[4] Your Rebellious Ways

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As it was late, Benjamin stayed silent at his desk while he gazed at his history book. Reading over the important story as he needed it for finals until they get Winter Break. 

Benjamin always went all out for finals every year. Though, it was only because he'd gaslight himself thinking he'd make his mother and father proud for straight A's which, he always got every year thankfully. Even if he did however earn straight A's with perfect attendance, his parents didn't look quite satisfied with his constant studying.

With a tired yawn, Benjamin gazed at the small clock on his nightstand as it read out 11:38 PM as he'd shuffle on his bed for a comfortable seating position. 

He felt as if he needed to stay up in order to finish. Though, he's been studying since he's gotten home after chores. Too, was alone today for school..

Pico didn't attend today. Messaging him about it as Pico stated he just wanted to stay home for the day as it worried him. Though, the spray painter stated he's fine and that it wasn't the first time he's skipped High School.. 

The painter wondered how his day would end up if he stayed home for once. By obvious means, he couldn't skip as he'd be in deep hot water for ruining his perfect attendance for school but, he just wanted a day to himself without stressing himself out about finals. 

Honestly, he only really enjoyed his days at heading to school was because of well, Pico.. 

Pico brighten his day up by so much as well, the two by last week begun to walk together to school as to recently since the two walk to school as Pico brought up the two should just walk with each other so they could talk more as Benjamin of course agreed to the idea. 

Benjamin listened to what Pico had to say all day long as well, it was comforting. His voice always making him smile even if Pico was just trying to explain something simple to him. 

𝘍𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘨 

The painter jumped by the sudden noise, it being unsuspected as he heard it yet again. 

His eyes wondered around his dimmed bedroom frantically as the noise was scaring him. Till, his curious eyes laid against his opening window at the left side of his warm bed. Seeing as small rocks were being thrown at his window..? 

Who was trying to get his attention at this time-? It was soon going to become 12:00.. 

Benjamin crawled away from his school supplies as he'd place his history book down onto his bed while approaching his window soon seeing in shock,


His eyes widen as he noticed the tall ginger from down waved up at him with his arm up in the air as he was dressed for the nights weather. 

Having green gloves as he wore a green jacket as he wore his usual black mask covering his nose and mouth when he was out besides school sometimes. 

While weakly opening his stiff window, he'd call out with a shouting-whisper type of tone,

''W- what are you doing here-?!'' Benjamin questioned first thing as he was worried his parents will hear him. Pico never messaging him about him coming over either as this was making things worse as he didn't want to hear his parents yelling at him for something, again. 

''I came here to get you, why else am I here?'' The ginger shouted so he could hear. Benjamin tilting his head as he never asked for Pico to pick him up to go anywhere.

''Pico-? It's, almost 12:00.. On a school night..'' The painter pointed out. 

''So?'' Replied Pico. Already telling off the bat he didn't have a healthy sleep schedule just by his response. 

Idea of Him 💕 (Pico x Boyfriend SoftMod) FNFحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن