An accidental meeting (Chapter one)

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My pencil tapped impatiently against the thin, sturdy wooden desk below me, it's rubber tip bouncing up and down creating silent echos across the large and quiet classroom. I glanced up from my textbook, staring out of the slightly open window at the gentle dusting of clouds in the blue sky. Two doves flew past and perched themselves on an electrical wire, cleaning their feathers and nuzzling their heads against each other. A small smile formed on my face as I watched the two, jealous of their freedom and beauty.

"L/N" a voice called out. A voice that went straight through me and didn't even grasp my attention away from the doves. "Y/N!" The same voice yelled, this time pulling me away from my focus. "Sorry, sir. I got distracted" I apologised quickly, my face flushed in a deep red blush from the embarrassment. Giggles and whispered could be easily heard behind me. "Don't let it happen again" the teacher threatened, narrowing his eyes at me in an unimpressed way.

I began to scribble random shapes and symbols on my book to make it look like I was writing down notes, but I already know all of this. In fact, I learned it all in secondary school, it's common knowledge.

I have a full scholarship, and I have to make the most of it. But why are these lectures so easy? I can't learn anything.

-Time skip-

I had three lectures today, the first about layers in rock formations indicating time periods and what the atmosphere was like, the other about how fossils form over millions of years. The last I fell asleep for. This is all primary school stuff.

As soon as the teacher said the lecture was over, I grabbed my bag from under my desk and ran out of the class room, my entire day was wasted on the most basic common knowledge I've ever heard. On my way out of the building, I spotted my favourite fast food restaurant. "I've managed to save up quite a bit of spare change, I'm sure it will be fine to spend a little now" I said to myself before making my way over.

I stood in line behind a small family of three, my Debt Card already in hand. I didn't need to look at the menu, I already knew what I was going to get. As soon as the family moved over to the waiting line, I moved up. "Hi what can I get for you?" The cashier asked. "Can I get a (F/M) with a (F/D) please?" I replied.

"Of course, that will be $8.47" I then tapped my card on the machine and moved over to the waiting queue with my order number. The smell of fresh food never got old, but the sound of arguing middle aged men did.

I watched my order number flash on the screen, and moved forward to pick up my bag and drink before exiting the restaurant. It was dark now, so it would be wise if I made my way home. Which I would have done, if a loud crash nearby didn't shake the ground below me enough for me to drop my drink. Frustrated, I kicked the empty cup away. "I hate this country" I mumbled under my breath.

With my bag of food In hand, I went over to the sound of the crash, moving past several screaming and panicking people. Many said there was a massive meteor, others said it was a UFO. I went behind the most damaged building, looking around curiously for the meteor or UFO, but didn't find anything. "There's something in the tree!" A male voice spoke holding up a camera. I glanced up to the tree behind me, only to be met with two massive metallic legs. My line of sight travelled up further, making out a chest and arms, soon a face.

My body froze in place; adrenaline shot through my blood. Was it actually an Alien? The metal figure ran off, stepping over a metal fence and disappeared from my sight. But my curiosity got the better of me. I ran after it after breaking myself free from my trance and climbed the fence, slipping over the top and sliced my knees open on broken glass bottles. I couldn't feel anything, the adrenaline washed it away. In the distance, I spotted the alien scanning some sort of emergency vehicle before transforming into an exact copy of it. "What the hell is this thing?" I asked myself before running to a nearby building, climbing onto its low and flat roof before jumping off, landing in front of the vehicle which came to a sudden holt. My hands and feet ached, and the adrenaline started to wear off. Blood trickled down my legs and onto the floor, leaving two stains on the front of the vehicle. "Wait.." I started, out of breath from all the running, "please, take me with you.." I coughed out, holding myself up on the metal bars on the front of the vehicle. If it really wanted to leave, it could. "You are injured." A voice spoke, was it coming from the vehicle? "Yeah no shit, did you see what I just did? I didn't even know I could do that.." a few seconds of silence passed before the passenger door opened. Surprised, I struggled over to it, climbing side with my food still in the bag before placing it under the dashboard. The door shut behind me, and it began to move forward. It was driving on its own.

"Is that better?" Ratchet X Reader Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora