could she disrespect his idol?

"Oh! I thought I was the same age as your ex?"

"Axel is younger than you!"

"Yeah, by two weeks."

Jade huffed and rolled her eyes, "Whatever."

The boys were completely forgotten by now.

"By the way, have you heard the news? His lawyer said he might be getting out sooner on good behavior."

And just like that Jade's easy smile faded. It's not that she was unhappy - her conscience screamed that it was her fault he got arrested in the first place -, it's just that, after he got his sentence, Axel cut ties with her completely and it still hurt that she had lost him.

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