Chapter 3

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"y/ played well out there today" a tall figure spoke to me and I rolled my eyes at the recognisable voice. "Thanks, I can't say the same for you, I saw what you did out there." I accused the brunette as I pulled out of his grasp. He chuckled to himself before he replied. "I only did what was needed to win and I will keep doing that until this internship is mine." i tried to turn and walk away but the bulared had moved round in front of me to block my path again. "And right now y/n...what i need to you" i finally brought my eyes to his devious ones to reply. "Come again"

"You have to admit y/n...your talents are wasted in that joke of a team you're stuck in right now, so come and join mine I'll make you a winner" I looked down at the hand he had extended for me to take and scoffed. "You're a cheater Graham, I may not be on the winning team yet but at least I'm with some actually decent people who are playing for the right reasons." I moved around him and walked over to the exit my team had taken. "You will regret this y/n, your pathetic team can't beat me... you'll see." I rolled my eyes and carried on walking until I bumped into another figure who had come back to find me. "All okay over there?" Stuart asked with actual concern tangled in his words. "Yep all good, just spotted this on my way out, thought you might want it." I answered by handing over the slightly muddy beanie in my hand. "Thank you," a smile appeared on his face and he walked after me, jogging to get to my side.

It wasn't long before the next challenge was given to us, we had to create an app which you think would be quite simple with the collective IQ of the room but it didn't help when there were no ideas flowing. "Okay come on you guys let's brainstorm this puppy" Billy said after an awkward conversation between Nick and the tall brunette stood opposite me, luckily for me it gave me another nickname to add to Stuart's pile. "Well start by checking the categories of the most popular apps so far." I began, earning a few nods from my teammates, "yes and we can bin it. Categorize needle-movers by user" Neha added to my point, walking with me towards the giant whiteboard. "All right guys now i don't want to kill the momentum we have going but, how about an app for photo takers, you know? People take photos but then what do you do with them, they are just sitting there. How about an app that allows you to instantaneously share your photos on the line to friends and family."

You know someone is old when they call it putting something on the line.

"That's instagram, it already exists. It's a billion dollar company" Stewie told him

Even though both men had been told this, they continued to argue their point. "This is a million dollar idea here," Nick finished still not understanding that the 'idea' already existed. "Billion" Stuart interjected and I snickered at his comment. "Even better! Let him flow."

"Nick i appreciate the positivity" Billy began, smiling appreciatively towards his best friend, before turning to look at a slightly fed up Stuart instead. "You can't bring me down, I'm too positive. Come here let me share something with you." the older man gestured towards the smaller brunette but he wouldn't budge. "Go on Stewie, he wants to share something with ya" I teased, kicking the back of his chair, while sending him a wink. The older boy rose from his seat and turned around to look at me, his hand repeating the same awkward brush of his neck that I had noticed so many times before. "Yep come, it's a visual, now take a photo, pretend you are taking a photo." Billy instructed, pulling Twombly to his side. Stuart does so as I stifle a laugh at his reluctance in this situation. "So you take that photo and put it on the line"

"Online" a bunch of us murmur as he continues. "Put it on twitter, whatever you want, that is instagram"

"Yes, that is instagram." I add, rolling my eyes at the older man's lack of knowledge. He begins to explain it again but ends up just describing and renaming instagram. "And it would be called exchangeagram."

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