Baby sitting (Chapter two)

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Optimus sent us all a message saying that the other humans had been captured and were stuck with the cars that previously approached the house. I seemed to have lost my focus, and was staring out of Ratchets window. Cars raced by, lamps flickered as we sped past. It was dark, practically pitch black. Silence was all that could be heard, if only I could enjoy it more. I sighed heavily and rest my head on my palm, leaning my head against the glass.

"Is something on your mind?" Ratchet asked, shifting his line of sight to me. "No it's just..I find driving at night very relaxing. It's a shame it's under such circumstances" I tilted to the side, but didn't break my eye contact with the outside surroundings. "I am sorry. perhaps once this is over, I will take you on a more peaceful drive" he suggested. "I'd like that"

Optimus transformed in front of us and jumped from the bridge we were driving over, hastily approaching the car in front. They crashed into his legs, bouncing off the metal plating before he reached his servos down and lifted the car off from the floor until the roof broke off. The car fell to the floor with a loud crash and the people inside began to panic a little. "Autobots, relieve them of their weapons" Optimus ordered. Ratchet and the others transformed, jumping down from the bridge with me on his shoulder plating, holding onto his headlights. The autobots surrounded the cars, holding guns and cannons to their faces.

Ironhide waved his cannon infront of Ratchets face making him take a step to the side before smacking him with his own cannon.

"Hi there" a man in the car said nervously. "You do not seem afraid, are you not surprised to see us?" Optimus asked, crouching down to get close to them. "Look..there are S-7 protocols, okay? I can't communicate with you other than to tell you I can't communicate with you" he raised his hands into a surrender position. "Get out of the car." Optimus ordered with a stern tone. "NOW." He yelled impatiently, causing everyone in the car to quickly get out.

"Big guys..big guys with big guns." The man spoke, looking around with his hands in the air. Sam and his partner began to interrogate him, taking a badge from his pocket. "Do whatever you want and get away with it badge, right?" He smirked sarcastically. Bumblebee got closer to the man and popped a cork, peeing on him. "Hey hey!" The guy yelled. "Bumblebee. Stop lubricating the man" Optimus ordered, making him stop.

"Entitled men, disgusting." I rolled my eyes, scoffing under my breath. "Yes, they do irritate me" Ratchet agreed. "Would you like me to terminate?" Ironhide asked, warming up his cannons and pointing them at the group, glancing between them and myself as if waiting for permission. "No no, karma will come to them eventually" I waved my hand dismissively. "As you wish" he stepped away.

The man in charge was soon tied to a pole and striped of most of his clothing, most likely to humiliate him. I like this girl. "You have to alert the others" he whispered to the person next to him. "They already know."

"Optimus, incoming!" Ironhide yelled as the bots quickly moved away from him. He activated his cannons and shot at the floor, sending a shockwave through the ground to stun them. Ratchet raised a servo in front of me defensively, narrowing his optics at the approaching cars and helicopters whilst holding up one cannon. "Ratchet, get Y/N out of here" Optimus ordered the bot who soon transformed. "When I said I wanted a more exciting life, this wasn't what I meant" I said sarcastically, adrenaline was rushing through my body and I was constantly looking in the mirrors. "What did you expect when eating fast food inside of an alien vehicle?" He responded back through the radio, not bothering to activate his holoform. "Not this"

Ironhide followed closely behind as we sped down the bridge, ducking in and out of cars with one helicopter behind us. Bumblebee turned a quick corner and began diving down towards another bridge, we quickly followed through another direction but got caught by the helicopter. "Hide in that building there, I'll come back to get you" Ratchet instructed, opening the door next to me. "No you won't, that's like the cliche line of every single movie" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Good thing we're not in a movie then, isn't it?"

"Is that better?" Ratchet X Reader Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang