Chapter 6: Sea Lovers

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Mina's POV
A light knocking sound was heard and all the girls on the table stopped talking to look at the source, Jihyo.

"Thank you." She took in a deep breath before speaking, "Halloween is coming up soon as we're still yet to buy costumes and even sign up for events"

"Not true," interjected Momo. "I signed up for the group costume competiton". She had a wide toothy grin before she took a bite of her food. I just rolled my eyes ahd chuckled before continuing to eat as well.

Jihyo shook her head and asked, "So you have partners to dress up with and costumes?" I heard snickers come from the other girls,

This seemed to have caught Momo off guard and I'm guessing that's because she didn't think that far ahead. Her face reddend and she tried to hide behind her chopsticks. "We'll take that as I no?" I teased and laughed as I watched her turn more red and put down the chopsticks to try cover her face with her lunchbox lid.

"Leave your unnie alone,"Momo said just above a whisper. "I was gonna ask you guys soon, you know"

"Sure you were" someone quipped.

The flushed senior stood up and hit Tzuyu with the lid. "I was gonna, I swear!" She sat back down and pouted. Just as everyone settled down and Jihyo was about to speak, Momo looked up and asked, "Anyone wanna match with me?" She eyed everyone as we all looked at each other, wondering who was going to respond to the peache's request for company first.

Surprisingly, or rather, unsurprisingly, Nayeon perked up first. "I will! Peach sisters do everything together!" This caused Momo to smile and hug the older girl, making her smile wide enough to expose her bunny teeth fully. "Anyone else? This is a group competition, not a couples event."

Sana smirked and nudged me with her elbow. "If it were a couples' event, I know who we'd go with~" I sighed and turned to face her, pushing her arm down to her side.

"Does that mean you're going to ask Dahyun to pair up with you?" I retorted, smiling as I saw red creep up on her face.

"Yah, Mina! Don't turn my teasing against me!" She whined, hitting my shoulder.

I massaged the area and muttered back, "Fine, fine. I won't tease you... For today"

Just before Sana could start up again, the bell rang, singaling the end of lunch. She puffed up her cheeks and pouted, making her seem a bit more squirrel-like than usual. Some started packing their lunchboxes and utensils back while I walked to the plate disposal area and left mine in a rack for cleaning.

I jogged back to the table to find everyone packed and we left the lunch hall together. Along with the rest of the student body.

"You guys do know we still need another person to join us, right?" Nayeon reminded us. "Jeongie, how about you?" She clung onto the short-haired girl's arm and made a face.

I giggled seeing Jeongyeon's nervous reaction before turning away from them to get to my locker. I do think I heard her agree but that was after a lot of whining from Nayeon.

She won't ever say no to her, will she? I pondered while sorting out my books and grabbing my bag. My phone buzzed in my hand as I was packing it away so I turn it on to read the notification.

Dubu Baby  just now
We still need to decide what to wear so can we meet up after school to talk?

Yeah, we didn't finish that talk, did we?

I felt my phone buzz more and saw more messages.

Nabong just now
Sure I'll bring Jeongie with me

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