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1st of September, 1938

It wasn't raining, which was an advantage to all the Blacks. As Irma and Pollux Black walked through the crowds of muggles- grimacing as they passed- their progeny pushed their carts forward. Cassiopeia wandered behind them, watching the platform bustling in astonishment. Alphard was beside her, with difficulty he got her to hurry. Once the family reached platform 9 and ¾, they passed the barrier, one by one. Cassiopeia smiled blithely, The massive train, which read Hogwarts Express, whistled loudly. 'Hurry, now,' pleaded Alphard, tugging his sister along, 'Alphard we are not behind any other,' Said Cassiopeia, rolling her eyes as her brother tugged her inside the train, 'Wait, Alphard!' She tugged her hand from his grip, walking over to her mother. She bid her parents goodbye before turning to the train, Alphard and Walburga already lost. She searched the compartments, most of them crowded. She found a familiar head of platinum blonde sat alone and smiled. 'Hello, Abraxas,' She greeted the boy, sitting on the seat before him. He lowered his book and closed his eyes at the sight, 'What are you doing here, Cassy?' 'Well, all the compartments are stocked- you were the only one, well, alone,' 'Fine, just don't- don't grow any flowers,' 'Why would I?' 'You do it subliminally, too,' 'Really? merlin...'.

They sat in silence, for a time, before the compartment door slit open. 'Can I sit here? It's full everywhere-' 'Of course!' Cassiopeia patted down the seat beside her, the boy sat down. 'What house do you reckon you'll be in?' The boy asked, and Cassiopeia turned to him. 'Well, my entire bloodline is Slytherin, a lucky guess of mine is that'll be Slytherin,' She laughed, and the boy smiled. 'I'm guessing Slytherin, too,' He nodded towards Abraxas, 'What about him,' He whispered, 'He is a Slytherin,' Cassiopeia whispered back. 'Im René Rosier,' said the boy, holding out a hand, Cassiopeia shook it, 'Cassiopeia Black,' He grinned, 'I reckon that we will be great friends, Cassiopeia,'.

They conversed for a period of time before the compartment door opened again and three boys rush inside, slamming the glass door shut before turning, previous laughter died down quickly, 'Pardon us,' The tallest apologized. 'There had been...an adversity in our last compartment,' The boys behind him stifled their laughter, 'You want to sit, yes?' Cassiopeia raised a suspicious brow. 'Yes,' They answered in unison. 'Well,' She pointed to the free space beside Abraxas, who had been glaring through the window. Cassiopeia soon learned the tallest was named Henry Nott, the boys beside him were identified as Alexandre Avery and Lachlan Lestrange. They sat, conversed, ate. Cassiopeia eventually got up, leaving the compartment to change when she caught sight of Alphard. She slid open the compartment, the men going quiet. 'Are you lost?' The blonde boy closest to the door questioned, irritated. 'No, I-' 'Cassy, are you lost?' Alphard interjected, and Cassiopeia's eyebrows rose. 'No, I am not,' She gritted, 'I actually wanted to know where you've been all this time, but I am guessing you are doing fine, take care,' She shut the door, heading further down the train. She muttered to herself, agitated once she saw rain rippling outside. A boy, in bright red robes, headed her way, 'You should get dressed, the train will arrive shortly,' He squeezed past her, causing her to scoff.

'Cassiopeia! Love, over here!' She turned and smiled, finding Lucretia waving her hand out of a compartment, and Cassiopeia fleed inside. When she turned, there were more peers inside. 'Where have you been,' Lucretia exclaimed, pulling Cassiopeia down with her on the seat. 'I was sat with Abraxas at the end of the train, eventually, it was filled with men and needed air, so I found Alphard, but he was in a mood, sensed it, now I am here, finally,' Cassiopeia breathed out, leaning against the soft seat. 'Abraxas? As in Malfoy? I've heard he is gorgeous,' Cassiopeia turned to find a red-haired girl leaning at the window, smiling dreamily. 'Well, I am not sure,' Cassiopeia laughed nervously, 'Oh, Cassy, she cannot stand Malfoy, of course,' Lucretia laughed with her. Cassiopeia settled into the amenable atmosphere. She learned that the red-haired girl was Eloise Goyle, a creative soul, she was as fond of nature as Cassiopeia was, 'A true haunter of the woods,' She had smiled. The girl beside her, Estelle Selwyn, a girl that was empathic, caring. 'You can read people?' Cassiopeia asked curiously, Estelle had laughed, 'I can sense them,' 'How fascinating,'. They had dressed and as the train came to a stop, the four of them, soon six ('A friend from home! Allison! Here!' Eloise had shrilled her throat for the girl, who was followed by another girl, Nicole Mun,) They followed the gamekeeper, which was a lanky man, onto the dock. Once they paddled onto waters, Cassiopeia felt as if she had never been more alive. The sharp autumn air felt like winter in Scotland, the sound of nature surrounded her, and it was magnificent.

