The Hospital (Chapter five)

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There was an unbearable sharp pain shooting through my chest. It felt as if I had been torn apart and put back together again. It was agonising, shooting in waves throughout my body; travelling up and down my arms and legs, swirling around in my chest like a dog chasing its tail.

My eyes stung as if bleach had been poured into them, as well as my leg which was coated with a large black cast. It was hot, sweaty and sticky. My body cringed at the touch of the rough hospital bed sheets as I tried to focus on something other than the never ending pain tormenting my broken body.

There was a gentle beeping sound to my left, the speed at which the noise made itself known was enough to tell me it was a heart monitor; a safety measure due to my unfortunate history. The sound of beeping was dulled out by chatter outside of my room, so many voices. None of which I could identify. It was all so foreign, so alien. I hadn't been in hospital for a while, why now?

As much as I tried to think, I couldn't remember what had happened. It seemed to cut off at one particular point. I remembered a large silver mech chasing behind me, as well as a teenage boy with a cube in his arms running beside me. We were trying to get to a building.

"Y/N, are you awake?" An unfamiliar female voice spoke. For a moment I struggled to open my eyes, they felt as if they had been forced open and alcohol gel was poured onto them. Eventually, however, I managed to keep them open and focus my gaze on a friendly looking nurse. She had beautiful features, long box braided hair and plump lips; gorgeous earrings and necklaces. She was an African American woman, fairly tall, maybe 5'9? "Yes, why?" I asked, leaning my head against the uncomfortable pillow behind me. "My name is Dr Reid, i am your nurse whilst you recover enough to be sent home." The lady introduced herself with a welcoming tone to her voice. "And how long will that be?.." I asked with a croak to my voice. "A couple days, it's just to make sure your body doesn't reject your implant" she explained, the corners of her lips curling into a smile.

Dr Reid approached me, lifting my hand into hers to take a look at my IV. "Would you like any pain medication?" She asked. "Yes please.." I responded before she gently placed my hand back to my side. "I will be right back. Are you okay with visitors?" She asked, getting up and strolling towards the door, holding the handle. "I have visitors?" I tilted my head, raising an eyebrow. "Several, yes." She nodded. "What are their names?"

"Hm. Ron, Richard, Barnaby and Orlando" she then left to get my medicine. "Those are really basic and ugly names" I thought to myself.

Suddenly, the door to my room opened again. It was a little too soon for Dr Reid, who else was it?

Ironhide strolled in, carefully closing the door behind him so that there wasn't too much noise. "Why so careful?" I asked, startling the mech enough to make him jump. "Y/N! Don't scare me like that.." He approached the side of my bed, lifting my hand into his. "I didn't realise you had woken again, how are you feeling?" He asked, smiling warmly to me. "My chest hurts a lot, the doctor went to get me some pain medication" I responded as he rubbed his thumb around my hand. "So, 'Ron,' was the mission a success?" I asked with a slight haze to my voice. Hide rolled his eyes at the fake name, sighing a little before answering. "Megatron is dead, and the cube was destroyed. However, a fraction was saved and in human hands now" he then looked away, as if something was on his mind. "Did anyone get hurt? Where is Ratchet?" I glanced around the room. "Asleep outside your door, he hasn't left the building since we brought you here. The poor fossil is worried sick" he rubbed his forehead, a small laugh escaped his lips.

I shook my head in amusement, but I was also quite shocked that he had decided to stay for me. Had Ironhide done the same? Where was Jazz?

"Um..did Jazz come back?" I asked, shifting my gaze to the black haired autobot. He quickly looked away, his expression dropping into sadness. "Ironhide, did he come back?" I repeated my question. "No. Ratchet and I found him in two pieces, offline." He finally responded, frowning to himself.

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