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My head is full of everything that happened.
It's 2 am and i've been struggling to sleep for the past 3 hours, but no success. I get up from my bed, i grab a random coat to put over my pajamas, and leave the house. No idea where i'm actually going, i'm just taking a night walk to clear my head.

Somehow i make it into the park. I sit on a bench and stare at the stars. It's so peaceful at night, maybe because it's empty and no one is here to ruin it's peace. Is my brother there too? Among one of those stars in the sky? I've lost my faith in God years ago, i don't really know what i truly believe in, I didn't give it much thought, since my brother died , Siyeon left me and my parents not accepting me, i truly lost faith in everything. But right now, I wonder. Are you in heaven? Is heaven real? Because if it is, you surely belong there. You were.... a ray of sunshine, a pure blessing for everyone,and shit. I miss you more than anything.
" The stars are so beautiful, aren't they? " i hear an unfamiliar voice next to me. I've been so caught up in my thoughts that i didn't even hear someone sitting next to me. I turn around my head and i see a girl, since it's dark i can't exactly see her face clearly, but she's beautiful, if i'm not wrong, she has medium blonde hair.
" Sorry if I scared you, I see that you're quiet. I'm Yoohyeon by the way! " she says smiling at me.
" I'm Jiu. " I say staring at her. She has pretty features, she is pretty indeed.
" Sooo, Jiu. " she says with a teasing tone and then laughs. " What are you doing in the park at almost 3am? "
" I could ask you the same thing, Yoohyeon. "
We both laugh.
And it's an honest laugh. I can't believe i'm laughing with a stranger at almost 3 am in the park.
" Okay, i'll start. " she sighs. " I've been working a lot lately, i'm trying so hard to be, you know, perfect. I think i'm overworking myself and, this job, is overwhelming when you want more. So I thought a walk, would help me relax. A night walk when the streets are empty. And then, I saw you, a random girl sitting on a bench staring at stars. Thought I would join you. "

she's my type of person.

" I visited my mother and it didn't end up well, we actually fought.And now I feel bad about it, I couldn't sleep, I thought a walk would help me... clear my head. "
No one says anything now. We're just staring at each other in the dark, and suddenly it starts to pour.
It's raining.
" Do you like rain? " she asks me looking straight into my eyes.
" I love rain. What about you? "
" I do too. Wanna sit in the rain,Jiu? " and then, that smile appears again. Smiling suits her.
I smile back. " We can stare at the stars together, having the rain as our companion. "
Silence again. But it's not one of those awkward silence. I actually feel comfortable. No one says anything, we both are staring at the sky while rain is pouring on us.

I have no idea how much time it passed, because i forgot my phone home.
And Yoohyeon... has her head resting on my shoulder. It was out of nowhere, she did it as if we've knew each other already. But it feels, good. I don't remember the last time someone had their head on my shoulder, or actually any affectionate contact.
It rains less now, as it is about to stop. " Yoohyeon?" I ask. But there was no answer. Did she just fall asleep? What am I gonna do now? I don't wanna wake her up since she sleeps so peacefully, so close to me. I don't have my phone either, I can't call an Uber, I guess all I have to do is wait for her to wake up. Luckily, or unfortunately, her phone starts ringing. She wakes up and looks at me confused. She gets her phone out but doesn't answer the call. Who's even calling at this hour? In the middle of the night?
" I'm sorry- "  she says embarrassed, not facing me.
" Don't worry. "

We both get up and leave,on different directions. But I can't help and stop from walking, looking back at her. She did the same.
We are staring at each other from afar, none of us dares to destroy this moment and leave.

Shit. Her phone rings again. This time, she answers it and stops facing me. She turns back and starts walking.

I hope we'll get to watch the stars together again, Yoohyeon.

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