Chapter 17: The New Sniper.

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Everyone couldn't believe their eyes, as Detective Trent really did become the person from Audrey's vision, as she predicted it before coming into the center of the maze with Wes, and Emanuel to the ceremony.

"That's impossible," Jeremiah said. "There was a chosen one after all?" "Straight from the egg itself," Trent explained. "I am the Cthulhu Sniper, and no one is going to take that privilege from me at all." "Fright Beast," Kyle explained. "Destroy the stranger with a sniper rifle." The monster got up, just after getting hit with water that weakened him.

Detective Trent turned after noticing a monster getting up. "Oh, want another?" Trent asked, and aimed the rifle at the monster. "Bottoms up." With the shot, Detective Trent aimed at the monster getting up, and it turned into washed up, paint on the ground as it melted. "My creation," Kyle said. "You'll pay for this, you squid with a gun. Imps, attack." All the imps charged at the Cthulhu Sniper, but he used his cloaking powers to keep away from them, and strike.

Wes, and Audrey got up, as the demons were distracted by the invisible force of nature that was the Detective's new alter ego, as the angel opened her bag. "The detective won't be able to hold off those imps by himself," Audrey said. "We'll need to assist him as well." Audrey dug into the bag, and pulled out Wes's soul cards, and restored them to their original size, before giving them back to him. Audrey did the same thing with his scythe, and his firearms as well, then closed the bag she stored all of them in.

"Last time I used these guns, they had no effect on demons," Wes explained. "They do now," Audrey said. "Before heading towards the restaurant you were working at, I reloaded them with different kinds of bullets. You'll find out, once you've shot one of the imps." Wes pointed one of his firearms at one of the imps, and then fired a bullet at it, which caused it to evaporate into light, after it touched it. Wes covered his eyes with his arm, as the light goes on, and then it fades once he uncovered again. "What the hell just happened to that imp?" Wes asked. "A little example," Audrey answered. "These are light bullets."

Audrey pulled out the jar she brought with her, and revealed small bullets with glowing yellow light in them. "I figured, since you tried normal bullets on Rage, I figured that these magic bullets will be able to destroy any demon, the next time you would face them, as of now," Audrey explained. "Babe, by all that is holy, you came through for me," Wes said. "Let's hope I do the same." "You already do, by helping us against these demons," Audrey explained. "Emanuel, help him out." "I'm coming, but I think I got poison ivy from those vines," Emanuel said, as he scratched his arm." Wes went over to the imps, and inserted the 666 card into his phone, becoming powerful again, as he got ready to kill the demons who set him up in the past.


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