CHAPTER 6: Thoughts

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(Y/N) sat on the mattress, blanket draped around their body to keep them warm, eyes empty as they stared at the clock on the wall, listening to the constant ticking of the clock and thinking about how to get the hell out of there.
It felt like an eternity had passed since William left the room, they thought about sending Clay a text or just call the police but William wasn't dumb, he broke their phone as a precaution after he drugged them. They looked at the door as they heard the heavy footsteps stopping right in front of it, it slowly slide open revealing a yellow bunny suit; it did a small dance before it bowed to them. (Y/N) simply stared at it with a blank expression as they wondered how he and where he took that costume.
«Awww, don't be angry at me, little mouse», he took off his head piece placing it on the table near the door.
(Y/N) didn't say anything at first, keeping their gaze on him.
«Where did you get that suit?», William looked enthusiastic as he heard the question.
He got out of his suit and walked towards them, he got on the mattress and pushed them down before crawling on top of them taking away their blanket and exposing them to the cold hair of the room. He softly lifted their shirt just enough to see the scars on their body.
«It was easy to find, love, after all», he looked them in the eyes, «I spent so many wonderful moments with you in that pizzeria that I remember it perfectly».
William smiled seeing (Y/N) shiver under him, he knew what kind of effect he had on them right now. Their fear was so obvious.
(Y/N)'s head turned the other way, they didn't want to stare at him. The more they stared at his cold eyes, the more the feeling of throwing up became intense.
«Look at me», he demanded.
They didn't budge.
«You've always been such a stubborn one», he laughed as he let his hands slip around (Y/N)'s neck, blocking their air circulation.
Tears started to stream down their cheeks, they couldn't believe what was happening.
They wanted it all to be a bad dream.
«So cute», he cooed while they gasped for air, «It felt like the first time I found you snooping around. Do you remember, little mouse?».
(Y/N) tried to nod, their face starting to change color due to the lack of oxygen. William seemed satisfied with his work and let them go, they started to cough like crazy as their lungs felt like they were on fire.
William took the blanket and put in over the both of them as he laid on top of (Y/N) resting his head on their chest and just listening to their heart beat. He hummed happily.
«Oh, I missed you so much», he sweetly said as he kissed in between their breasts, «You drove me crazy, you were so close yet so far. I must admit I was about to lose control and just kidnap you in front of everyone».
(Y/N)'s brain wasn't listening, it was trying so hard to go back to their safe place. It was useless.
How could they have been so stupid?
They should have imagined he would have come back one day or another, they should have just moved to another town and start a new life with a new name and everything.
"How could I let this happen?", their eyes empty as they stared at the ceiling.
«Don't be like that, little mouse», William laughed, proud of himself for fucking around with their mind once again.
(Y/N) didn't have anything to say to the person who took away everything from them.
They felt guilty, it felt like everything that happened was their fault.
It was their fault if William came back.
It was their fault that he killed those children back then and getting away with it.
It was their fault for not realizing who he was sooner.
Everything was their fault.
They couldn't kill him all those years ago because they were weak.
"I should just die, I'm a disappointment", they wanted to curl up in a ball as they started to cry.
«What's wrong, honey?», William hovered on top of them, hands resting on either side of (Y/N)'s face.
The thoughts running through their head, the pills starting to have effect, the pulsating sensation around their neck and the crying were too much for (Y/N)'s body as they passed out cold on the bed. William stared at their limp body, studying them.
(Y/N) had changed so much in those years; their skin was paler now, they also lost a good amount of weight due to the lack of appetite caused by the trauma, scars on their body, dark bags under their eyes and hair not well kept as they would usually be, they looked like they gave up on life and were ready to die. The only things they probably cared enough to do was showering, working and pay the bills.
William caressed their cheek gently, scared of waking them up.

Hours passed before (Y/N) woke up again, it was the middle of the night, almost 1 A.M..
A splitting headache making them squeeze their eyes shut trying to calm it down and not throw up in the meanwhile; they didn't know why life or karma or whatever it is decided that they needed to suffer twice because of the same person.
(Y/N) was starting to believe that that was it, they would spend the rest of their life as William's partner whether they liked it or not. I mean, it could have been worse, they could be dead and he could still be roaming around killing people like it was normal.
"No. Nope. There's no time to give up, I have to find a way out before he hurts Charlie", thankfully William told (Y/N) everything about his plan and why he came back.
He came not only for them but also for his dear animatronics, Charlie was a plus that he didn't thought about at first. William thought that some kind of divine entity brought her to him.
Bullshit. It was an unfortunate coincidence that he came back when the anniversary was about to be celebrated.
(Y/N) needed to get out of there and go save Charlie, the chain on their ankle was the only obstacle between them and escaping.
So they started to think about all the possibilities to get it off.

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