Ch 0: Prologue

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"Who are you? Where am I?"Asked Izuku Midoriya, the Successor of All Might greatest hero of all mankind.

One moment he was fighting the most dangerous villain All for one when he saw a sharp tendril coming at him but it was blocked by Bakugou Katsuki his childhood friend and rival.

There was a strange person in front of him surrounded by nothing more than a chaotic mix of light and darkness. He seemed to be the same age of him. Wheatish complexion, big sharp beautiful eyes, a fit body.
But his clothes were stranger. He wore a white and black cloth below his waist which was tied in a knot. His waist was adorned with a silver based beads and bells. The colourful ends of the attire popped up.
His chest was covered with a garland of silver, gold and pearl. His head was a coronet which seemed like a white lotus. He was holding a lotus in one hand and other one was empty. He wore silver rings which suspended silver flowers giving his hands a delicate look. He seemed to smile, a weird all knowing yet so calm smile.  He suddenly spoke:

"I'm Karma          I'm moksha

I'm light              I'm darkness

I'm beginning    I'm the end

I'm ruler of light  Lord of darkness

I'm Ekayan"

"But you can call me anything you like" The being saying this smiled at him again. "Though ekayan is my name you can call me shinegami san, Kalicharan Or bodhisatva. "

Something in Deku's mind stuck, his mother once took him to a Buddhist Shrine. There he was told there are bodhisatvas who aren't buddha yet. Two of them who are special are Quan yin, bodhisatva of mercy and Ekayan who is never worshipped. Bodhisatva of time, action-reaction and death.

Deku was standing in front of a bodhisatva. The one who controls time and death. He was speechless. His mind turning in all direction. He was loosing his marbles. This may be a illusion quirk he thought.
"You aren't a bodhisatva Or anything you are just a illusionist. Another one of All for one's minions but i am here and i will defeat you to save all and be the Number one hero"
"Not my first time hearing it" Replied Ekayan.
"I'm a hero and a hero trusts his heart over some cheap trick"
Deku activated One for all. Nothing happened. "You must be using a quirk suppressor on me"
"WOW ok you don't believe me then let me show you something Ummmmmm ........Look behind you!!!!"
The boy in front of him disappeared but then Izuku felt a presence behind him. When he turned around he saw a demonic entity bigger than anything he ever saw, he had three bloodshot eyes and wore a garland of skulls. He seemed to have thousands of hands each with an eye.
He lifted one hand and the entire Milky Way galaxy was there which slowly destroyed and formed again. This cycle was turning again and again.
But when he looked at his other hands he saw many different galaxies creating and destroying themselves. A giant snake wrapped around his neck hissed. He wore a crown of skulls of humans and many creatures he didn't recognize.
He was holding a bowl in his central hand filled with many creatures earthly and not dying and bleeding. He held a lotus in one. This sight was terrifying to say the least.
"Stop...stop...STOP"yelled Izuku who turned around in fear. When he opened his eyes the boy was back again.
" Oh my me why are you shouting " said the boy smiling.
"Don't you see that thing" He turned around  to point at the direction he  saw but he still saw that boy facing him.
"Hey who are you calling thing? "
"B..b....but  you were standing behind ?how" Asked Izuku shaking
"I'm the journey
I'm the aim
I'm in every direction
You didn't believe me did you so when I showed you my ultimate form you turned around?so rude!Human teens are the worst I tell you! You say I work for all for one!? "The boy laughed. A cracking nightmare inducing laugh,as he disappeared again.
Izuku turned around to see the same demonic entity who lifted one hand and from that appeared many All for ones all had the same aura as Deku saw in Kamino ward. Ge then cracked in thousands of voices as he opend his mouth bad with his long toungue he swallowed all the all for ones created. The created all for ones unleashed their quirks to the prime which were dissolved even before the tongue touched that toungue. As they all died and screamed in agony.
"I a minion of these worthless beings hahahhahah"a thousand voices said. Then suddenly a bright light emitted form the entity blinding Izuku. Then all light gathered back to the boy again. "Believe me now? "The boy smiled.
Izuku could not handle this. He was shaking he felt like he needed to pass out but he could not breathe but he neither was suffocating. He saw his scarred hands  but they were back to normal even better than before. He understood that the boy wasn't joking. He turned back to see him smiling.
"Boop!Now belive me I-Z-U-K-U K-U-N" The boy said as he touched Izuku's nose. Izuku screamed at top of his voice. He could not believe it but after everything he saw he had no other option. "Y.. You are a.. A bodhisatva? "
"No I'm All might! Of course not I am a bodhisatva. You humans are so annoying how does that quan yin show you guys mercy? Let the time come for earth's destruction I'll kill your kind nicely" He said.
"No please dont do that! Is it suitable for a bodhisatva"deku said
" Whatever is created must be destroyed. It's a law of time. And I am the GOD of Time you know. Besides I don't need a human to explain me my job"he said.
"Why am I here did I die? Are my friends ok? Will they be all right? You are so powerful can you help us defeat All for one? " Deku mumbled at lightning speed. Usually a normal human could not understand the things he said but Ekayan just smiled. "Yes you died. No They are dead. They are Dead. He is dead too I ended your world right now. " Deku was devastated. He ended the world, his friends, mother, enemies everyone.
"Why did you do that! "
"Due to you. Now let me restore the timeline and make everything proper and so that you don't interfere in the cycle of actions and results like you did in trying to become a glorified policeman or a Hero"

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