CHAPTER 1: 10 years later

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Guess who's back? :D
It's me!
I had to re-write all of the chapters because one night I randomly woke up at 2 AM and decided I didn't like what I wrote anymore, so it took longer to finish this sequel.

!IMPORTANT: Y/N has some mental issues due to the trauma so I hope I portrayed it correctly. For some things I took inspiration from what happens to me during my own attacks!

Hope you enjoy ❤


A few years passed since William Afton left Hurricane after being released due to lack of evidence.
(Y/N) still lived in their sister's apartment, they even opened their own shop where people who needed their electronic devices repaired could go; it wasn't much but it was enough to pay the bills and live a pretty decent life. They sold their sister's bike and car because they would just walk around since they didn't really go out due to not being able to build any kind of relationship nor friendship, plus maintaining a car was too expensive for them.
On top of that, (Y/N) started going to therapy after everything that happened with William and after Henry's suicide which they knew the reason of. They were followed by a psychiatrist who mostly prescribed them pills and never really worked on helping their mental health get better, the pills would make (Y/N)'s mind get distracted and not think about the memories involving William, it was a temporary effect but that was enough.

It was (Y/N)'s free day, they were taking a walk around town to get some fresh air when they walked in front of the new building site, the works were going smoothly but it was no denying that the weird aura from Freddy's was stifling that not even building something around it would trap it forever. As they glanced at the new mall a shiver run down their back, even if they were so far from it, it felt like the pizzeria was staring right at them, suffocating them with its presence.
«You're safe now», (Y/N) whispered.
They walked away burying themselves in their coat, the wind was getting colder by the minute as the evening approached; they made a quick stop at the grocery store before going back home since they needed some supplies. They were checking out at the register when it started to rain, it wasn't pouring but it wasn't that light either.
"What a lucky day", (Y/N) thought before trying to use the coat as a shield to protect the groceries from getting wet.
It's not like they didn't like the rain, but it would have been less annoying if they had their umbrella with them. As they were running to their house, (Y/N) stepped right into a puddle getting their trousers and sock wet, they weren't even frustrated the thought of getting home to take a shower was a priority blocking out all the other things.
The house was dark, quiet and cold; they kicked off their shoes at the entrance and left the shopping bag on the kitchen counter, throwing their coat on one of the chairs. (Y/N) didn't even bother to turn on the lights to get to the bathroom, they knew the position of every item and every room like the back of their hand.
(Y/N) took their damp clothes off and threw them in the basket full of other dirty clothes before turning on the water. While they waited for it to get warm, they stared at the scars left behind by William, just the thought of him made them cringe in fear and pain as the scars seemed to burn like back then.
"I wonder where he is... Perhaps he's somewhere ruining someone else's life?", (Y/N) was sitting under the water that was washing away all the bubbles from the shower gel.
Their eyes closed, knees close to their chest as they tried to find some comfort in the warm water.
After their legs started to cramp due to being in a fetal position for too long, they decided to finish washing themselves and step out of the shower; while watching their reflection on the mirror, (Y/N) opened one of the drawers of the bathroom cabinet, it had different orange see through bottles full of pills in it. They would relapse sometimes, especially during stressful days, so they had to rely on pills that the psychologist prescribed them to help with the PTSD and depression symptoms; however, the doctor didn't take into consideration that (Y/N) could have grown a form of addiction to the medicines.
«Eh, just a few won't hurt», (Y/N) said while popping different pills in a glass, they would take them after dinner.
(Y/N) got dressed in some comfy clothes and headed downstairs, they put on some music to keep them company as they cooked some pre-packed noodles and garnished them just how they liked it.
«I'm such a good chef, I would give myself 5 stars», they commented almost inhaling the food.
If (Y/N) had to be honest, sometimes they felt lonely, they didn't have friends or a lover because of the traumatic past experiences but then they started thinking about how it would be like if they made new friends, starting to feel anxious just by thinking about it.
"It's ok to be alone", they reassured themselves gulping down the pills with a big glass of water. The pills made everything more manageable in their opinion, but they noticed their hands shaking, not that badly, whenever they would go over the recommended daily intake.
«Calm down... Big deep breaths...», they squeezed their eyes shut, «Everything is ok, I'm in my safe space, I'm at home».
(Y/N) sank their nails in their upper arms, breaking the skin and making small drops of blood trickle down.
They stayed like that for about 25 minutes before taking one last deep breath and going to the kitchen to wash their nails from the blood and to disinfect the crescent moon shaped cuts. (Y/N) couldn't understand what triggered some anxiety attack, nothing bad happened that day, maybe they were just tired from work and running under the rain.
"Yeah, it's probably that", they chuckled trying to convince themselves as they laid in bed.

(Y/N) sat on their bed, covers wrapped tight around their body to keep them warm, they were staring at the sun rising bags under their eyes due to the lack of sleep.
"Time to get ready for work", getting out of bed silently they felt like giving everything up and just stay in their house until they died, but bills had to be paid and just staying inside would probably make their anxiety attacks worse.
It was almost 7.30 AM when they started walking towards their shop, not many people were out in the streets at that time, most of them were already working while others were probably having breakfast in one of the coffee shops in the town. It was nice to hear such silence, (Y/N) could hear their thought better that way.
«Good morning, Mx (L/N)», there was the first costumer of the day.
(Y/N) put on a smile and started their working day. Customers who came to them were mostly elderly people who needed their phones repaired or just needed some lessons on how to use it. (Y/N) didn't mind helping them, time would fly by faster, plus, some of them even left a substantial tip.
«Good morning, Mx (L/N)», (Y/N) put down the cell phone they were working on to greet the new costumer.
They froze in place. His face was so familiar, but it couldn't have been him.
«Good morning, sir, how may I help you?», they smiled waiting for a response, feeling nervous as a drop of cold sweat run down their back.
The man looked around the place a bit before going up to the register. (Y/N) took a good look at him; he really was skinny, the clothes looked like they didn't even fit him properly, his skin was so pale that he looked sick, his hair were scruffy and his eyes were an icy blue and almost looked lifeless.
«I just wanted to return this to you», he simply said while handing (Y/N) their phone.
They became pale as accepted the phone with shaky hands, how could they lose it and not notice it? Probably because they didn't really use their phone that much during the day, after all no one texted or called them.
«Uhm... T-thank you, sir», they awkwardly said.
"He looks so familiar, I feel like William is standing right in front of me".
The man smiled but it was such a weird smile that made (Y/N) get goose bumps, their throat got dry fearing that he might have been able to read their mind. Their heart beat got faster as they waited for an answer from the strange man.
«You're welcome, yesterday you were running so fast that your phone slipped out of your pocket», he chuckled.
(Y/N) nodded without saying anything, they stood still like deer in headlights until he left the shop with a small wave.
«See you around», he finally said before closing the door behind him.
It was strange though, how did that guy know where they worked? (Y/N) suspects got more overwhelming as soon as they got home, they started to brainstorm about how that guy may have looked through their phone or put like a tracker on it; they were starting to get paranoid so they carefully opened the back of their phone and started looking for any kind of bugs.
It sure was a silly thought but maybe, just maybe, they were right.
Everything was normal, no trackers, no new or deleted things on their phone. They sighed in relief before laughing at themselves, the thoughts about that guy being a creep were now gone, maybe he really was just a nice but strange looking guy.

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