Beauty of love

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Me and Luz got to a small cliff side that looked out onto the boiling ocean it was our favorite spot to be to get away from everything and everyone it was our secret hang out spot.

"So are you gonna tell me what happened back there?" Luz asked.

I sat down crossing my legs "my mother told me something.."

"Odalia? What'd she say?" She said sitting next to me crossing her legs too.

"I think she might suspect us.. she suspects you.. she told me if she ever catches you around our home you'll be killed.. she doesn't want me around you" I told looking out at the water not wanting to make eye contact.

"Oh amity.. you know that won't happen killing me? Hah she better catch me first" Luz gloated trying to lighten the mood "you also know that I won't stop being around you.. I love you to much to.. ever miss a second without you" she smiled softly "I know.. but it is.. worrying" I sighed "hey, hey there is no need to worry as long as I am still breathing (foreshadowing?) you got nothing and I mean nothing to worry about".

I look over at Luz and smiled "you're right" I looked her in her beautiful eyes.

Luz blushed a little biting her lip looking down.

Luz looked back up at me and lunged at me her arms wrapping around my body our lips connected and locked with each other.

The weight of her and the force of her lunge knocked us down to the ground with her on top of me.

Our eyes closed enjoying her soft smooth lips on mine (y'know when I had my first kiss I wasn't prepared for it and I wasn't prepared to on what someone else's lips tasted like felt so weird I love it)

Bit short but hell gotta make another part before I go to sleep))

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