Chapter 2

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"Good morning interns, today marks the first of several challenges through which your team shows its merits. While dogfooding a new product, googlers reported a bug that disabled their audio. All two million lines of code are in the source files. Your job? Find the bug." Those were the instructions we were given and it didn't take long for everyone to begin working, well mostly everyone.

While we were all working on the boards provided for us, the older two began rambling about something or another. I finished my calculation ahead of most people and decided to just go sit down with my headphones in until the others finished thiers. "Okay this is just getting ridiculous" I said, annoyed that their arguing was coming through my music. "You two wankers are just rambling, you have no idea what you are on about so shut up, the rest of you, i've already scanned the user logs and now we just need to review the code until we find the mistake, it is not that hard."

"Look firecracker, I'm pretty sure we know what we're doing okay, the fact that there is a program to check means somebody programmed it, we just need to find out who that is, take them out for a drink, get chummy with them and start talking to them about audio bugs." Billy started, at least I think that's what he said. I zoned out again when he started talking so much. "Yeah I actually think it's a great idea" Stuart said out of nowhere, earning some strange looks from the rest of the group.



"Dark and stormy feeling us!"

"Yeah, no. Feeling you big time, buddy, you know what in fact..." Stuart started cutting the men's exclamations out. "Why don't the two of you guys, right now, go and find the programmer and firecracker, me and the rest of the group can work on some of the coding, for after you get the info?" the smile creeping on my face from when i realised what the beanie boy was going on about began to disappear. "Okay great idea guys but seriously can we drop the firecracker thing already?" I asked slightly annoyed. "Are you going to tell us your name?" the dark haired boy turned and asked me. "No"

"Then no," all three men said in unison. I rolled my eyes and turned back around in my spinning chair, "I hate you guys."

"I'll get you to like me eventually, love" Stuart spoke confidently. I just sighed in response and put my headphones back in, letting the others deal with the bozos we'd been stuck with. After a while we were left to work, everyone on different jobs making sure to get as much work done as possible before the idiots came back. "Almost finished, you're either done or not done, you can't be almost pregnant" Neha said in response to yo-yo's work.

"Yep she would know guys" Stuart smartass-idly added. "You know what, why don't you google asshole, asshole" everyone around the room began to stress and eventually it led to yo-yo plucking at his eyebrow. "What the hell was that?" Neha asked. "For god sakes guys you're stressing him out just drop it and carry on with your own job." I pushed in, fed up with this group already.

"I was punishing myself for my inferior performance." yo-yo said, pulling again at his face. "Wow. Good. great. That one's crazy. Somewhere there's a geek orgy you're late for and that one won't even tell us her name." Stuart spoke again, this arguing carried on for most of the challenge and at some point I started feeling a tiny bit bad for lyle, as he watched his team fall apart.


Lunch luckily came around quickly, I needed a break from all of them. As they all carried their trays to a table I found myself on a bench, headphones in, alone again just how I liked it.

After sending the two older men away Stuart looked up from his phone and noticed that the y/h/c girl missing was nowhere near them instead she sat on a bench by herself with her usual headphones in, ignoring the rest of the world around her. He considered going over there but decided against it knowing it would only end up in an argument and her probably leaving.

FirecrackerStuart Twombly X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now