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Luz shot up off me looking into the forest trying to locate the snapping sound.

"What was that?" Luz whispered as I got up. "No clue how're we dealing with this?" I asked "no clue."

The purple gem in my necklace lit up bright purple.

"Luz get out of here" I demanded "what and leave you? No way" Luz put out her fists ready to fight.

"Luz you don't understand you got to get out of here now!" I hardly whispered "not without you by my side" Luz said to stubborn to leave me.

She really is the right one for me though.. she isn't gonna back down..

"Luz you don't understand you have to get out of here if you don't value your life so I suggest get the fuck ou-"

"Oh amity?" My mother cut me off from my scold.

She's here.. how why now how did she ever find me!?

"Luz now or never get out or hide that's an order!" I demanded luz grabbed a glyph out her pocket and took a deep breath and went invisible.

"Amity where are you! I know you're here"

"Y-yes mother" I called out to her as she came out of the forest.

"What're you doing out here? Where is your.." Odalia looked in the direction luz went invisible at "where is your friend at?" She said

"Uh Skara and boscha? H-heh t-they w-went home" I stuttered nervously

"You have no idea what you have done it is a shame you even uphold the blight name.. pitiful really.. maybe I will spare that human"

Odalia raised her arm out and opened her hand "come human i know you are there.." a staff flew into the open hand of Odalia.

"I'll strike a deal with you human show yourself and I'll spare you.. only on one condition."


A twig snapped and Odalia shot around faster than anything firing a fireball.

The ball hit luz exploding into flames knocking her back.

Luz's screamed echoed.

"LUZ!" I screamed as I ran pass the monster I call mother.

I ran to luz and fell to my knees tears falling from my cheeks.

The fireball hit Luz's abdomen.

The flames burned the bottom of her shirt leaving it charred.

The skin on her abdomen looked badly scorched.

Her chest slowly rose up and slowly shrunk.

Luz coughed looking at me

"How's my hair?" She said with a giggle.

"I know not the time just trying to lighten the mood.."

Luz coughed a bit more "hey don't cry babe.. it'll be.. fine.. this is what you get for gambling your life with someone as powerful as your family.."

"Best bet I ever lost ay?" Luz smiled but quickly dropped.

"Cmon amity don't be like that say something anymore please.. for me?" Luz asked

"I'm so sorry.." I cried, my tears fell on Luz's burned body.

"Sorry for what? It's what happens when I don't listen to your warnings"

"Tell Willow gus they were my best friends and.. tell yourself this isn't on you."

"I always did like the saying till death do us part.. never knew it'd be so early" luz chuckled "sorry I'll stop"

"I lov-" Luz started to cough badly.

"Love you.." Luz finally said.

I leaned down and kissed her lips gently.

"I love you too" i replied Barely even able to get my words out of my mouth.

"See you soon"

Luz closed her eyes.

Odalia walked over "pathetic human scum"

I looked up at my mother tears falling down my cheeks

"Mother please can you bring her back I know you can I'll make a deal with you bring her back take her home and I'll never see or talk to her ever again that's a promise!" I pleaded.

I broke down crying at my mothers feet "pathetic.. but this seems interesting..Then it's a deal" my mother held her hand out a purple ring around her wrist appeared.

I took her hand and shook it the purple wrong lit up brightly "the deal has been made.. you can't turn back now" I let of her hand. "Get home I'll deal with this" Odalia said making a circle around Luz's body.

I turned around and ran away not wanting to look back.

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