Chapter 14: Calling, Called It

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Chaeyoung's POV 

I finished picking up the snacks and to set them next to the dishes my mother and I had prepared earlier near the home computer. As I neared the table, I realized that I didn't have space to place the snacks I'd gathered. Bunching them up on the chair, I inspected the space to figure out how I could reorganize everything to make them fit. After I tried shuffling the bowls around and moving plates for a few minutes trying to squeeze softer snack bags into the gaps, I gave up and turned on the computer to call Mina. 

She picked up after a few rings, and in that time, one of the snacks started teetering off the table and eventually fell right as she picked up. I dove after open bag, bumping into the chair in the process. 

"Woah, tiger. Are you okay?" her sweet voice came through the speaker with hints of concern. "The chair didn't hurt you, did it?" 

To her credit, she does sound worried, but I noticed the suppressed laughter in between her words. "It didn't, don't worry, penguin," I reassured her, not letting her know I heard. "That's not what I called you for, by the way," I clarified, looking away from the screen to hide as much of my face as I could. "I called because I have a geometric puzzle to solve." 

I saw the beauty perk up on the screen through my peripheral vision. "What kind of geometric puzzle?" she asked, coming into full view on the camera. 

I snickered at her eagerness to solve a math problem. "Easy, unnie. I just ran out of space on my table and I need help fitting everything on it." I explained. Mina deflated slightly but she didn't turn away. I faced her, setting the bag down. 

"And that's a geometry problem how?" 
"Because a lot of the dishes are circular and circles don't fit spaces well, right? So I was wondering how I make the most of the space because my mom made a lot of dishes for my brother and I." I explained, shuffling around dishes again. 

I heard a quiet laugh come from the other side of the screen and it filled me with embarassment but also happiness. "You can't make the best of circles, Chae. You're better off stuffing whatever snacks you get get into the gaps since a large percentage of the table is still empty." I nodded defeatedly, looking onto my incredibly stuffed table. "Chaengie, listen," she called for me. I stopped eyeing the spaces and focused back on Mina. "If you have, you can try placing some of your snacks on elevated planforms so that you can fit larger snacks." Her suggestion made sense, and seemed practical. 

Satisfied with the answer I got, I muttered a thank you and immediately started searching around the room to look for platforms with bases small enough to fit in the gaps but with large enough tops to hold smaller plates and bags. There weren't too many objects in the room in general, although I could check the living room and kitchen, I thought to myself. 

I sighed and said, "There's nothing here so I guess I'll go check around the house. Mind waiting for me?" 

"Take your time, Chaeng. I can wait," she responded with a smile. After that, I stood up and left the room. Slowly pacing around the kitchen, I inspected all the shelves and counters until my eyes landed on some candlesticks we had tucked away in a corner. Smiling victoriously, I grabbed the widest of them, slowly removing the candles and wax, before returning back to the room I'd set up. 

"Hey, Mina! I got candle-" My announcement was interrupted by shock in seeing other people in the call, not just Mina. "When did these guys get here?" I asked, referring to the other Japanese girls and Dahyun. Confusion evident on my face, I sat in the chair in front of the camera, placing the candlesticks down. 

"If you can't tell, while you were gone," Sana answered with a snicker. "Just pretend we're not here and continue your date with Mina." 

The teasing tone annoyed and amused me. "It wasn't a date, I was just asking for help." I told her, trying to balance the snacks on the top of the candlesticks. 

"You just said you got candles. Sounds like a date to me," Momo added. The grins on both their faces grew. 

Rolling my eyes and chuckling, I shot back, "What kind of date involves math?" I hope that line would get them off our back. 

"A date with Mina, apparently." Sana crossed her arms and scoffed. "I thought I taught you better than this, Ms. Myoui!" She whined. Some more Japanese words passed between them, teasing I presume, since Dahyun let out some giggles. Mina looked between the two of them, seemingly defeated. 

"Dahyun unnie, what's happening?" I asked, feeling confused and left out, but she didn't answer me. She just told me to not worry about it but that didn't help. Two can play at that game, I thought to myself, smirking internally. 

