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Amber saw Jade arriving early with a bunch of Tupperwares filled with deserts. Her explanation was short and straightforward: "Couldn't sleep." Not that Amber was complaining, Jade arrived ready to take over the world.

Whatever it was that bothered her sister, filled her enough to bring the need of succeeding, even if it's only at the simplest tasks. To need a distraction from her mind. To need the fulfillment of completing things and feeling useful. But Jade also looked exhausted and felt her social battery dying by the second.

It was Seb. Thanks to his comment before having to leave she spent the whole night turning in her bed until finally giving up on sleep.

Amber was quick to turn the spirits up by turning the TV on and going to youtube. If there's one thing she knew, is that her sister would go down to Brazilian hits no matter her mood. And Rhianna. But we're focusing on Brasil today.

Suddenly the two were so lost in the TikTok dance of Apita and the meat they were seasoning that they didn't even notice the presence of 4 guys averting their eyes so they wouldn't see them twerking - well, except for Ricky, who was entranced by his baby momma. But when they started playfully grinding on each other they all decided to focus on the TV instead and just watch the video clip.

Kyle cleared his throat and made themselves known as the song came to an end and A Queda began. But instead of stopping them it just made Jade get even more excited. It was as if, for a small second, she forgot her troubles and problems and was just... living.


Jade was already gripping Chase's and Ricky's arms and pulling them in front of the TV as Amber did the same with Kyle and Carter before changing the song to the one from Pedro Sampaio with the full choreography.

Ricky and Kyle took some heavy hard convincing to even try to make them move a little but Chase and Carter were full-on dancing with Jade. By the end of the song, she was falling to the couch, griping her stomach in pain from laughing so hard.

And she needed that, especially after last night.

That was a different side of her, one that intrigued both boys who were just getting used to the cold and detached. Amber changed again to Lud Sessions so they could calm down and resume their tasks.

"So... That was interesting," Ricky mumbled.

"Get used to it. It happens a lot with us. But what are they doing here?" Jade pointed at everyone as she asked Ricky.

"Chase is my best man cause I can't get rid of his ass since middle school, Carter is his cousin and Kyle is Carter's best friend, they're almost brothers at this point you know, living together and everything. They came earlier to help."

"Help with what? You and Chase are not setting foot in my kitchen and ruining everything." Amber stopped her fiance with a hand against his chest and a sharp look.

"Come on, we're not that bad at cooking. And don't worry boss we'll only handle the grill." Chase answered.

"Oh hell no!" Jade cut in. "The grill is mine. We are not doing burgers and plain hot dogs. This is a real barbecue. I can't have you ruining the meat by cutting it wrong or burning the garlic bread. God, Amber, can you imagine how terrible their sausage will be. And I bet they'll complain about the chicken hearts." And almost as on cue they all scrunched their face or showed some sign of disgust. "Viu!" {See}

"If you want to do something you can help set up the chairs, tables, plates, and stuff outside," Amber said to Chase and Ricky. "Maybe even light up the grill." Turning to Kyle and Carter she continued. "And you two can help Jade in the kitchen. Just follow her orders."

She left before anyone could complain. She knew Jade was not happy about it. Amber was pushing her to make friends and be nice to people, both of them were aware of it, but only one didn't want it.

Jade called out the orders and tuned them out as she kept her seasoning and prepping some side dishes, now and then discreetly dancing to all the Brazilian songs still playing randomly on the TV.

"You're Amber's sister. Makes sense now. I mean you two don't really look like each other that much but you moved here the same time she did and you were with Chase last night." Carter mumbled trying to start a conversation but Jade just nodded and kept her work. "I mean, for a second I was a little scared that you actually were with Chase last night but he's like, eight years older than us maybe, I mean, it would be weird, right? Unless you're into older guys but wouldn't that be illegal?"

Jade just sighed and rolled her eyes. She got it, he was trying to get some sense over what Seb said last night about her dating someone almost as old as Chase if his math was right.

"So you go from falling in pain from laughing to cold and unpleasant in a matter of seconds. Good to know." Kyle shoots at her.

"I know. I'm so annoying, right? I mean, I guess you two could just leave me alone and stop trying to get friendly or whatever. It would probably feel way better than having to put up with my attitude." Jade gave them an obviously forced and fake smile.

"That's just Carter's default mode. You don't need to be a bitch about it. He's just trying to be nice." Kyle immediately went all defensive.

Ricky wasn't lying, the two truly are like brothers and they've been through a lot. Kyle is naturally defensive over the people he loves, especially after everything that happened his freshmen year, so when someone makes his best friend sad he doesn't think twice before getting in the way. And Carter took the other route; whilst Kyle decided to close off to the world and not trust a soul ever again, Carter decided to be the hopeful one and give humanity another chance, making him overly friendly and consequently vulnerable to being severely hurt again.

"I've been called worse. Gonna have to do better than that to hurt my feelings, big guy." Jade shrugged. And the saddest part is that it was true. "Just go check on the rice and take those out back." She pointed to the bow with the pasta, chicken, and mayo salad.

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