Chapter 3- The Arrival

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They entered a savanna biome, where in the distance, a large mansion could be seen, looking a bit out of place from it's farmland surroundings.

"Sweet!" Impulse yelled out, "These people are rich!"

He was in front of the group and was the first one to land on the grass surrounding the mansion. Zedaph came next with a rough landing, knocking out Impulse, who was admiring the scene.

Mumbo came next, casually sipping his coffee. The beach squad followed with a grand arrival.

The rest arrived in a span of ten minutes. Now they were just waiting for Wels, who's elytra broke halfway through the trip, which meant he had to walk most of the way. He seemed to have gone on an adventure by the messages sent on the chat, even managing to collect a few diamonds.

The hermits decided to wait for Wels and enter together. In the meantime, they were just fooling around like usual.

"Come back here Cleo, I wanna style your hair!"

"False, my hair is fine!"

"I'm bored."

"Hi bored, I'm—"


"What, are you a marshmallow?"

"No, I'm a slime-"

"I wanna go home!!!"

"Then why did you even come???"

"Uh... you told me to?"

"Yeah, same, If Wels doesn't arrive soon, I'm outta here. But he's probably coming soon."

"Unlikely. He texted me saying he found a cave and was going mining instead-"

"He WHAT?!"

"Y'ALL, what if we break in through the window and rob the place?!"


"Whatever, but I'm still doing it and I won't give you anything I find."


"I'm bored. I'm gonna call Ex to remind him I am the favourite child."

"Wait, guys, where'd Grian and Stress go?"

"Oh, they went to go swimming in that lake."


"They went swimming without ME?! But I'm part of the beach squad! I will remember this as betrayal."

"Wait for me, I'm coming too!"

"And I'm gonna rob this place, I just need something to break the window..."

"And I'm going home!"

"I- you know what? I've lost all faith in you guys."

A few were really about to set off back to Hermitcraft before Wels finally arrived, and a lot of complaints ensued. In total, there were thirteen hermits, a bit less than Wels expected, but he couldn't really blame the rest who didn't come, the invitation was quite random, slightly suspicious. But they were totally over exaggerating it, however, he couldn't really blame them for being paranoid.

"Great, we're all here, now what do we do?" Xisuma called out, sighing.

Ren slowly spoke up from the crowd, "Uhh... maybe we could.. go inside?"

He was definitely about to get the whole squad laughing before a sound coming from a small speaker outside the mansion caught the group off guard. It played a loud, monotonous distorted voice.

"Welcome, guests."

The voice was stale, a bit bland to say the least. It paused for a second before announcing the first name.

"The first whom shall enter is FalseSymmetry, the Wither."

False stepped up from the crowd, clearing her throat to speak loud and clear, "Thank you, fine host."

She then turned around, giving everyone a signature look of superiority of being called first before grasping the handle and entering the mansion.

The voice then played again. "Next up, BdoubleO100, the phantom."

Bdubs stepped up the few stairs with elegance, rocking his tropical beach outfit. He winked and blew a kiss at the rest before turning around and walking in as if he was on America's Next Top Model.

The next name was called.

"Rendog, the wolf."

As his name was called, Ren flew up the stairs excitedly, finger gunning the crowd with a smirk. Though, he was disappointed and a bit pissed off that his plan to rob the mansion had to be discontinued.

The voice continued to call up everyone one by one.

"Impulse, the elder guardian."

"Xisumavoid, the warden."

"Mumbo, the enderman."

"ZombieCleo, the drowned."

"Jevin, the magma."

"Welsknight, the dragon."

"Grian, the parrot."

"Zedaph, the strider."

"Stressmonster, the ocelot."

Tango was a bit disapointed his name was last on the list, everyone had already gone inside. He was standing alone. And then, his name was called.

"Tango, the blaze."

A smile crept up on his face as he examined his surroundings to see if there was anyone left he hadn't seen. He dusted his cardigan and took a deep breath in a mix between excited and nervous, then grasped the door handle.

He walked in, unaware of the danger coming his way.

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