"Mina," I called out. Everyone stopped talking to look at me. "Play with the idea of dating and lean into it to confuse them," I told her in English. "Make it seem like they stopped our date and I was embarrassed we were caught." I thought I was a subtle nod from her and felt the conversation change. 

While the conversation was in Japanese, eventually, Dahyun picked it up and yelled out, "Aha! I knew you two were dating!" 

Mina and I shared a glance before we burst out laughing. "No, we're not," she started. "And we don't if you keep interrupting us like that," I muttered afterward. 

The other three gasped and Sana grabbed her device. "Are you saying if we leave you alone, you'll get together?" she almost screamed. Mina and I shared a glace and burst out laughing, stunning her. 

"No, Sana, and we won't if you keep forcing us to," Mina said, settling back down in her chair. "Done teasing us now?" The jumpy girl returns to her seat, looking somewhat disappointed. I heard Dahyun trying to cheer up Sana over the call, but didn't pay much attention as I was still trying to arrange snacks. 

The side conversation was broken up by the alert noise of people joining the call. "I swear, Momo, you're spending more time with Dubu than you are with me these days," Nayeon's loud whining cuts through the quiet atmosphere. "How long have you guys been here without us, huh?" 

The confusion on Momo's face contrasts the ferocity on Nayeon's and it almost causes me to laugh. Peeking at the others in the call, I spot half trying to hide laughter and the other half rolling their eyes or shaking their heads. 

Jihyo's voice booms over the two girlfriends talking, "Unnie, before you kill Momo, can we at least enjoy our food together? We don't meet up like this often over the holidays." 

"She's right, babes. We should enjoy our time together instead of arguing," Jeongyeon added. I saw nods and a few icons light green. "Let's start eating, yeah?" Everyone was more eager, myself included, and we began eating our own meals. 

Sputtering, the oldest protested immediately, "I asked her to call earlier and she said no but she's here with Dahyunnie! How can I not be mad?" 

"Eh? I had a call with Sana today so I said no," Momo defended. 

"Then why is she here?" 

"I don't know but she was." 


"Why didn't you invite me?" 

"I didn't know-" 

"Girls!" Finally, the two of the settled, both with a huff. Once again, it's only Jihyo's voice that broke through the argument. I wonder why the group only listens to her, even the oldest, I asked myself. Am I missing something? "You can have your lovers quarrel later, but for now, we're here as a group." 

Defeated, Nayeon sighed and picked up her utensils. I felt the energy of the call subtly change. Looking up from my plate and zooming my eyes across the screen, everyone else also seemed to have noticed. Eyes were darting across from person to person but seemed to collectively land on Jeongyeon. 

Confused for a bit, she eventually picked up the signal and cleared her throat. "Nayeonnie, how about the three of us go on a date when Momo comes back. Or maybe just you two since you miss her so much?" she proposed, hopefully watching Nayeon. The eldest seemed to perk up a little but didn't raise her head or stop eating. "You'll be able to have her all day in your arms if you want and isn't that nice?" 

"Yeah, we could!" Momo chimed in with her cheeks stuffed. The smile slowly grew on Nayeon's face and she raised her head. 

Momo continued eating as the smile on Jeongyeon's face brightened. "See, bunny?" 

"Yes, Jeongie, I get it," she replied with a sigh. "Sorry for stalling dinner, everyone." The eldest bowed in her seat. 

The silence that follows is brief and oddly tense but its eventually broken by Dahyun's satisfied sigh as she sets her glass down. 

I look at her and she responds, "What?" Her eyes dart around the screen and she asks again, "What? Did I do something wrong?" 

A few of the girls start laughing near instantly, causing her to look more confused. I am one of those people, laughing so hard I'm holding my sides. But watching her face subtly change makes me stop and I look at her properly. "Don't worry, Dubu. You just had perfect timing after a bad moment."

She slowly nodded in response, the group settling down to enjoy their meals, a few of them leaving from time to time to see family. The atmosphere was both playful and relaxed. Makes me miss them all the more. 

