CHAPTER 3: Impatient

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Hey guys,
sorry for the wait but I didn't have the energy or the time to publish something, but I managed to write this short chapter :D
It won't be that good so I'll probably re-write it one day, anyway I really hope you'll enjoy it!


Fortunately Dave didn't show up, maybe the fact that (Y/N) gave him the cold shoulder the day before made him understand that they didn't want anything to do with him.

Unbeknownst to them, Dave broke into their home the night before; he sat on the end of the bed and examined their face as they were tossing and turning due to the nightmares, they were sweating and babbling no sense.

«You look stunning like this, my little mouse», he whispered trying not to wake them.

He so wanted to kiss their lips before going back to the mall site to start his turn as a night guard, but it would have been too dangerous, (Y/N) could have woken up; he was rushing to get out of their apartment when he noticed a bottle of pills on the desk in their bedroom, he picked it up and read the label confused. He quickly sneaked into the bathroom and found more of them, he put everything back in its place and smiled as he left the apartment, a sick plan already forming in his mind.

"Soon you'll be mine once again", he thought, inside him the desire burning harder than ever.

It was a slow day at the shop, so (Y/N) decided to close half an hour before usual. They decided to grab a coffee on their small walk before going back home; they had to stay active in some way or another, in fact they took up some little hobbies to occupy their mind on their free days and when they decide to close early.

The smallest social interaction made (Y/N) feel anxious, so they would stand out of the bar for like 5 minutes to give themselves a pep talk before actually going in.

«Good evening», (Y/N) greeted the cashier.

It was a gorgeous Afro-American girl with straightened dark hair and lovely dark eyes. Serenity was written on her name tag pinned on her chest, (Y/N) blushed a bit while staring at her tag due to the fact that she had big breasts that were emphasized by her skin-tight uniform; they felt like a pervert.

«Mx? Are you ok?», she asked leaning forward a bit.

(Y/N) blushed even more trying to hide their face in their coat nodding furiously.

«I would like a coffee, take away, p-please», they fumbled trying to give her the right amount of money and wanting that interaction to be over.

Serenity smiled sweetly at them while handing them their order, (Y/N) quickly thanked her and rushed out of the door. It looked like a scene from a romance book, except for the fact that (Y/N) would never ask her out and that they would probably never go back to that bar after looking like a complete idiot in front of the cashier.

«Fancy seeing you here», (Y/N) almost spit out their coffee.

Turning around slowly, praying that it was all a dream or an hallucination, they saw Dave standing there; he was smiling, that weird smile that made them cringe with fear. (Y/N) took some steps back with wide eyes before turning back around and sprinting away from him, they didn't think about where they were going, it seemed like their legs just automatically brought them home, it was probably muscle memory.

Dave just stood there as they run off, a sudden rage exploded inside him; how dare they run away from him? His hands were itching to just wrap themselves around (Y/N)'s neck and squeeze the life out of them, he actually was about to run after them but stopped himself before he did.

"Patience, Will, not long to go", taking a deep breath he chuckled to himself, covering his face with his hands, "Just a bit more".

He collectedly stood still staring at the spot where, just mere minutes before, (Y/N) was standing, a grin curving his lips while a malicious glint in his eyes. It's not like Dave just concentrated on coming back to Hurricane without being recognized, he thought about (Y/N) every day since he left the town years ago; he missed them, the toxic obsessive kind of love he grew for them never died, on the contrary it grew stronger driving him insane. Even though he already was insane.

Dave went back to his apartment, he needed to get ready for his night shift at the mall site. It was kind of boring since no one ever tried to break in or something like that, but it gave him time to enjoy the atmosphere and memories that Freddy's brought back whenever he visited it; he needed to be there, it was his one and only home. That's where he wanted to say, forever with his beloved and if (Y/N) refused, it wouldn't be a problem, he would just kill them and stuff them inside a special suit he made specifically for them.

He hoped he wouldn't have to kill his luscious and beautiful little mouse.

He almost jumped in excitement thinking about the moment he would have them completely at his mercy, he could just imagine all the things they would do together while living at Freddy's with the souls of the kids he killed. He knew what he was doing back then, he knew that the raging and vengeful souls of those children attached themselves to the suits they were stuffed in but they completely forgot what happened or who did those terrible things to them.

They were dead after all, they had been for years now.

Dave checked himself in the mirror before going out and to the mall site. Unlike other people, he felt comfortable in that creepy abandoned place; the wind making the plastic covers move slightly before going back to their original place, the echo of his footsteps bouncing off the walls as he confidentially walked around with his turned off flashlight in hand.

He didn't really need to use the flashlight, he could have wandered the whole place with his eyes closed if he wanted to. He liked wandering in the dark, he felt in charge since nobody else except him could walk around so confidentially in total darkness, especially in a place like that.

Dave kept thinking about (Y/N) and the way their cute face changed into a fearful expression at the sight of him.

It made him shiver with ecstasy as his eyes closed.

He just couldn't wait.

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