Lovable idiot

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Did I forget to mention to grab a snack maybe a drink? If you do can you bring me a water story telling gets my throat dry))

Amity pov




A strange tapping sound on my window woke me up.

Tired and aching I stood up and walked over to the window and opened it looking out.

Luz stood on ground level with a handful of pebbles "morning sunshine!" Luz smiled brightly.

Oh her smile is brighter than any candle or spell I love it.

"Morning Luz.. what're you doing here so early?" I asked.

"Oh y'know me babe gotta be on time and what's the best way to be on time than going early" luz replied with a happy smile "I mean sure that's right but on time for what?" I questioned her cause we never made any plans for today..

"I don't know.. can't I spend time with my girlfriend?" Luz tilted her head slightly easing one eyebrow.

"Well you coulda said that sooner I'll be down in a sec" I stated.

"Take your time I'll be here" luz waved as I closed the window.

I went over to my closet, quickly grabbing fresh clothes.

I got a towel from a drawer and went to my door opening it.

Emira and Edric stood at my door with a grin

"Hey mittens" the two said at the same time.

"Hey guys" i replied trying to get past

"Whatcha doing" Emira asked "yea whatcha dooooing" Edric copied.

"About to take a shower can I go now I got a date with Luz" feeling a bit angered that the twins blocked my way "oh you can go we didn't know our little sister got a date" both Edric and Emira said in perfect synchronization.

"So can I go then?" I asked

The twins giggled mischievously "oh we'll let you go alright" Emira said "just this once sis" Edric added as the two took a step aside letting me pass.

Those two are up to something.. and that something isn't good.. they never act like this until they did something..

I made my way to the bathroom to take a shower.

5 minutes later cause you perverts want me to go into detail well it's not gonna happen!

I dried off and put on a plain white shirt and some jeans with a black jacket over my shirt.

I did my hair brushing it softly getting it nice and straight.

Finishing up I left the bathroom, the cold air of the house sent shivers down my spine.

The giggles of the twins echoed throughout the halls.

Luz pov

I sat on a rock looking down at my phone "it's been 15 minutes where the hell is she?" I asked myself

"Should've been out by now.. is she okay? Maybe I should go in-"

"No no Luz you know what would happen if her parents catch you it'll be a one way trip to a guillotine or a.. noose.."

My worries growing more and more each second that passed.

Fake screams came from the house I knew my head was playing tricks with me it isn't the time not now!

"Go in"

"Go in"

"She's waiting for you noceda"

"Don't disappoint her maybe she'll break up with you"

A cold chill went down my back as whispers talked to me.

"Oh fuck it!" I said to myself as I got off the rock and ran to the door.

Third person pov.

Edric and Amira's giggles soon turned into laughs as they whispered in Luz's ear.

Knowing damn well what would happen if amity knew they still did it, it was their plan after all..

They made the house cold with spells.

Amity pov

I walked down the hall hearing Edric and Emira's laughs echo throughout the halls and my mind.

"Amity where is your brother and sister!" Mother said her hands clenched into a fist.

I could feel her blood is boiling from where I stood.

"N-no mother I-"

"They aren't getting away with this"

Odalia walked up the stairs her hair messed up she wasn't even dressed properly still in a night gown her face had markings if someone drew on her face.

"Why're you dressed so nicely" Odalia asked "just going out with boscha and Skara probably go eat I dunno" I said getting closer to the stairs.

The front door came into view under Odalia's legs (oh my god she's probably thick as fuck.. I mean what?)

The door opened and Luz popped her head in and looked around then up stairs at me.

She seen Odalia and her face flushed with fear.

"Honestly smith I don't know how you can deal with them this long"

I looked down at luz and mouthed out 'get out!'

Luz nodded and left closing the door gently.

"I wish I had better kid" Odalia said with anger.

"Y-yea.. well uh I'll be going now the girls are probably waiting for me don't want to keep them waiting" I nervously said maneuvering around Odalia.

"Oh amity one more thing" Odalia said as I got down half way of the stairs

"Y-yes mother?" I said turning around slowly "I hear more about the human girl and how she lives with that criminal Eda.. I don't want her around you at all.. and if I ever see them snooping around her again they'll be killed"


"You don't want to keep your friend waiting do you? Go" Odalia said "y-yes mother" I said walking fast down the stairs and out the door.

Leaving the house I looked up to see luz on a rock her head perked up happily "babe!" She smiled happily "s-shh" I put a finger to my mouth shushing Luz.

Luz gave me a confused look one eye brow raise and her head tilted "I'll explain later" I said grabbing her arm scurrying away quickly.

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