"Alright, girls. I hope you're all comfortable and ate well." Jihyo's voice cut through the conversations. Everyone quieted down, placing their cutlery and cups on the table. "I hope you're all ready for something exciting because Mina and Chaeyoung have a surprise for us." Near instantly, murmurs started going around the call. "Should we be worried?" I heard passing. "Are they finally together?" another asked. I rolled my eyes at the comments and questions, focusing my attention on Jihyo-unnie. 

I saw Jihyo gesture with her hands for everyone to quiet down, and as they did, nervousness slowly grew within me. "Are you ready, kids?" She asked, most likely referring to Mina and I. 

"You say that like we're not born a month apart, Jihyo," Mina replies with an eye roll. I snicker at the response, slowly reaching for a remote. "You got it, Chaengie?" She asked me softly. 

I gave a firm nod and grabbed my phone, logging into the call on it instead of the computer. Bolting for the kitchen door, I ran outside while putting on my jacket and quickly set up the back camera to face the sky. "Ready!" I called over. "How much time is left?" 

"About two minutes," she replied. "Don't get cold out there, okay?" 

I chuckled, shoving my hands into my jacket pockets. "Yes, Mina." 

"That's cute and all but what are they doing?" Nayeon asked. "Jihyo?" 

"You can't ask me," Jihyo denied. "I can't say anything." 

I heard grumbling over the call and chuckled. Nayeon's voice raised as she said, "Jihyo, please? You know you're my favorite dongsaeng, right?" 

"I thought that was me..." Momo whined. 

"Momo, you're my girlfriend," the eldest reasoned. 

More whining was heard until it was interrupted by a timer. "One minute to midnight, girls!" Sana said in a sing-song voice. "I hope you all did everything you wanted this year and do more next year!" Her sentiment was echoed by the group and they all responded positively. "I also hope we stay friends for many years to come." 

"Me, too." "So do I." "Friends for life!" "Me, three!" 

"30 seconds to midnight. Are you girls finally going to tell us what it is?" Jeongyeon asked over the call. 

"Nope," I responded flatly, staring up at the sky. 

I heard her sigh. "Keeping secrets isn't the best way to end the year." 

Chuckling, I said, "I know but this is a surprise not a secret so hush, unnie." 

"It's time for the countdown." Mina began. "Everybody, count with us!" She encouraged, raising the energy. "Ten, nine, eight, seven," 

As I was told, I pressed the button on the remote and watched a trail fizzle to life on the ground. I followed it with my eyes until it reached the large black box. 

"Six, five, four, three," 

Rockets shot up into the sky, one by one.  

"Two, one!"  

The rocket tails disappeared just as the counting ended. 

"Happy new year!" I yelled through the phone, laughing joyously as the fireworks erupted and lit up the sky. 

I heard sounds of awe, clapping and yelling but disregarded it, staring wondrously at the sky as different colors exploded and disappeared, instantly replaced with equally marvelous spectacles. 

"So this is what you had planned? To think I was worried," Jeongyeon mused over the call. 

I chuckled and shot back, "Yeah, we're the wrong couple to worry about and you know it." 

"I knew you guys were a couple! Finally, I got one right!" Sana celebrated, making me smile so wide my cheeks hurt. 

"You wish, squirrel." Mina joked. Near instantly, the older girl's whining could be heard through the call, causing me to laugh. "Chaengie, focus here," her voice demanded quietly. I stopped laughing and leaned in closer to the phone. "Got the last surprise ready?" 

I wracked my brain a bit until I remembered and responded, "Yes. Should I do it now or will we explain first?" 

"I can do it." 

"Okay. Go on, unnie."

"Chaeyoung made something to represent our friendship and group. We hope you like it." she said breifly. "Do it." 

Following her command, I pressed another button on the remote and watched as another line lit up, eyeing the rocket as it flew. 

Its sparkly explosion wasn't just a fountain of glitter, but a symbol made from pink and orange. "This is our gift to all of you for simply being with us. I'm new but you let me in quickly and now I feel like I've known you for years. I hope we have many more together." I rambled as the glow lingered. "Happy new year, everybody."

Sorry for being dead, but I was rewriting this book yet again and didn't want what I was writing to catch up to the plot points I was fixing. 

About half way through the book now so please see it through to the end, voting and commenting along the way. 

Have a wonderful day 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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