Chapter 12: Reaper At The Maze.

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Wes, Emanuel, and Audrey arrived at the front gate of the swamp maze, as they see a bunch of seaweed covering the hedge parts, unlike most mazes. The gatekeeper at the front of the maze noticed the three coming.

The gatekeeper was wearing a black robe, was carrying a spear made of a tree branch, string, and shards of glass, and his face was covered by a black Cthulhu mask, with green eyes. The trio goes over to the guard. "What business do you have here, outsiders?" the guard asked. "Hi, we're looking for a friend of ours," Audrey answered.

"A friend of yours?" the guard asked. "Come through here? That is impossible. The only one's who came into this maze were a detective, and our long lost Dullahan who we sent to get, explaining that he's the chosen one." "That's who we're talking about," Wes answered. "We need to know if we can trust you, and your boss's," Audrey explained. "So far we have demons that are taking over the world, and have turned the entire city of Saint Paul into a ghost town."

"We are aware of the murders, and know that it wasn't your black hooded friend's fault," the guard said. "But we are not wanting any interruptions during the chosen one's ceremony." "What kind of ceremony do you guys plan here?" Emanuel asked. "The one where those who are chosen by our lord Cthulhu, is deemed to be his keeper," the guard answered. "But if we don't go into that maze, the followers could be in danger," Audrey explained. "What kind of danger would you be referring to?" the guard asked.

Just then, portals opened inside the trees behind the trio, revealing the Grave Master, Jeremiah, and a bunch of Imps. "Sh*t," the gatekeeper said. "So this is the maze, the sniper rifle is hidden inside," Kyle explained. "This will be a perfect image, for a new painting portal to create." "Never mind that now, Grave Master," Jeremiah said. "It looks like the reaper, and his new friends have beaten us to the maze." "Long time no see, Gravy," Wes commented. "How's life cleaning up after the Devil, and his crap talking masked sidekick, who can't keep his mouth shut from the swears he makes? Must suck to be people like you."

"This calls for something to distract them," Kyle explained. "See?" Audrey asked the guard. "We have to go in that maze." "Very well," the guard said, and gave the trio entrance to the maze. "Make it quick, though. The ceremony is about to finish. We'll keep the demons from entering the maze. Now go." Wes, Audrey, and Emanuel entered the maze as they started running from the demons. "Let's hope this maze will keep us away from those freaks," Wes commented. "If there's one thing that gets under my skin, is getting lost in a maze." "Don't worry," Audrey explained. "The maze shouldn't be that long. We just have to watch out for dead ends, and find the center of the maze, where we'll see the councilmen, the Vashire, and Detective Trent."


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Reaper's Betrayal 3: The Cthulhu Sniper.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora