CHAPTER 7: Run away

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I'm back!
I wanted to let you know that I will public an author's note after this chapter because I have some thoughts about this book that I would like to share with you (aka those few people who read this book) and explain some things.
Anyway I hope you'll like this new chapter!
See ya


William was wandering inside the pizzeria, he heard the teenagers screaming while trying to escape the animatronics, he smirked delighted by their fear. After all, Charlie and her friends were the ones who wanted to go back and see the pizzeria once more, now they're just paying the price of their curiosity. He decided to let them be, he had a suit to put on and some teenagers to kidnap.

"What a wonderful, no, spectacular plan", William praised himself as he kept walking around hoping the night would go by fast so he could see his angel once again.
(Y/N)(L/N) was clueless.
They had to get out but nothing seemed to be useful to them; even the idea of cutting or biting off their foot seemed stupid since, if they didn't have a foot, they wouldn't be able to run or just move quickly in general. In William's bedroom there wasn't anything that could help cut the chain or force the lock of the handcuffs.
They had bobby pins but they had no clue how to force a lock with that.
"Think (Y/N), think", their brain felt like it was going to explode when a little light seemed to shine in the back of their head.
It was a little memory about a crime book they read when they were younger; they tried to remember how the killer was able to take of the handcuffs without his the bobby pin method.
"C'mon, just try to remember", (Y/N) started to sweat as they desperately tried to grasp the memory.
A shim.
«Yes! A shim that's what I need!», they started to look around for a flat piece of metal, the metal clip on a pen would work as well.
Obviously, the only place where they could find a pen was on the desk which was too far for them to reach, the chain of the handcuffs wasn't long enough to get out of bed so it was impossible to get that far. (Y/N) then decided to wait for William; he made clear that he would only let them out of the handcuffs to go to the bathroom, which by the way was just a toilet, a sink and a shower, no objects that could be used to harm or escape, it looked like the bathroom of a mental hospital. The bedroom wasn't much better; it was clean but so empty, the only furniture was the bed, a nightstand and a desk with a chair; the curtains of the window were heavy so they could block out the sun and block curious eyes from peaking in.
They didn't know what hour of the night it was but, since William went out, it must had been past midnight already; hoping that he hadn't made a move against Charlie and her friends, (Y/N)'s brain still racing with thoughts of all the way William could kill off the teens and get away with it.
Hours passed before the clinking sound of keys came from outside the bedroom, heavy footsteps followed before the door handle moved; William let himself in without even knocking, a sinister smile on his face as he admired (Y/N), their pale skin and dark circles made his heart race.
«You look stunning, my love», he embraced them, their skin feeling cold against his.
His compliment met by a long silence.
(Y/N) knew that not responding to whatever he said would just make him angry, but their mind was too chaotic to form a proper sentence to tell him to fuck off and die in a hole.
«Love, answer me», he started to cling to them tighter, like he wanted to break their bones.
A little murmur came out of their lips as they felt their lungs starting to get less air.
«Hello William», it came out strangled due to the lack of oxygen.
William wasn't enthusiastic with their respond but at least they talked to him. He let them go, keeping his grip tight on their shoulders.
«Did you sleep well?», the tone of fake concern made (Y/N) gag.
«Good», they whispered back feeling too drained to talk.
It was normal for (Y/N) to feel like that even though they slept a lot, sleeping wasn't going to fill their stomach. (Y/N) already started skipping meals or just eating small amounts of food since everything that happened ten years ago, which caused them to lose a lot of weight in an unhealthy way. Having absolutely no food for hours was just too much for their body that went into survival mode and tried to save as much energy as possible, while still burning their fat stores to keep their brain functioning.
«Awww, sweetheart, you must be hungry, I can hear your stomach begging for food», he wasn't wrong, the guttural sounds (Y/N)'s stomach made were loud and clear.
«Don't worry, I'm going to get you something to eat», he kissed their forehead, «Just be a good one, stay still and wait for daddy to get you something to eat».
It didn't take long for William to get out of the house and go to the nearest fast food. (Y/N) didn't even notice he went out.
«There you go, eat up my dearest», he laid out some food on the bed so they could eat.
(Y/N) thought it was a miracle, finally some food after hours of hunger. Their mouth started to water as soon as the smell of the food hit their nose, without hesitation they grabbed one of the cheeseburgers and took a huge bite out of it; they felt like an animal in a cage as William stared at them eat and smiling.
«How could I let my little mouse get hungry? I'm sorry», his tone was starting to get to their nerves but they were too weak to hit him or fight him.
Trying to ignore his staring, (Y/N) kept eating until every last bite of food or sip of drink was gone.
«Feeling better?», he chuckled.
They simply nodded feeling themselves starting to drift off to sleep again, their stomach too full and finally happy to have something to digest. (Y/N) didn't remember if William talked to them as they let sleep take over.

The next morning, (Y/N) woke up to the feeling of something stroking up and down their arm. Their stomach growling, feeling irritated by the fact it had to digest such a big meal after years of eating small portions of food throughout the day.
«Good morning, sweetheart», hearing William's voice made them want to throw up.
Not wanting to turn around they let a quick response slip past their lips, cringing as they felt his arms surround them in a tight hug. William buried his face in their hair and took in a deep breath through his nose, feeling intoxicated by their scent he started grinding himself against their body. (Y/N) felt like they were going to cry from disgust.
«I fucking missed you, I tried finding someone else but they just weren't like you», he started breathing heavily against their ear.
(Y/N) couldn't hold it together no more; they ripped one of his arms off of them and sank their teeth in William's flesh making him curse loudly pushing (Y/N) off the bed. As they fell to the ground, they reached the lamp on top of the desk by stretching their chained leg as much as possible and hitting William in the head with it; the light on the lamp broke making shards of glass fly everywhere.
«You little ungrateful whore», he was furious to say the least.
Thankfully he was still too stunned to move around properly giving (Y/N) enough time to take a metallic part of the lamp and use it as a shim, inserting it between the teeth and the locking mechanism, after that they tighten the cuff one notch while pushing the shim forwards. Then, they opened the handcuffs successfully freeing themselves.
«In your face, dickhead», they yelled running out.
The food that William provided for them the night before gave them enough energy to sprint to the safest place they knew, Carlton's house; his father was a dear friend of them, especially after the events that took place ten years ago. It was a long run but the fear, the adrenaline and the instinct of survival made them forget about the aching in their legs, (Y/N) knew exactly what they were going to do: go to Carlton's house, talk with his father, make him arrest William and live happily.
(Y/N) kept looking left and right scared to death to possibly see William pop out from somewhere and get his hands on them, again.
"Almost there, come on legs, just a little bit more", the outline of Carlton's house clearly visible.
Charlie and her friends were all sitting in the living room, trying to explain to Carlton's father what happened to his only son. The man obviously denied every silly little thing they said to him, reassuring them that Carlton was only pulling one of his dumb pranks on them.
They were about to go to bed when suddenly a loud knock at the door made them jump.
«Who is there?», Clay pushed past the teens.
«Clay? Clay, it's me! (Y/N)(L/N)!», (Y/N) hurriedly said from outside the door.
The chief police hurriedly unlocked the door, catching them in time before they slammed their face on the hard floor. The long run took a tool on their legs and their body in general; their hearts was beating so fast (Y/N) could hear its pump in their ears.
That night, (Y/N) slept in the same room as Clay and his wife, just in case, but they were scared to their bones to fall asleep, afraid of waking up inside that dirty empty bedroom. It took them a bit to fall asleep, their body relaxing after the rush of adrenaline they felt while running away.

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