15. An Abundance Of Testosterone (And The Ones Who Weave Between Them)

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(Writing New Stories In The Void) 

"Thanks for taking me here," Henry says, leading her up the stairs to the Charmings'. "Don't be too mad, okay?"

"I'm not angry with you for leaving your textbook here," she says, puzzled. "It happens. Emma has so much trouble keeping track of your schedule that it's a wonder that I'm the one who didn't grow up with this schooling system." It's only Saturday afternoon, too, and Henry hasn't thought about studying over the weekend since they instituted the weekends-with-Emma policy. He's on his best behaviour today, home early and not even scowling about the now-empty guest room anymore.

The now-empty guest room is...best. For everyone involved. She doesn't know why her heart quickens when Robin's around now- not as it did once, out of the newness of something that still felt right, but with a rapid sort of thudding that feels very nearly like fear- but it's just something she'll have to get over.

There are no other options for either of them, and that could be so much worse than being with a man she cares about.

The thudding starts again and she blinks and turns back to her son. "That's not why you're going to be mad," Henry admits, and he pushes open the door.

She blinks again. David is standing in the centre of the room, bent over the table as he arranges a vase at the centre of it, but it's the little head popping up from behind him that captures her attention. Roland, struggling to climb up onto his shoulders.

Robin is standing in one corner with Hook, and he looks up to flash her a smile. He's stirring a bowl of something dark and green, and Hook is predictably pouring glasses of whiskey for the both of them. And Snow stands in the kitchen, beaming at her over the counter while she balances Leo in one arm and a plate in the other. "Welcome to our very first family dinner!"

Regina looks to her side. Henry shrugs up at her. "I thought it would be fun. And we haven't had dinner with Ma since before she got sick. You guys must miss each other."

"Henry." So this is why he's finally gotten over the Robin situation. She can't have him playing matchmaker like this, expecting things from them both that will only break his heart in the end. But she also glances around once automatically, searching for blonde hair and the ready scowl she probably deserves after the night at the park. "Where is Emma?"

Leo starts to fuss at the sound of her voice, whining until Snow comes over and passes him to her. "I swear, both my children like you more than me," she sighs good-naturedly.

"Well, it's understandable," Regina observes, raising an eyebrow as she cradles him against her side and Snow rolls her eyes in response. "Where is the bigger model of this one, anyway? Did she hear about family dinner and disown you, and is that an option for me? Again?"

"Shh." Snow pats Leo's back. "Don't listen to her stories, Leo. No, Emma did not disown us. She just had an emergency call from the station."

"Really," she says sceptically.

"Really." Snow smiles, and for a moment Regina is reminded that this is the woman who's managed to defeat her multiple times and might not be a perpetual idiot. "And I told her that she has twenty minutes to be back here from her fictional call, or we're having family dinner again tomorrow night. Everybody wins!" She darts back to the kitchen area before Regina can respond, Henry right behind her.

"Absolutely not," Regina says to no one at all, and Robin sidles over behind her to brush a kiss to the top of her head.

"My apologies for the deception. Snow is very persistent." His lips feel dry when they scrape against her forehead, like meaningless kisses she'd long ago forced from her memory, and she breathes and smiles.

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