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*a note to the person I dedicate this story to:

In the depths of my heartache, amidst the shattered fragments of our love, I decided to gift you this story, intended for your debut. Though our paths have diverged and our relationship has ended, the emotions I experienced cannot be erased. Pain coursed through my veins as I grappled with the unexplainable circumstances that led to our demise.

As I pondered the reasons behind our breakup, I found myself plagued by uncertainty. Did you find solace in the arms of another, betraying the trust we once held? The unanswered questions tore at my soul, leaving me with a profound sense of sadness. It's a haunting reality that I may never truly comprehend the truth behind our parting.

Yet, amidst the confusion and heartache, a flicker of love remains. It lingers, an enduring reminder of the connection we once shared. Despite the pain you caused me, I cannot deny the depth of the love that blossomed between us. It defies explanation, refusing to be extinguished by the bitterness of our farewell.

So, as you embark on your debut, may this story encapsulate the bittersweet essence of our time together. May its pages carry the weight of our joy and sorrow, capturing the intricate layers of our journey. Though our paths have diverged, the love we once shared will forever be a part of who we are.

I offer you my sincerest wishes for happiness and success as you embrace this new chapter in your life. May you find the closure and answers that elude me, and may your debut be a celebration of both your past and your future.

Sorry for not being able to share a dance with you, my promise has been broken and I have no excuses.

This story would be the start of my healing. Farewell, dear friend.



       It was a sunny day. The two girls who is playing in the sandbox transitioned into them running after each other with full of laughter. They were innocent little kids who is playing to their heart's content. The circled around the park until the both of them felt exhausted and lay down near the roses, it was pretty yet none of them plucked one for they understand that it will die if they'll pick one.

"Aspect?" The blonde girl called the girl with long raven hair, it was not her name, it's their character from a game and they enjoy calling themselves that each every day to the point that they thought it's their name.

"Yes, Lynch?"  She hummed while trying to reach the clouds, she giggled while the blonde and younger girl looked at her with full of adoration.

"I want to marry you." 

    The blonde girl uttered while taking out the paper ring she made out of newspaper and put it on the raven haired girl's ring finger, the little girl thought about this for a week, asking her mom about love and what she will do if she meet someone she wanted to be with forever and her mom told her this. 

"Will you marry me?"

     The girl laughed and stared at the younger girl while eyeing the paper ring, she touched the latter's nose and nodded, "Thank you I like this. But mommy said we are too young for that, so you have to wait for a little longer." The blonde girl felt upset because she wanted to marry Aspect right away.

"But will you?" The blonde sat up while looking at the raven haired girl who's just looking at her lovingly.

"Why, of course. I will definitely marry you."

     Those words were the start of something beautiful, it's the blonde girl's inspiration and motivation. They never thought how deep this conversation was for adults yet they're just little girls.

    Yet, the blonde never forgot how the raven haired girl assured her that she'll be her betrothed one day and yet happiness is temporary for most of us.

And it's the same for Lynch.

"Aspect!" She cried while reaching out to the older girl who was sobbing at the back of their car, she was holding out trying to reach for Lynch's hand, her tears run down her cheeks continuosly but she tried to smile and wave at the struggling little girl, her mother was holding her from running to chase Aspect's car.

"Lynch!" The raven haired cry while her mom was cooing her, it was inevitable, they have to move in somewhere near her father's job. But it was so sudden for both of the heartbroken girls.

    As the car drove away, Lynch stood there in the empty street, her small frame trembling with sadness and confusion. She couldn't understand why her best friend, her promised future, was being taken away from her. The reality of the situation began to sink in, and tears streamed down her face uncontrollably. The once sunny day now felt cold and bleak, mirroring the emptiness in her heart.

    Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, but the pain of losing Aspect lingered in Lynch's young soul. Every night, she would lie in bed, clutching her favorite stuffed animal tightly, wishing for the return of her lost happiness. The sandbox they used to play in now stood abandoned, a silent reminder of the laughter and joy they once shared.

    Lynch found it difficult to make new friends, as her heart still longed for the presence of Aspect. The vibrant colors of her world had faded, replaced by a monotonous gray. She yearned for the sound of Aspect's laughter and the warmth of her embrace. The promises they made, the dreams they shared, now felt like distant echoes of a forgotten time.  

    But despite the pain and the passage of time, Lynch held onto a glimmer of hope. She believed with all her heart that one day, their paths would cross again. She clung to the words Aspect had whispered to her before leaving, promising to marry her someday. Lynch nurtured this belief like a fragile flower, cherishing it in the depths of her soul.

    Years rolled by, and Lynch grew older, but her unwavering faith in their love endured. She carried the memories of their childhood bond like treasures, safeguarding them from the harsh realities of life. Lynch would often find herself standing near the roses in the park, where they had once vowed not to pluck the fragile beauty. It was her way of staying connected to the promise they had made, to the love that had ignited within them.

   As Lynch embarked on her own journey, she kept an eye out for a familiar face, hoping to catch a glimpse of Aspect in a crowded street or hear her laughter in the distance. She knew that waiting for someone who may never return was a painful endeavor, but Lynch was determined to remain steadfast. Love, in her young and innocent heart, knew no bounds.

   Time continued to pass, and Lynch held onto her hope like an anchor in the storm. She believed that the universe would conspire to bring them back together, that their love was destined to be rekindled. Even though the world around her told her to let go, Lynch refused to abandon her unwavering love for Aspect.

      Yet it was time for college, the blonde girl was losing hope and she wishes to start another journey there and hopes she would find a new love.

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