Chapter 1

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I had never really been one to socialize. I had always just kept to myself since moving here and to be honest back at home as well. Instead of the usual teenage highschool parties, I'd sit with my head in a book. School had never really been a problem. A's and A stars were easy to get but computers had always been easier for me to understand than people. This was until my first day taking part in an internship trial at google. Most of the work explained was easy to get my head around but then came the hard part getting into teams.

While sitting by myself a tall smartly dressed boy walked towards me, coughing when he arrived. In response I removed one of my earphones to listen to what he had to say but didn't bother to look at him. "Look y/n I would have you on my team it's just we're already full" the tan skinned boy told me before spinning around and sauntering away. My eyes rolled in the back of my head as I put my earphones back in returning to the laptop resting on my propped legs. Left in my own little world I hadn't noticed the room beginning to clear out. There weren't many of us left in the room but those who were, were the obvious leftovers. By definition that basically meant you weren't pretty enough, smart enough and your company was unwanted.

~~~Stuart's pov~~~

Teams great, Stuart thought to himself, ignoring most of the requests and qualifications being thrown his way. Not wanting to socialize anymore he decided to place himself out of people's view and keep to the only thing he could trust. His phone. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed an obnoxiously loud boy clicking and yelling to grab people's attention before he walked over to a random girl who was taking enough interest in the whole team's thing as he was himself. Stuart couldn't exactly tell what conversation was exchanged between the two but he smiled to himself when the girl's only reaction to the stuck up looking boy was a roll of her strikingly y/e/c eyes.

~~~back to y/n's pov~~~

A loud noise floated in my direction as I was pointed out for not being in a group. I gave the source a quick glance before returning to my work. "Hey come on sweetheart, you're with us" an overly energetic boy who couldn't be more than twenty three yelled, shutting the lid of my laptop. Luckily I removed my fingers in time before they could be decapitated. The 'leftovers' were jumbled up behind the curly haired boy standing in front of me. My head rose up catching the eyes of a beanie wearing boy standing in the back before reaching their target. With one swift movement my hand shot out grabbing him by his jumper, pulling him towards me. "Don't you ever touch my stuff or call me sweetheart ever again, Got it?" with a quick nod in reply I released my grip, grabbed my belongings and walked out towards the so called meeting room. "You losers coming or what".

Stuart watched after the girl he'd noticed earlier in awe, not missing the British accent hanging off of her words and surprised by the urge he felt to talk to her but soon snapped out of it, returning his eyes to his phone and following the y/h/c out.

"Okay! Let's get some meet and greet going up in this heezy!"

"I'm Lyle and it's pretty much wysiwyg-what you see is what you get." The newly named male kept rambling on even though half of us weren't paying attention. "Been here at the Goog for four years. Working on seven projies en este momento." he continued, trying to impress us. Surprisingly words of congratulations rose up from the group you were awkwardly placed in. But from my view of the sofa it was obvious the comments came from the old man I had just forced off the couch so I could sit, and his friend. From the corner of my eye I noticed the same boy with glasses glancing at me from earlier. Sending him a quick 'what?' look, he stopped and turned back fully to his small device before we both zoned back into the conversation. "Especially the ladies, my Mercedes, '' Lyle said, looking between me and the only other girl in the room who did not look impressed. "It's all good in Lyle's hood."

"Is Lyle always going to be referring to himself in the third person? Because if he is I might want to punch Lyle in the face" a new voice rose through the room. I turned to where it came from smirking at the boy in the beanie slightly before quickly turning away again. The obviously judgemental comment didn't seem to waver the boy's energy which I actually kind of admired, not that I'd ever admit that. "Lyle's still a little nervous, L-lyle's a first-time manager. I'm gonna stop doing it, I'll stop that."

"Who's next?'' he finally said without stammering. The boy sitting on a chair next to my spot on the sofa, stood to introduce himself. "My name is Yo-Yo Santos." one of the older men raised his hand towards the boy offering a high five but doing so only made the boy flinch, catching my attention. "Whoa! Yo-Yo, easy buddy, I come in peace!" the darker haired man said before the blonde continued for him. "Did you get beat up a lot in school?"

"Idiot" I scoffed under my breath before Yo-Yo answered, " I was homeschooled by my mum." I bit my lip hoping the men would catch on and leave it be. "Did you get beat up a lot at homeschool?" the brunette asked again to my disappointment. "Bigger idiot." I scoffed again, earning a look from the beanie wearing boy sat next to me. "Discipline is an important part of growth but my mother was a very nurturing person. For example she provided me selflessly with the milk of her bosom until I was seven years old." A silent look was exchanged around the room before we all focused back on the two talking. "Breastfeeding leads to a higher IQ," the Santos boy informed him. 

"Okay," he said, finally giving up on asking more. But his friend was not. "Actually the science isn't definitive on that. I was bottle-fed. It never slowed me down. Vitamins are vitamins whether they come from a teat or a baba." the blonde said, making me shake my head. "Ouch, bad choice of words and wrong information" i spoke up wanting to end this conversation already. "It's not wrong" he argued back, a look of disbelief formed on my face. "Yeah it is" the black haired boy defended me, not removing his eyes from his phone.

"Sorry, what was that?" the blonde man asked as we all turned our attention to the boy next to me. "It's wrong, the teat or baba thing, it's wrong, I just googled it. So you're wrong" the boy defended before beginning to introduce himself. "Oh yeah i'm Stuart" Everyone kept talking about this debate again so i decided it would be more interesting listening to music, putting my earbuds in i could finally drain out the world around me again. As the song faded out my attention was drawn back to the rabble of people. "Whoa! Guys, where's all this hostility coming from?"

"What do you think, you big tree?" Stuart answered the older brunette. "Two-sixths of our team are two old guys who don't know shit." I added in. "Okay firecracker calm down." that wasn't gonna make me calm down, that was only gonna make it worse. "You wanna say that to me again, brillo head?" I asked leaning forward to look more intimidating, which worked. "Okay I for one am very happy to have two strapping, mature gentlemen on the team." the only other girl in the room said. Kiss ass i thought, sitting back on the couch. 

The girl introduced herself as Neha Patel, and told us about some weird costume thing she's into which for me was a little too much information. "Well I'm loving this friction, that's how you get a fire started." The blonde man started again after getting dismissed by Neha. "I'm Nick and this is my pal, Billy, and despite what you think, we're here like the rest of you, just running down a dream." I scoffed, not even bothering to hide it this time. "Oh please, you two are nothing like us okay, for one, you're twice our age and you're clearly not qualified"

"I clearly guessed right, calling you a firecracker didn't i" an anger filled smirk appeared on my face as I bit on my cheek to stop from snapping. "Must be the British in you, short temper" the blonde told billy. A hand gripped around my wrist and I went to stand up. I looked back and locked eyes with the boy sitting by me.

"Okay guys before this turns into a full blown argumento lets just remember we are a team and our translate lecture is in fifteen, so maybe we just put a pin in it for a few" lyle timidly said, obviously not wanting to get into the middle of it. "Fine whatever" I said, pulling my arm from Stuart's grip and walking to the door, my stuff now away in the black bag slung over my shoulder. "You're not even going to give us a name, your highness?" Nick trailed after me. "Nope!" I yelled back, leaving the so called group meeting.

Hey guys just wanted to say hi and thank you for choosing to read this, it's probably only going to be a short one as it;s the first fanfic I've written and actually decided to publish. So yeah that's about it really, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and I'll try and publish another chapter during the week for you. Okay so byeee. <3

FirecrackerStuart Twombly X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now