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Shit. I have to get up for work.
When I came back home it was 5 am. I got like 2 hours of sleep and now i have to get ready to go to the cafe. I opened it 2-3 weeks ago and it's going really well, it has lots of costumers. Mark helped me open it and sometimes he even helps and serves coffee to the costumers since I lack employee's. I'm glad I have Renjun and Haechan that work at my cafe, otherwise I would be dead without them. We sometimes go and drink soju after work and we call Mark to join us. It's really fun being around them.

Arriving there I already see Renjun cleaning around, preparing to open it.
" Haechan called and said he's coming late today.... he was busy last night and didn't wake up." Renjun tells me while he puts the Open sign on the door.
" I'm not even gonna ask. " I say rolling my eyes at him.

After 2 hours since we opened Haechan arrives too and apologizes to me multiple times even if I already told him it's okay.
A blonde guy with freckles enters the cafe. " Hi! I came for the job, I saw the announcement on the door " he says with a bright smile.
" Oh, sure! Come with me in the back for the interview. " I say while showing him the direction.

" You're in. "
" Wait so I got the job?"
" You bet. You can start from now, or tomorrow, however you want Felix."
" Thank you!" he says getting up, he comes up at me and hugs me. He's a good hugger, he must be really excited about this job.
We get out from my office, and as soon as we do we hear yelling.
" I want to speak with the manager.Right now."
" I am the manager. What's the problem?" I ask the frustrated lady. Haechan hides behind my back, this lady was spitting fire at him.
" Your employer switched my order with the blonde young girl. I asked for a simple latte not this, whatever this is is." Turning my head at the blonde one who was completely silent, probably just admiring the show. WAIT. I recognize her.
" Don't worry ma'am , i'll make another latte for you, and it's on the house. "
I finish the latte for the crazy-spitting-fire-woman and i give it to her. Goddamit not even a thank you.
While I make my way to the possible girl from last night I feel a hand grabbing me. It's Haechan apologizing, again. Can this man go a day without doing something?
" It's okay Hyuck. Next time just be more careful." He nods at my words and goes to take another order. Okay now I have to make the courage to go to Yoohyeon's table. Imagine if I go there and it's not even her. That would be so embarrassing i'd probably close my cafe and never show my face again to anyone, not even Mark. Sorry bestie.
I go at her table and simply stare at her. She's looking at the window analyzing the people outside, while savoring the wrong coffee.
Shit. She turns around.
" Who knew we would meet again Jiu? " she asks with a bright smile, and gestures to go sit at her table. We're facing each other, and now i can see her better. The sun brights on her face, and she is, the prettiest girl i've ever seen.
" You know you're drinking the wrong coffee, right? " I ask while lifting my right eyebrow at her coffee. She laughs. I missed that laugh.
" I don't care. I just needed coffee, plus it was fun seeing that woman yelling. "
" Yeah... she kinda overreacted but i'm used to these kind of people. "
" So, this is your coffee shop. Dream Cafe, i like it. Sounds bold, and the coffee is good too. "
Why can't she stop smiling? Why can't I stop smiling at her?
Before I could even say anything else, Renjun calls me from the other side. " Boss! Can you come here a little? " Shit Renjun. I'm gonna kill you.
" Looks like I have to leave.. " I say while getting up from her table, but she grabs my hand, her touch is soft, i don't want her to let go of my hand.
" Give me your phone. " she says not letting go of my hand. I listen to her and get my phone out of my pocket. She grabs it and inserts her number.
" Go now, and don't forget to call me. "
And just like that, she gets up, grabs her coffee, and leaves the cafe.
I can't even move. She gave me her phone number.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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