When they entered a chamber to right themselves before the sorting ceremony, Cassiopeia was in shock. A face she thought would be a lost memory, was standing in the corner of the chamber, in robes. 'Pardon me,' Cassiopeia excused herself as Nicole Mun was babbling about Sumasandeul, the school her brothers went to. She ambled his way, caught his eye and smiled when she was pulled away by Lucretia, 'It's starting,' She whispered excitedly. She looked back, finding him lost in the crowd once again. Is this how it'll be? They entered the Great Hall in a narrow queue. Moments later, the woman that had led them into the chambers, stood with a long list beside an old looking hat. The hat cleared a throat Cassiopeia did not know he had and started singing,

'There is nothing hidden in your head The sorting hat cannot see, So try me on and I will tell you Where you ought to be. You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring nerve and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart. You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true And unafraid of toil. Or yet old wise Ravenclaw, If you have a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind. Or perhaps in Slytherin, You will make your real friends, Those cunning folks use any means To achieve their ends. So put me on! Do not be afraid! And do not get in a flap! You are in safe hands (though I have none) For I am a Thinking Cap!'

Tables broke into a standing ovation. Soon, the woman, Professor Cyprus, upfront explained that she'd call out names to be sorted, and Cassiopeia's heart beat rapidly. 'Alexandre Avery,' Professor Cyprus called out, and the boy from the train walked up front gracefully. He sat for not longer than a beat before the hat cried out, 'SLYTHERIN!' The line shortened and shortened. 'Alphard Black,' Cassiopeia turned to find her brother with a group of boys, racing up to the chair. He sat and the hat cried once again, 'SLYTHERIN!' Alphard received an ovation from the Slytherin table just like Alexandre had. Then Cassiopeia felt like she had frozen,

'Cassiopeia Black,' Professor Cyprus looked up, and Cassiopeia stepped forward, she sat on the chair looking at her peers before her, finding Toms eyes once again before she disappeared underneath the hat. 'Hmm,' it murmured, 'Another Black? Mighty, might...' Well, you will sort me in Slytherin, right? 'I don't think that house is what you are fit for, Cassiopeia...You have...a mind for a Ravenclaw... a heart for a Hufflepuff...' But sir! If I am not in Slytherin- I do not even know what will happen! Sir...cap, I need to be in Slytherin! I'll be disowned, or worse- 'SLYTHERIN!' The hat cried out, and Cassiopeia felt a weight lift off her shoulders at once. An ovation broke out once again as Cassiopeia made her way to the table, 'Welcome,' Abraxas greeted her, 'SLYTHERIN!,' Lucretia took her hand and pulled her beside her, 'Now we are all together,' She smiled, Alphard finally turned to her, 'Good job,' He congratulated her. He had known she would not be fit for Slytherin. Cassiopeia's mind reeled, her heart hammering against her chest, eyes fixed on Alphard, who soon averted his eyes onto the plate before him.

'Allison Crabbe,' Lucretia turned to the hat, waiting for her friend to enter Slytherin, too. 'HUFFLEPUFF!' The hat yelled, an ovation at the Hufflepuff table, but a gauche silence took over the Slytherins. Allison's eyes darted over in shock, but Abraxas forcefully turned Cassiopeia to look away. 'Eloise Goyle,' Professor Cyprus croaked, and the red-haired girl stepped forward. A beat. 'SLYTHERIN!' Cassiopeia stared down at her plate, now, while the rest applauded. 'Luke Greengrass,' 'SLYTHERIN!' 'Lachlan Lestrange,' 'SLYTHERIN,' 'Marius Macmillan,' 'HUFFLEPUFF!' 'Olivia Mananory,' 'SLYTHERIN!' 'Nicole Min,' 'RAVENCLAW!' 'Henry Nott,' 'SLYTHERIN!' 'Jean Ricard,' 'SLYTHERIN!' 'Tom Riddle,' Cassiopeia turned briskly. The boy sat on the chair, his robes droopy and shapeless. Murmurs started invading the Slytherin table, 'Do you know his family, by any chance?' 'Never heard f-' 'SLYTHERIN!'

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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