Ah, home (Chapter six)

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Ironhide POV

It took a few hours to get to Y/Ns, as it was far away from the hospital we were previously at. They had a nice home, a good size with a nice garden at the front with well kept green grass and an apple tree in the right corner.

I parked in their garage, it was quite large so it wasn't a struggle. I'm not sure why they have one, because they don't own a car.

I slid my hand down the side of my door, opening it once I had parked. I tried my best not to wake them, so I slowly removed the seatbelt and crawled out of the seat, holding them in my arms bridal style. My efforts weren't successful, however, and they did end up waking up when I shut my door.

"Y/N, I do apologise, I didn't mean to wake you" I quickly apologised whilst carrying them over to the front door. "Do you have any keys?" I asked as I carefully placed them on the ground, supporting their body weight as much as I could. "No, just break the door, I lost them in the battle" they huffed out. I nodded my head and kicked the lock, forcing the door open. "I'll fix it" I said before leading them over to the sofa, carefully laying them down. "Is there anything you need? Food? Water?" I knelt down to face them.

"A nice cold glass of lemon water and a blanket would be nice" they smiled, adjusting their position on the Sofa. I nodded my head and stood back up, making my way towards the kitchen. It took a while to figure out where things were, but I grabbed a glass and filled it with some cold bottled water before squeezing in some fresh lemon juice, placing a thin slice inside with some ice. I left it in the fridge whilst I quickly went upstairs, sorting through one of their cupboards to find a nice blanket when I suddenly felt something brush across my leg.

I pulled a gun from my waist and pointed it down at a furry creature who stared up at me with a clueless expression. Then it meowed at me.

I jumped back, holding the gun in a locked position before calling down the stairs. "Y/N! What is this beast!? May I exterminate!?" I shouted down to them, keeping my gaze on the approaching furry mammal. "It's following me! Y/N! What is this!?" I yelled at them again before hearing a faint laughter coming from the living room. "Do not laugh at me! This is serious!"

Then it meowed again and brushed itself against my leg whilst making a purring sound. "Do not touch me rodent." I pushed it away with my hand, narrowing my eyes at it. It stared at me with evil intent, I could smell its hatred for me.

I quickly grabbed a nice fluffy blanket and hurried downstairs, occasionally glancing back only to see the creature following me, watching my every move.

I gave Y/N the blanket and helped them get comfortable before going back to the kitchen to grab the lemon water from the fridge, carefully passing it over to them. "Thank You, Ironhide." They nodded the head before reaching over to the tv remote. "Are you not going to tell me what that demon fur ball is?" I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms. "That's my cat, we love cats and sometimes they love us. She won't hurt you" they flicked their wrist dismissively before that cat jumped up onto the sofa and sat on their stomach, purring loudly. "Do me a favour and feed her" Y/N asked before turning on the tv, scrolling to Netflix.

I rolled my eyes, leaving the room to feed their cat before glancing to the sofa. Of course, it was watching me. I scoffed and went to the kitchen, opening a cabinet filled with cat food before putting it in her bowl; making my may back to the living room.

AN: hey everyone!! This moment here is when I came back to finish off the chapter after like..a year. The writing style will probably change for the better here! I'm super sorry for how long I was gone. A lot happened. My dog passed away last year, and recently my childhood cat died too. The cat y/n owns was actually Inspired by my own cat and was the only thing I myself have that I added into this book. As a way to remember her, I'm going to name drop her as Mia which was my cats name. If you (the reader) aren't comfortable with that, you can change it in your head. I'm really sorry if it's annoying for you but I just want to remember my girl.

Thank you everyone for being so patient. Sorry this chapter is so short, I literally wrote it last year and wanted to finish it off. The next chapter will continue the story but the writing will be way better. I hope you're all excited :)


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