Your Soul for Gold

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---Alex's POV---
"Don't touch my gold!" It shouted. "Give it back or I'll tear you to pieces!" It began to choke me before shoving me away. I land on the ground.

"Alex!" Abby shouted. "Why would you open that door you idiot?!" Abby picked me up.

"Guys!" Joey called out. "There's a note!"

"What does it say?" I asked.

"Garuda traded his soul for gold," Joey read. "And you soon will do the same."

"Is Garuda a YouTuber?" Abby asked.

"Gather as many coins as you can," Joey read. "Because the two with the fewest coins at the end will be forced into the final challenge."

"It's like," Justine stated. "Every man for ourselves. Go find as many coins as we can."

"Yeah." Joey replied.

"This is kind of like an Easter egg hunt," Ro stated. "Which I'm pretty good at."

"Alright," Colleen stated. "Well, I'm gonna start looking 'cause I don't wanna be the one with the least coins."

"None of us do." Abby stated. We began making our way to the next exhibit.

"There's always something." DeStorm mumbled. A bird kept squaking.

"Do you guys hear that bird noise?" Joey asked.

"Yes!" Justine shouted.

"Where's that coming from?" Mortimer asked.

"Outside." Abby replied. Abby started heading into the direction of the noise. I followed right behind her. Abby approached something.

"Whoa," I asked. "What's this?"

"Indian exhibit." Abby replied. "That explains the bird."

"The exhibit's out front." Joey stated. We all walked outside.

"Guys," Abby stated. "Whatever just choked Alex is out there. Be careful." I grabbed Abby's hand and held it. This time, Abby didn't tell me to let go. I smiled and kissed Abby's cheek.

"Awe," Joey beamed. "I ship it so much!"

"Joey," Ro hissed. "That's my sister."

"She's 24 Ro," Joey stated. "She's a grown woman." We stopped on top of the staircase. Coins, gold, and jewels were being tossed everywhere. We ducked for cover.

"Where is it?!" Garuda screamed. "They've stolen my gold! I'll kill them! Where is it?!"

"Why is it angry?" I asked.

"What's it looking for?" Justine questioned.

"He's missing something." Abby stated. "He's looking for something."

"Is he looking for the coin we have?" Colleen asked. Abby looked at Colleen and shrugged. Garuda took off running and we ran to the fountain.

"Look for coins." Joey stated. We began looking everywhere.

"The more coins I have," I mumbled. "The more likely I can protect Abby."

"Wait!" Joey called out. "There's a scroll! Abby found a scroll!" Everyone gathered around Abby.

"Listen." Abby stated. "Listen, listen."

"Listen up guys!" I shouted.

"The waters of Garuda," Abby read. "Are tainted with the blood of his victims. You must find a way to cleanse it by connecting the water to a source of pure light." Abby had her thinking face on. She usually gets that face when she's puzzled. I think it's cute.

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