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The house was quick to fill up with people that Amber already knew since she came to visit Ricky many times during their three-plus years' relationship, but she still found it funny when one of his distant relatives called him Richard like he was a pompous rich CEO to an important company - which could have been true if he didn't refuse his dad's offer to take over when he retired.

Most of the guests were more excited to see the engagement ring, Amber's four months old baby bump, and to meet her sister.

Jade played nice, complimented everyone, smiled, spoke some Portuguese as entertainment for some guests, and just made her sister happy in general but inside her head, she was singing Vigilante Shit on a loop to try and remain sane. She just wanted the day to end. It was annoying to dodge personal questions and find ways to change the subject so she wouldn't have to touch on her past. She was showing her happy face today, but everything had its limits, its breaking point. That's why, when her phone started ringing with a facetime call from Ty, she rushed her excuses and went inside to take it.

"Thank God. I was about to open the pool for the guests by drowning in it." She exasperatedly whispered.

"That bad?"

"So bad. I just want a release and some sleep." She threw herself into her sister's bed. "I wish you could teleport yourself here."

"Not happening, Jay, sorry. But you really need to stop using sex as a way to solve your problems. We talked about it before." Ty gave her a quick parental stare.

"Right... So have you told your cousin you're bi yet, or are you still avoiding your problems too?" She tilted her head, raising one of her eyebrows and getting his middle finger in return.

"Point taken. Find another fuck buddy then. I can give you phone sex but we both know it won't be nearly enough." They nodded together as Kyle made his presence known by clearing his throat.

He had his arms above his head, holding to the top of the doorway and leaning slightly against them with a small tight-lipped smile and clear undesire to be there listening to their sex life. Jade is a puzzle he finds himself every day more determined to solve, but some topics just feel too private to uncover.

"Turn the camera!" Ty whisper-screamed loud enough for Kyle to hear, which ended up with a smug smirk showing on his face as one of his eyebrows raised. But Jade complied. "He's hot. I bet he would be a nice fuck."

"Thanks for the necessary input Ty." Jade shook her head with an eye roll as Kyle's smirk grew. "What do you want Kyle?"

He already had a few jokes about some positions she might like but dismissed them, not sure about how she would react. She was annoying but also intrigued him. He felt as if there was something familiar between them, something that turned them into who they are today. He thought maybe it was the trust issues they seemed to share, and that just made him even more curious about the girl. Not to mention all the little details he already knew, they weren't many but were somewhat expressive. He wanted to know more but he also wanted her to just leave. He doesn't have the greatest stories with outsiders, or at least the greatest endings.

"Maya told me to come hide in here." He shrugged walking towards the bed and throwing himself next to her. "Our table started discussing their old relationships."

"Yeah honey, guess you're not going out there too," Ty mumbled from the other side before introducing himself.

"He's not relevant in my life for you two to become friends." Jade shut it before Kyle could answer Ty. "But why'd you call me? Not that I don't appreciate it, I just know you enough to know you need some harsh truth."

Ty scoffed and pretended to be offended while Kyle closed his eyes and tried not to be there mentally.

"Excuse me, I clearly remember calling you three days ago just to catch up and give you an orgasm!"

Kyle held his breath for a second as he choked on his saliva. He couldn't help but wonder if they were in a relationship of sorts considering what Amber said earlier today. It surprised him how they were so open about their sex lives in front of such a random guy they don't even know. He couldn't help but wonder why someone so unbashful could be so quiet and reserved around everyone else at school. Why were Jade two different people? What was she avoiding? What is she scared of? Why did she leave New York? At that moment Kyle couldn't help but wish to go back in time and pull as many answers as possible from Seb before he left for a more private conversation with Jade.

"Again: your calls are very much appreciated, now spill."

Ty sighed and turned to lay on his side. Jade did the same thing and used Kyle's ribs as a holder for her phone so they could have the impression to be laying side by side. That made Kyle briefly open his eyes to see what was happening before closing them again and repositioning his arm over his forehead to avoid accidentally bumping on the phone.

"It's Dave. It's just not working..."

"Ty, baby, I already told you. You two like to dominate, you need to find balance before you turn his bedroom into the bad type of battle zone."

"It's just that he never wants to talk about it you know? I can only fuck his face and that's it, end of conversation. I told him I'll take it easy and follow his pace but is like he doesn't trust me."

Kyle swallowed hard at the information that he didn't need to know. He was uncomfortable, to say the least, but somehow it was still better than having to talk about Layla to Ricky's relatives.

"That's because you are harsh baby. Do you remember that time after your parents came to town? You're just like me. We broke the table that day."

"The mattress too." He mumbled a little upset.

"Yeah, that too. But the point is: you're not delicate and that can be scary for someone like Dave. Just give him some time to feel comfortable. Be nice, start building up to it but gently! Be sweet. You know how to make someone feel loved and safe when you want to."

Ty looked deep in thought. "I guess I could do that, it's worth the shot. But what about you my little Brazilian? When are you going to find a new fuck buddy? I don't want you losing your mind before the baby comes."

Jade snorted. "Don't worry about me. You know I'm pretty resourceful, I'll probably just get some random cute athlete from school. Apparently, our thing is Basketball and you know that's the only game I can watch and already understand what's going on."

"Good luck. I was on the team and trust me when I tell you, most of the single ones are probably just talk." Kyle mumbled.

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