chapter 5

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             ✨ Maddie's POV ✨

         I've been having these wierd gut feelings here lately and I can't seem to shake it off. It's just everything has been way to fucking good. No drama or bullshit like that. The fuckening is bound to happen I know it.

( Fuckening means things are going too good, and the feeling it gonna be fucked up in some way.)

         Brian and Dom have been at each other's neck here recently. For some reason I think this is the fuckening that I've been feeling.

          Dom walks in with the flames of hell following " tell your cousin to stay away from my sister." My face twists " Dom, why would I do that? Brian wasn't telling you to stay away from me." He huffs           " She's my sister , and your his cousin. It's fucking different." I just shake my head " Dom , do you think us trying to keep them apart will change anything. They will just try harder to be together. The heart wants what it wants. There's nothing you can do to change that , Dom." I fold my arms and toss my chin up " I don't trust any one with my sister, do you understand. I'm responsible for keeping her safe." I scoff " Dom, she's also a grown woman who can decide who and what she wants to do. She'll resent you more if you fight against her. Brian is a good man , Dom. I don't say that about many people." I can still see his blood boiling, about to explode. " Brian is not dating my sister end of story and your gonna tell him."

Dom is trying to order me around like everyone else. No sir, I don't think so.
         " If you don't want them to be together go talk to you sister then. See if she agrees with you! You will not order me around like a dog , Dominic. "
          Now I'm getting upset and upset very fast. I throw my hands up and march to my room. " Fuck you , Dom. You love hating asshole!" I yell from upstairs. " Fuck you too, Maddie!" He yells back.

          He better not come up here with that bullshit. I hear him coming up the stairs and they still sound mad. Dom steps in my room and I can tell he still wants to go round and round. " Can you at least talk to him a little bit, baby?" I scoff and face him " are you serious? You would rather your sister resent you, than her be happy with someone she wants to be with! I mean listen to what you asking me to do. Go against my heart and mind, and make two people I care about dearly unhappy, and resentful of me." I grab Dom's shoulders " if it's meant to be, it'll be , and if it's not, then it won't. Give them a chance." I shake his shoulders like a child trying to get attention.

    I can tell my words are sinking in" if he hurts her, one fucking tear, I'll beat his ass." Dom huffs in defeat, throwing his head back. " Come on , it's not that bad , she could be dating the worst of the worst, but she's got the best of the best , baby. Just give it some time to grow on you." I give him a sweet kiss on the cheek.

         He looks me in my eyes and time around me stops and it just us. I hope that this feeling stays just like this. It's all I really want and need. He leans down and captures my lips. Electricity is flowing through out my whole body. I've only felt like this with one other person, and he's like lord Voldemort, he who shall not be named.

I like the way Dom makes me feel, but I still have doubt that this relationship is too good to be true and I hate that that feeling won't go away.

Sorry about the late updates. Enjoy another chapter of stuck in the middle. More excitement on the way. Enjoy!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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