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18th of July, 1938.

It had been raining since Thursday afternoon. The gloomy weather had fixed Cassiopeia in a disgruntled mood. Locked up in Grimmauld Place did not do her any right, either. It was farther dull than god could perpetually get the skies to be. She had been studying like her mother had demanded she would be spending her time during such times. Her brother was beside her, glaring vacantly at the books that surrounded them. Tang of old leather and burned parchment hung within the library. Before her, sat a platinum blonde, who was- despite their giggles- studying the books thoroughly. Irma Black sat in a charcoal wingback chair, attentively reading The Daily Prophet, sipping her tea occasionally.

'I'd want to be a therianthrope,' Alphard, her brother, muttered quietly, careful to not let their mother hear. 'I've only just finished reading about banshees,' Cassiopeia said, surprised. 'Could you swot in quiet, I am trying to analyse the strigoi's,' The boy before her, Abraxas, exaggeratedly pointed out, obtaining immediate attention of Irma, who turned to her daughter with a thin-lipped warning.

After studying, like a miracle, it stopped raining. Cassiopeia felt easier the moment she left the building, taking a stroll in the park across the street. She was humming along with the birds, feeling the sun better her and her mind clear of appealing books she had read throughout the week until she caught sight of another lone soul. A boy, sat by a laburnum, which beamed neatly in the sun. He was rooted on the grass, even as it still felt damp as it brushed her heels. He was caught by surprise by her presence, she had noticed.

'Can I help you?' He questioned, righting himself. 'I was just passing,' She answered calmly, but neither actually moved. She took this moment to skim. He had lovely chestnut brown hair. He was quite pale and when he stood, he was loftier than the average eleven-year-old. 'I've never seen you here before,' She remarked and the boy hummed, 'I was just passing, too,' And she nodded.

'What were you doing?' 'What?' 'Just before I came along,' 'Nothing,'

She sat down by the tree leaning against the trunk. She closed her eyes, breathing in the air and letting her hands run past the grass. She could feel the deepest root shooting through her and it felt euphoric. 'What're you doing?' He questioned with a raised brow, and Cassiopeia shrugged, 'sensing nature,' She breathed out, eyes screwed shut as she could feel every autumn, summer, winter and spring rush through her veins. 'And what is that exactly?' He questioned again, and Cassiopeia sighed, opening her eyes, 'I wanted to know what you were doing, as you won't tell me yourself, so I asked the tree,' She answered. He gave her an agitated look, looking back at the tree. 'You asked...a tree?' He hesitated and Cassiopeia smiled, noticing he was puzzled. 'Ah, of course!' She chuckled. 'Well...' He hesitated, again, 'What was I doing?' He questioned, Cassiopeia watched the wonderment reek off of him. 'Magic, of course' She whispered, and he went still, leaving her satisfactory.

'You'd be a fool to lie to me,' 'You'd be a halfwit to think I'd lie,' She retorted, and his jaw tightened. 'You want proof,' Her eyes darted between his, smiling. She took a sharp breath of air, closing her eyes for a short moment and felt slightly dizzy when she looked around them, a patch of Cassiope bloomed around them. His eyes darted around, bending to touch the flowers. 'Interesting...' He muttered, turning back to her. She smiled, holding out her hand 'I am Cassiopeia,' She finally introduced herself. 'The Cassiope...brilliant,' He took the hand she held out, 'Tom,' She hummed, feeling void all of the sudden. 'Alright?' He questioned, seeing the sudden change in her posture. 'You are empty,' She frowned, reaching for his hand. 'Excuse me?' He pulled his hand away.

'Empty,' She empathizes. 'Oh no, got that part alright- what do you mean by it,' Cassiopeia frowned. Fear. Lack of affection. 'It means you haven't been loved- or cannot feel it,' She explained, and before he could respond she felt something inside of her that forewarned her. She looked over his shoulder, finding Walburga Black making her way into the park, grimacing at every person that passed her. 'I should go,' Cassiopeia trailed off, Walburga advancing towards her, 'What? Why-' 'Take care,' She smiled, passing him, heading straight for her sister. 'Talking to muggles, now?' Sneered Walburga as they walked back. 'No, no why-' 'Don't you think I saw you talk to that- that filth,' 'That is a malignant assumption- he was a wizard,' 'A wizard? Don't make me laugh, Cassy! If he was he must've been dirty blood,' Walburga sneered one last time as they reached Grimmauld Place. Cassiopeia remained quiet after that. As her sister walked through the barrier, Cassiopeia looked back, but he was gone.

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